Holy fuck it's still hot as Eartquake's asscrack in here.
I have my hands full with two very time-consuming games: Demon's Souls and Disgaea 3. I just got them but I already love them both to death, although for different reasons. One is the embodiment of a challenging game, balls to the wall, no holding hands bullshit. The other one is charming beyond belief with its over the top dialogue, varied combat scenarios, and insane depth. I have to come up with some kind of schedule to play them as I want to, although that will mean I will probably leave Uncharted 2 MP for good. Oh well, I guess it's time to turn the page.
My wife wants a DSi XL, lol. I'll probably oblige this christmas. I told her about the Prof. Layton games and she showed a lot of interest. I guess she would also like Hotel Dusk.
Aaand finally, I dumped my dead 360 at the UPS office. I should get it back...sometime. Right now I don't really care considering the size and scope of the games I'm playing right now.
...wouldn't be the first XL thing you obliged your wife with, now would it...?

Down there.
What in the...
my wife just called me.
My 360 is back. It got delivered today. Shit that was fast. I dropped it at the UPS office this monday.
Returned to sender.
Lucky bastard. I'm still in shorts.
Current Weather
Partly cloudy
Damn you all to hell!
What is this cold you speak of?