1. Ms. Pac-Man:  People like to talk about Pac-Man, but there's no question its sequel was better. And Ms. Pac-Man is the coolest fat chick gaming has ever seen.

2. Dig-Dug:  As a child who liked to pop balloons and kill dragons, this game hold a great deal of special meaning to me.

3. Burger Time: The only time you can say, "HELP THE PICKLE IS CHASING ME" and not be frowned upon while visiting the midwest.

4. Galaga:  You know why this game is cool? You get 2 fighter ships simulatenously firing that. The first time I saw that was easily one of the coolest game moments I ever saw.

5. Crystal Castles:  Cute little bears in wizards hats that collect gems? Fuck yes I'll play that. Will you throw in killer trees? Holy fuck, yes I will play and endorse it!!

Posted by robio Wed, 09 Feb 2011 00:24:54 (comments: 14)
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Thu, 10 Feb 2011 00:33:49
Q*Bert > Crystal Castles

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 00:41:33

You sir are welcome to your opinion, but there are no hats or teddy bears in Q*bert and the game has to be docked accordingly.

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 00:45:32

Yes, but Q*Bert has swearing! Swearing > hats & teddy bears.

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:08:06
TMNT: The Arcade Game > all Nyaa
Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:32:08

I don't really count TMNT as a "classic" arcade. That was sort of a different generation of gaming. Plus that came out in 1990, so it wouldn't make the 80's list.

And the Simpsons Arcade Game was far superior to TMNT anyway.

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 15:02:35
I believe it's first arcade release was in 1989.
Thu, 10 Feb 2011 15:55:35

Well I didn't play it till 1990 and it's my list, so there.  Nyaaaaaaaaaa!

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 17:46:24
Oh yeah it's your list so you can be as wrong as you wanna be. Nyaa
Thu, 10 Feb 2011 17:54:09

*grumble* ..... that's two people for the blacklist.

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 18:18:06
I don't mind being on the blacklist since I'm not racist. Nyaa
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