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Red Dead Redemption thread of how the West was a sandbox.
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Fri, 03 Aug 2012 23:41:53

Yeah had to be set up for Jack, which sets up the sequel.

Another unique thing abuot this game, that deserves study, is the horse riding. It was passive enough that it was relaxing, yet demanding enough that it required your attention.  I think there is room for a driving game based around that balance, or at least perhaps an element of a game, like riding a motorcycle across a vast distance. Maybe Full Throttle redux.

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Fri, 03 Aug 2012 23:46:31

I'm not overly interested in a sequel to the game. Jack's portion takes place by the time World War 1 has broken out. Not sure a Western really works anymore at that point in time. Wouldn't mind seeing a game set up with a younger John running around with Dutch and the others though.

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Fri, 03 Aug 2012 23:53:10
Isn't John Marston in the original Red Dead Revolver?  He certainly has the scars on the cover of the game.
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Fri, 03 Aug 2012 23:53:21

True, true.

lol, they could go medal of Honor and have Jack Jr. go to war and eventually turn the franchise into CODMW.

The gameplay does deserve a sequel though. Rockstar are such fucking showoffs. Like at the end when they have a 15 minute sequence of Uncharted like traversal (in the snow).

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Fri, 03 Aug 2012 23:55:07
travo said:
Isn't John Marston in the original Red Dead Revolver?  He certainly has the scars on the cover of the game.

That is something I want to check out this weekend. I played (not beat) the first one, and it starts with a young man whose father is killed, so I wanted to see if it ties in.

The first one has a ludicrous KISS pysho-circus like experience that is mostly unbeatable, that is why I quit it. Exploding midget clowns, the full deal.

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Fri, 03 Aug 2012 23:57:02
I rented it, played for a weekend and enjoyed.  But not enough to rent again and finish it.  It doesn't have near the depth of this one.
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Fri, 03 Aug 2012 23:57:44

Gun is better that Red Dead Revolver. BY FAR.

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 00:00:59
Never played it.  Most others will say the opposite.  I should rent it and find out.
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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 00:02:57

Rockstar said RDD is the "spiritual successor" to Revolver, but I don't think the two actually had any real link between them.

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 00:06:58

The only link is the Dead Eye mechanic (where it slows down adn you pre-select aiming). I'm sure there is some lsight narrative link, but I am yet to look into it.

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Sun, 12 Aug 2012 21:34:54

Now that I've been watching Mrs. Aspro play (in a completely different way than I), I have to say this game is perfect. There is nothing wrong with this game at all that I can see.

Looking at my past criticisms, I thought that some of the mission givers could have been dropped in the cause of story pacing, but I think the way in which I stormed through the missions contributed to my discontent. I do still have problems with the ending, but those are personal quibbles. If you take the game at the pace an open-world game expects all of those issues are likely not noticeable.

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