For a long time now I've felt like a living contradiction. Everything I used to think about myself has been inverted, and everything I currently think about myself include both ends of the spectrum. Brilliance and idiocy, joyful and sorrowful, sincere and flippant, superior and inferior. There have been some constants, but those appear to be dying.
The latest to fall is probably for the best. I've played up my own negativity on things, as I do tend to focus on what the problems are. I think it plays into programming, as handling exceptions is necessary, so picking apart the little things is part of the job. But in a general sense, I'm so sick of the negativity.
It's one of the best things we had going for us for a long time here -- the criticisms may have been legitimate when we had them, but they were in good humour. Yet, nowhere's perfect; here and moreso the Internet at large is creating a great big bastion of hate. I'll mention up-front that I'm not referring to factual matters; those who, for example, rally against vaccination are doing enormous harm and deserve to be vehemently shot down. It's the realm of significant subjectivity. It doesn't have to be videogames and it doesn't have to be personal; any area where there's room for reasonable disagreement, there are plenty to take it as an absolutist position.
If there's a criticism, it's not enough to just bring it up in the appropriate context, or if as a reaction, to expand on it. With anything and everything, there are some to try to ruin it for everyone else. It also gets worse, as it does spread to personal attacks by relation. Those who support X are amateurish, or any number of other insults for no other reason than a difference of opinion.
So I'm done. Keep it to yourselves, I don't want it destroying me from the inside out. If you want to berate people for playing "casual" games, or PHP developers as not real programmers, or country music fans as hicks or any other selfish, outwardly hateful, spiteful and utterly immature positions, that's your prerogative, but you're not going to ruin it for the rest of us. You're not going to ruin it for me.
The latest to fall is probably for the best. I've played up my own negativity on things, as I do tend to focus on what the problems are. I think it plays into programming, as handling exceptions is necessary, so picking apart the little things is part of the job. But in a general sense, I'm so sick of the negativity.
It's one of the best things we had going for us for a long time here -- the criticisms may have been legitimate when we had them, but they were in good humour. Yet, nowhere's perfect; here and moreso the Internet at large is creating a great big bastion of hate. I'll mention up-front that I'm not referring to factual matters; those who, for example, rally against vaccination are doing enormous harm and deserve to be vehemently shot down. It's the realm of significant subjectivity. It doesn't have to be videogames and it doesn't have to be personal; any area where there's room for reasonable disagreement, there are plenty to take it as an absolutist position.
If there's a criticism, it's not enough to just bring it up in the appropriate context, or if as a reaction, to expand on it. With anything and everything, there are some to try to ruin it for everyone else. It also gets worse, as it does spread to personal attacks by relation. Those who support X are amateurish, or any number of other insults for no other reason than a difference of opinion.
So I'm done. Keep it to yourselves, I don't want it destroying me from the inside out. If you want to berate people for playing "casual" games, or PHP developers as not real programmers, or country music fans as hicks or any other selfish, outwardly hateful, spiteful and utterly immature positions, that's your prerogative, but you're not going to ruin it for the rest of us. You're not going to ruin it for me.
Recently Spotted:
I must admit, I read that as sorrowful, sincere and flatulent at first...
I'll leave now!
It's easier to knock down than to build. That's the truism right?
I've not been paying too close attention to threads around here lately, I've been majorly distracted, so I'm not sure if this is in response to something on this site, in your world or both, but if it is this site, can't any of the users above 150K delete a post where someone is being a dick? I guess that would just lead to more dickish threads and more deletions until somone got banned.
We never did get serious about moderation here because the easy stuff to moderate we don't care about. It is the nit-picking/arrogant/border-line abusive stuff that is hard to moderate because it is subjective.
Again, if you are talking about this site, GG said the same thing in his blog so if you and him can't get some movement on this it's not going to happen.
If you are talking about life in general, you may be like me in some respects. I cannot take criticism or negativity at all. I could probably piece together how I got to this point, but the bottom line is, you work your ass off, then someone comes along and diminishes some small part of what you have done and BAM, you just want to walk away from it (or it keeps you up at night). I doubt it's any form of aspergers (though I recently read in Michael Lewis' The Big Short about a guy who has many of my behaviors and he was diagnosed in that way), but it's something that someone in my position of life should be able to dismiss.
Okay that was a horrible paragraph.
I have no advice, I can only agree with you.
'K... Now I'm REALLY leaving!
When Life starts to Fuck You, just bend on over and let it!
Then, you'll find, Life won't return your calls. Life won't answer your e-mails. Life walks down the other side of the street when Life sees you coming.
Life totally dumps you! So, in essence, YOU'RE FREE!
You'll see Life as he is: a Douchebag. You'll never look back on trying to build a Life with Life. You'll find you're free to decide your own course, pursue your own goals and Sleep with ANYONE YOU WANT!
*Leo dodges Yoda's shoe thrown at his head!*
Whoops! I forgot I said "serious" piece of advice!
I know, Aspro. I know. You were going to say: "Oh Leo, how did you get to be so wise, good-looking and well-hung at such an early age?"
Truth be told, I couldn't tell 'ya. Maybe it's just in the genes!
*dodges Yoda's other shoe!*
Too bad you lost all that in your old age.
No, I was actaully reflecting on what a beautiful piece of work you are.
Look Me in the Eye