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Horror Games Appreciation Thread: Not for the faint of heart.
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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 11:46:48

gamingeek said:

Foolz: I want to see your sitcom now!

GG: Touch my crotch.

This is like the VGPress sitcom thread. But with a longer script. Nyaa

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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 13:25:36
gamingeek said:

Foolz: I want to see your sitcom now!

GG: Touch my crotch. 

It's gold, Jerry, gold!


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 22:44:59

Foolz said:
Lol the script was definitely pretty awful at times in Star Wars but it was delivered in such a way that it was part of the charm for me.

Seeing it written down can you remember if it's from the book?

I doublechecked - yeah the basic idea of the scene is there but nothing similar. It's a long discussion - oh heck here

Bryant said, 'I think I'll talk to the Rosen organization myself, while you're on your way.' He

eyed Rick, then, silently. Finally he grunted, gnawed on a fingernail, and eventually decided

on what he wanted to say. 'I'm going to discuss with them the possibility of including several

humans, as well as their new androids. But you won't know. It'll be my decision, in

conjunction with the manufacturers. It should be set up by the time you get there.' He

abruptly pointed at Rick, his face severe. 'This is the first time you'll be acting as senior

bounty hunter. Dave knows a lot; he's got years of experience behind him.'

'So have I,' Rick said tensely.

'You've handled assignments devolving to you from Dave's schedule; he's always decided

exactly which ones to turn over to you and which not to. But now you've got six that he

intended to retire himself - one of which managed to get him first. This one' Bryant turned the

notes around so that Rick could see. 'Max Polokov,' Bryant said. 'That's what it calls itself,

anyhow. Assuming Dave was right. Everything is based on that assumption, this entire list.

And yet the Voigt-Kampff Altered Scale has only been administered to the first three, the two

Dave retired and then Polokov. It was while Dave was administering the test; that's when

Polokov lasered him.'

'Which proves that Dave was right.' Rick said. Otherwise he would not have been lasered;

Polokov would have no motive.

'You get started for Seattle,' Bryant said. 'Don't tell them first; I'll handle it. Listen.' He rose to

his feet, soberly confronted Rick. 'When you run the Voigt-Kampff scale up there, if one of

the humans fails to pass it -'

'That can't happen,' Rick said.

'One day, a few weeks ago, I talked with Dave about exactly that. He had been thinking

along the same lines. I had a memo from the Soviet police, W.P.O. itself, circulated

throughout Earth plus the colonies. A group of psychiatrists in Leningrad approached W.P.O.

with the following proposition. They want the latest and most accurate personality profile

analytica tools used in determining the presence of android - in other words the Voigt-Kampff

scale - applied to a carefully selected group of schizoid and schizophrenic human patients.

Those, specifically, which reveal what's called a "flattening of affect". You've heard of that.'

Rick said, 'That's specifically what the scale measures.'

'Then you understand what they're worried about.'

'This problem has always existed. Since we first encountered androids posing as humans.

The consensus of police opinion is known to you in Lurie Kampff's article, written eight years

ago. 'Role-taking Blockage in the Undeteriorated Schizophrenic'. Kampff compared the

diminished emphatic faculty found in human mental patients and a superficially similiar but

basically -'

'The Leningrad psychiatrists,' Bryant broke in brusquely, 'think that a small class of human

beings could not pass the Voigt-Kampff scale. If you tested them in line with police work

you'd assess them as humanoid robots. You'd be wrong, by then they'd be dead.' He was

silent, now, waiting for Rick's answer.

'But these individuals,' Rick said, 'would all be -'

'They'd be in institutions,' Bryant agreed. 'They couldn't conceivably function in the outside

world; they certainly couldn't go undetected as advanced psychotics - unless of course their

breakdown had come recently and suddenly and no one had gotten around to noticing. But

this could happen.'

Yeah, I thought Shawshank  was very calculated at going for viewer's sympathy. Very black and white characters. But it was great at what it was doing.

Foolz said:
Okay I just checked youtube it's the video room scene that I'm thinking of. Bryant's fine in it. Ford on the other hand...:X The whole thing seems completely forced to me. "Well I don't get it, I don't get why they risk coming back to earth for, that's unusual, why, what do they want out of the Tyrell corporation?" Less like a lack of focus and confusion, and more like Ford has no interest in the scene, rather than Deckard has no interest in the case.

I'll give you that his absent minded gazing away from Bryant when he's talking right before this dialogue might be a little unfocused but the rest seems ok. He's just trying  to play the cool film noir detective - maybe not that well. I think there must be  some body language happening there that rubs you the wrong way.

Here's a scene that I'm glad they cut.

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 02:38:53
"I'll give you that his absent minded gazing away from Bryant when he's talking right before this dialogue might be a little unfocused but the rest seems ok. He's just trying  to play the cool film noir detective - maybe not that well. I think there must be  some body language happening there that rubs you the wrong way."

Yes, the body langauge of a bad performance. Nyaa But his delivery of the script there is terrible for me also. But to each their own.

And that deleted scene.... LOL

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 06:52:25
That's why I'm amazed it came out as well as it did. Scenes like that, the alternate movie titles he wanted to use (Gotham?), and the first choice of dustin hoffman blow my mind. But yeah, to each their own.

I sure helped derail this thread...

Hey, have there ever been any good horror movie/book  game adaptations? I think clive barker nightbreed did ok. Someone should do a shining or dead zone adventure game with 1985  graphics...

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 07:08:04
As long as the derailing is interesting or about testicles it's all good! Happy

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