Since the site has successfully gotten off the ground, I thought it would be a good idea to compile the current issues and lacking features into a log of sorts. Make any issues you have known, or they may go unnoticed.
- GG Weekly timespan title
- GGW archive to list weeks
- Mailbox paging and deleting
- Select from friends for PMs
- Better design for reading messages
- Smiley button for GGW comments
- Comprehensive Profile page
- Streamlined review process
- Tracking of most clicked news
- Paging for searches
- Blog not to insert extra line breaks
- Better formatting for things such as the link to write a new blog
I'll slowly be working through these.
Secondly forum!
I think a forum for everything else other than news related comments.
A better layout for blogs and reviews, I mean presentationally and all that. The comments for blogs looks a little weird, might be better if it was listed with the most recent on the bottom.
Great job Yo.
On the design side, I'm admittedly relatively lousy in terms of making things particularly pretty. If you had some specifics in mind on what needs adjustment, that may help.