[2:04:21 PM] zurahn says: There, this will become the chat window
[2:04:30 PM] Jamie Galea says: oh nice.
[2:04:38 PM] Benjamin says: Hoorah
[2:04:49 PM] Benjamin says: So we still doing news story + E3 do want?
[2:04:54 PM] Jamie Galea says: yeah
[2:04:55 PM] Jamie Galea says: why not?
[2:04:57 PM] Benjamin says: I bags rape ban
[2:05:05 PM] Jamie Galea says: I bags the Sega racing game
[2:05:14 PM] Benjamin says: If only it was Daytona
[2:05:16 PM] Jamie Galea says: Yoda can have Fragile
[2:05:34 PM] zurahn says: moontastic
[2:05:39 PM] Jamie Galea says: bwa?
[2:05:49 PM] Jamie Galea says: never heard of that before.
[2:05:49 PM] Benjamin says: I posted a thread
[2:05:51 PM] Benjamin says: it didn't post
[2:06:04 PM] Benjamin says: Wait it appears in the "Latest topic"
[2:06:06 PM] Benjamin says: But not on the board:S
[2:06:10 PM] Jamie Galea says: lol
[2:06:37 PM] Benjamin says: It's insulting both The Shawshank Redemption
[2:06:39 PM] Benjamin says: and The Godfather
[2:06:44 PM] Benjamin says: so it's probably better that nobody reads it
[2:07:01 PM] Benjamin says: Now it's not apperaing at all
[2:07:04 PM] Benjamin says: Luckily!
[2:07:04 PM] zurahn says: I don't know what you're talking about
[2:07:05 PM] Jamie Galea says: good.
[2:07:17 PM] Benjamin says: On The VG Press
[2:07:37 PM] Benjamin says: That Bayimg site
[2:07:47 PM] Benjamin says: can you post pictures 3kx2k pixels big or bigger
[2:07:53 PM] Benjamin says: and they'll actualy show them that large?
[2:07:54 PM] zurahn says: Any file under 100MB
[2:08:05 PM] zurahn says: just make sure under "Settings" you choose not to resize
[2:08:10 PM] Benjamin says: Awesome!
[2:08:14 PM] Benjamin says: I'll have to chechk this out
[2:08:21 PM] Benjamin says: been looking for a place to post drawings/photos
[2:08:33 PM] zurahn says: technically I haven't tested anything that large, but it's a site from The Pirate Bay
[2:08:50 PM] Jamie Galea says: tsk tsk
[2:08:51 PM] Benjamin says: OH NO! Disney will still my drawings
[2:09:05 PM] Jamie Galea says: how does one still a drawing
[2:09:15 PM] Benjamin says: By stealing it>_>
[2:09:25 PM] Benjamin says: *Subtle correction*
[2:09:27 PM] *** Jamie Galea added David Katz, SteelAttack to this chat
[2:09:32 PM] Jamie Galea says: lol
[2:09:53 PM] Benjamin says: They're offline!:o
[2:09:56 PM] Benjamin says: I'll write someting quickly
[2:10:02 PM] Benjamin says: hopefully be finished before they get here
[2:10:02 PM] Jamie Galea says: thought I'd add'em anyway
[2:10:23 PM] Benjamin says: So I've got a problem
[2:10:24 PM] Jamie Galea says: Steel has parenting stuff to do apparently
[2:10:29 PM] Benjamin says: I don't really give a shit about anything at E3
[2:10:29 PM] Jamie Galea says: what's your problem
[2:10:32 PM] SteelAttack says: Hai bitches.
[2:10:35 PM] Jamie Galea says: oh hai
[2:10:37 PM] Benjamin says: The only game worth seeign was Endless Ocean, fact:P
[2:10:43 PM] Jamie Galea says: that's ok, just mention that.
[2:10:54 PM] Jamie Galea says: the plan is to do a news story each, then do E3 stuff. That cool with you Steel?
[2:10:59 PM] SteelAttack says: Just came from the hospital.
[2:11:02 PM] Jamie Galea says: shit
[2:11:03 PM] SteelAttack says: What news story?
[2:11:03 PM] Jamie Galea says: you ok?
[2:11:10 PM] SteelAttack says: What am I going to talk about?
[2:11:10 PM] Benjamin says: He works there?
[2:11:19 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[2:11:21 PM] Benjamin says: Internally scratching his medicine balls
[2:11:21 PM] Jamie Galea says: find something worth talking about?
[2:11:28 PM] SteelAttack says: Yeah, I went to see a patient.
[2:11:29 PM] zurahn says: And he wasn't OK before, anyway
[2:11:34 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL
[2:11:46 PM] Jamie Galea says: wait, what is it you do, exactly?
[2:11:51 PM] Jamie Galea says: you a Doctor?
[2:11:55 PM] Benjamin says: I'll get the picture
[2:11:58 PM] SteelAttack says: Yeah, Internal Medicine.
[2:12:02 PM] Jamie Galea says: shit
[2:12:06 PM] Benjamin says: http://gonintendo.com/wp-content/photos/tt3.jpg
[2:12:10 PM] Benjamin says: I'm onto you STeel
[2:12:14 PM] Benjamin says: and the real reason you became a doctor
[2:12:18 PM] SteelAttack says: I work at an outpatient clinic specializing in HIV/AIDS.
[2:12:24 PM] Jamie Galea says: oh wow
[2:12:51 PM] SteelAttack says: And when I work at nights I work at an ICU in another hospital here.
[2:12:56 PM] Benjamin says: Dammit, there goes my list of aids jokes I was planning to use on the podcast;9
[2:12:57 PM] SteelAttack says: Very tiring.
[2:12:57 PM] Benjamin says: :(
[2:13:01 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[2:13:09 PM] Jamie Galea says: ah
[2:13:17 PM] Jamie Galea says: that would explain the Doctor Steel thing.
[2:13:25 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol, yeah.
[2:13:29 PM] Jamie Galea says: oh, there you go Foolz, talk Trauma Center
[2:13:33 PM] SteelAttack says: I specialize in BALLS.
[2:13:38 PM] SteelAttack says: And ass.
[2:13:54 PM] Benjamin says: You should say scrota on the podcast
[2:13:56 PM] SteelAttack says: Wait, let me pick a non shitty news story.
[2:13:58 PM] SteelAttack says: Scrotum.
[2:13:59 PM] Jamie Galea says: go nuts
[2:14:01 PM] Benjamin says: then you don't have to say balls, balls, balls, etsticles
[2:14:03 PM] Jamie Galea says: I call the Sega Racing
[2:14:04 PM] SteelAttack says: Yeah, I can say that.
[2:14:04 PM] Benjamin says: jsut sue the plural
[2:14:06 PM] Benjamin says: Scrota!
[2:14:23 PM] Jamie Galea says: brb, we'll see if Vader is on his triple
[2:15:46 PM] SteelAttack says: Hmm, I could talk about FNR4 demo, or Squenix new orientation.
[2:16:03 PM] SteelAttack says: Or new GTA4 DLC.
[2:16:07 PM] Jamie Galea says: that you could
[2:16:12 PM] SteelAttack says: Ballad of Gay Jamie.
[2:16:19 PM] SteelAttack says: Tony. I mean.
[2:16:20 PM] Jamie Galea says: fuck you.
[2:16:25 PM] SteelAttack says: Heheheh.
[2:16:38 PM] Jamie Galea says: Yoda, has Vader been online at all recently?
[2:16:45 PM] Jamie Galea says: he's not on his PS3. Was on 3hrs ago
[2:16:46 PM] Benjamin says: You just said fuck you to a man, in response to being called gay.
[2:16:52 PM] Jamie Galea says: shut up
[2:16:59 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL
[2:17:03 PM] Jamie Galea says: do not point out the flaws in my argument.
[2:17:25 PM] Benjamin says: So I record, normalise, and if there'
[2:17:30 PM] Benjamin says: s no difference, buy a new mic?
[2:17:36 PM] zurahn says: no since I've been on
[2:17:37 PM] Jamie Galea says: yeah, pretty much.
[2:17:41 PM] Jamie Galea says: hmm...
[2:17:50 PM] SteelAttack says: Yup. But Skitch told me that the mics we should be getting are on the 200 bucks range.
[2:17:52 PM] SteelAttack says: Shiiit.
[2:17:55 PM] zurahn says: record and see if you get decent volume
[2:17:57 PM] Jamie Galea says: fuck that.
[2:18:02 PM] SteelAttack says: I'd rather sound like a fart.
[2:18:08 PM] Jamie Galea says: you do.
[2:18:18 PM] Benjamin says: You'd need an accurate mic to sound like one, though
[2:18:21 PM] SteelAttack says: Should we aim for an even DB level among us all?
[2:18:32 PM] zurahn says: no, just audio that doesn't suck
[2:18:36 PM] SteelAttack says: Or dB?
[2:18:43 PM] SteelAttack says: How is it spelt, Mr. Anal?
[2:18:45 PM] SteelAttack says: :lol:
[2:19:24 PM] zurahn says: *deciBel; dB
[2:20:00 PM] SteelAttack says: I can even give you guys a real time review of EA Sports Active. My wife is playing it right now.
[2:20:05 PM] Jamie Galea says: really?
[2:20:06 PM] SteelAttack says: As in...in front of me.
[2:20:07 PM] Jamie Galea says: not a bad idea.
[2:20:09 PM] Jamie Galea says: sexy.
[2:20:12 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[2:20:31 PM] Jamie Galea says: that's actually a good idea though. If Vader doesn't come on, we'll do it.
[2:21:48 PM] zurahn says: brb, readd me to chat when I log back in
[2:22:00 PM] Jamie Galea says: kay
[2:22:12 PM] Jamie Galea says: ...he's already added
[2:22:21 PM] SteelAttack says: :/
[2:23:51 PM] Jamie Galea says: bloody hell Vader...
[2:24:34 PM] Benjamin says: Any sign of him?
[2:25:54 PM] Jamie Galea says: nope.
[2:26:11 PM] *** Jamie Galea ejected zurahn from this chat
[2:26:17 PM] Jamie Galea says: I KILLED YODA!
[2:26:20 PM] Benjamin says: Take thta
[2:26:27 PM] SteelAttack says: OMG
[2:26:29 PM] Jamie Galea says: he asked to be readded, and so he shall be readded.
[2:26:34 PM] Jamie Galea says: when he hopes on, of course.
[2:26:36 PM] Benjamin says: don't do it
[2:26:37 PM] Jamie Galea says: *hops
[2:26:45 PM] *** Jamie Galea added zurahn to this chat
[2:26:47 PM] Jamie Galea says: TOO LATE!
[2:27:07 PM] Benjamin says: Nooo!
[2:27:39 PM] Jamie Galea says: you guys want to go on without him?
[2:27:46 PM] Benjamin says: I can wait longer
[2:27:53 PM] Jamie Galea says: Steel/Yoda?
[2:28:08 PM] zurahn says: I kind of have to wait longer
[2:28:13 PM] SteelAttack says: I guess I can wait as well.
[2:28:16 PM] Jamie Galea says: agh
[2:28:22 PM] SteelAttack says: You can't wait?
[2:28:31 PM] Jamie Galea says: I kinda need to be places.
[2:28:34 PM] SteelAttack says: If you can't wait we go on.
[2:28:47 PM] SteelAttack says: Vader is known for showing rather late.
[2:28:53 PM] Jamie Galea says: that's true.
[2:28:57 PM] Benjamin says: Fashionably*
[2:29:01 PM] Jamie Galea says: I mean, we waited a fucking HOUR while he was playing RE5
[2:29:05 PM] Benjamin says: Or as he would say epically
[2:29:05 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[2:29:36 PM] SteelAttack says: He's interested in the E3 podcast. This one is just foreplay for him, and I know that he likes to go to the point. Lol.
[2:29:39 PM] SteelAttack says: That sounded wrong.
[2:29:52 PM] Benjamin says: Sounds like something Jamie would do---err I mean say.
[2:30:00 PM] SteelAttack says: Yeah, I know.
[2:30:05 PM] SteelAttack says: I was kind of trying to arouse him.
[2:30:17 PM] Jamie Galea says: you have failed miserable.
[2:30:18 PM] Benjamin says: AHe's not hard to arouse
[2:30:21 PM] Benjamin says: believe you me
[2:30:24 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[2:30:47 PM] SteelAttack says: That should be our main story this podcast.
[2:30:57 PM] SteelAttack says: Jamie: What gets you hard?
[2:31:06 PM] Benjamin says: what doesn't?*
[2:31:08 PM] Benjamin says: Women.
[2:31:12 PM] Benjamin says: For one
[2:31:16 PM] Jamie Galea says: go. to. hell.
[2:31:21 PM] SteelAttack says: (inlove)
[2:31:36 PM] Benjamin says: But Christianity is homophobic, so we'll be fine:P
[2:31:42 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL.
[2:31:53 PM] Benjamin says: He might not, though
[2:32:05 PM] Jamie Galea says: nah, gays are cool in my book.
[2:32:14 PM] Benjamin says: Which is why you're going to hell
[2:32:15 PM] Benjamin says: :D
[2:32:20 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL.
[2:32:21 PM] Jamie Galea says: ALLLLL THE WAYYYYY
[2:32:27 PM] SteelAttack says: Naked.
[2:32:28 PM] SteelAttack says: And lubed.
[2:32:30 PM] Jamie Galea says: FUCK
[2:32:44 PM] Jamie Galea says: anyway, we doing this thing or what?
[2:32:45 PM] Benjamin says: Hey, Satan's gotta use the pitchfork for something!
[2:32:57 PM] SteelAttack says: Good thing Jamie likes ir rough.
[2:33:07 PM] SteelAttack says: Yoda is logged off.
[2:33:12 PM] Jamie Galea says: again!?
[2:33:16 PM] zurahn says: I'm out, Skype must have had an update, because its audio is outright broken
[2:33:18 PM] Jamie Galea says: good call, I didn't see that.
[2:33:23 PM] Jamie Galea says: shit, really?
[2:33:23 PM] SteelAttack says: She disconnected because of your flamboyant ways, Jamie.
[2:33:26 PM] Benjamin says: :S
[2:33:33 PM] SteelAttack says: She. Lol.
[2:33:36 PM] Benjamin says: It!
[2:33:57 PM] Jamie Galea says: how quick would it take you to update?
[2:34:10 PM] zurahn says: well, backdate, as it were
[2:34:16 PM] SteelAttack says: Backdate?
[2:34:17 PM] Jamie Galea says: how long though?
[2:34:19 PM] SteelAttack says: Sounds kinky.
[2:34:31 PM] zurahn says: I'm going to see if I can get an older version to downgrade to, hopefully quick. It's finding the older version that could take time
[2:34:39 PM] zurahn says: hopefully only a few minutes, and hopefully that fixes it.
[2:34:53 PM] zurahn says: You may as well start, and if it works, I'll update you here
[2:35:02 PM] Benjamin says: So we're not waiting for Vader?
[2:35:17 PM] SteelAttack says: Jamie has to go, and he's a far more capable host than any of us.
[2:35:24 PM] Benjamin says: Ah yes
[2:35:28 PM] Jamie Galea says: it's not somewhere urgent
[2:35:28 PM] SteelAttack says: Besides, his voice turns me on.
[2:35:34 PM] zurahn says: I'll be offline while I'm doing this (uninstalling and such), so I'm off for now
[2:35:36 PM] SteelAttack says: k
[2:35:42 PM] Jamie Galea says: kay
[2:35:52 PM] Benjamin says: Just 1 sec
[2:35:54 PM] Benjamin says: gotta save something
[2:35:57 PM] Jamie Galea says: go nuts
[2:35:57 PM] Benjamin says: and open auddacity
[2:36:04 PM] SteelAttack says: Save your wang.
[2:36:07 PM] SteelAttack says: For Jamie.
[2:36:13 PM] SteelAttack says: (chuckle)
[2:36:16 PM] Jamie Galea says: .....
[2:36:47 PM] Benjamin says: He can be a bit of a biter, though
[2:37:03 PM] Jamie Galea says: I want to murder you all.
[2:37:07 PM] SteelAttack says: Once I told GG that my dream would be travelling to Australia, to run with both Jamie and Benjamin on the beach, naked and holding hands.
[2:37:12 PM] Benjamin says: With sex?
[2:37:13 PM] SteelAttack says: Or wangs.
[2:37:29 PM] Benjamin says: We wouldn't be holding wangs as they'd be other wise disposed;)
[2:37:35 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL.
[2:37:42 PM] Jamie Galea says: so are we going to do this thing with, or without Yoda?
[2:37:50 PM] SteelAttack says: We start without Yoda.
[2:37:58 PM] Benjamin says: Just closing shit now and opening audacity
[2:38:02 PM] SteelAttack says: We'll have to be extra loud to compensate for the lack of more members.
[2:38:06 PM] SteelAttack says: hehehe. Members.
[2:38:19 PM] Benjamin says: Jamie can just make sucking and biting noises and we'll be fine
[2:38:23 PM] Jamie Galea says: cunt
[2:38:39 PM] Benjamin says: You wish we were, then your God wouldn't disagree with it!:P
[2:39:00 PM] SteelAttack says: Where is your God now?
[2:39:23 PM] Benjamin says: He's off impregnating married women
[2:39:30 PM] Jamie Galea says: Foolz, are you still closing stuff?
[2:39:32 PM] SteelAttack says: He kind of does that.
[2:39:40 PM] SteelAttack says: Closing everything except his buttocks.
[2:40:00 PM] Jamie Galea says: ....
[2:40:12 PM] Benjamin says: Just pluggin in headphones
[2:40:17 PM] SteelAttack says: In the buttocks?
[2:40:24 PM] SteelAttack says: How risque.
[2:40:38 PM] Benjamin says: No, in the rectum
[2:42:00 PM] Jamie Galea says: we're going to end this convo
[2:42:07 PM] Jamie Galea says: we need start a new
[2:42:11 PM] SteelAttack says: Ok.
[2:42:13 PM] Benjamin says: This convo should be the podcast
[2:44:27 PM] Benjamin says: I hope you didn't mean start recordin gagain
[3:09:36 PM] zurahn says: OK, I think I've got it
[3:09:52 PM] SteelAttack says: ok
[3:09:54 PM] SteelAttack says: hop in
[3:09:56 PM] Jamie Galea says: lol, you want in?
[3:10:01 PM] David Katz says: sure
[3:10:02 PM] zurahn says: I can't do that by myself
[3:14:08 PM] Jamie Galea says: http://kotaku.com/5273208/qore-lets-slip-the-first-look-at-psp-go
[3:14:18 PM] Benjamin says: Chaos!
[3:14:20 PM] SteelAttack says: I'm having horrible audio issues right now.
[3:14:57 PM] SteelAttack says: I can't hear anyone.
[3:15:15 PM] Jamie Galea says: shit
[3:15:24 PM] Jamie Galea says: AH
[3:15:33 PM] zurahn says: alright stop
[3:15:39 PM] zurahn says: I'll host, hopefully we get better connections
[3:15:52 PM] Jamie Galea says: kay
[3:15:53 PM] Jamie Galea says: FUCK
[3:15:56 PM] zurahn says: you're puny Australian connection will be the bane of us all!
[3:16:00 PM] zurahn says: crap, YOUR
[3:16:01 PM] Jamie Galea says: QUIET YOU
[3:16:04 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL.
[3:16:09 PM] David Katz says: crap, YOUR?
[3:16:22 PM] Jamie Galea says: at least we know how to spell in Australia
[3:16:24 PM] SteelAttack says: In soviet russia, crap shits you.
[3:23:35 PM] Benjamin says: I need to piss, where are you Jamie?
[3:23:49 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[3:23:55 PM] David Katz says: lol
[3:35:57 PM] *** zurahn added Bobovic to this chat
[4:00:33 PM] Benjamin says: I'm posting this convo
[2:04:30 PM] Jamie Galea says: oh nice.
[2:04:38 PM] Benjamin says: Hoorah
[2:04:49 PM] Benjamin says: So we still doing news story + E3 do want?
[2:04:54 PM] Jamie Galea says: yeah
[2:04:55 PM] Jamie Galea says: why not?
[2:04:57 PM] Benjamin says: I bags rape ban
[2:05:05 PM] Jamie Galea says: I bags the Sega racing game
[2:05:14 PM] Benjamin says: If only it was Daytona
[2:05:16 PM] Jamie Galea says: Yoda can have Fragile
[2:05:34 PM] zurahn says: moontastic
[2:05:39 PM] Jamie Galea says: bwa?
[2:05:49 PM] Jamie Galea says: never heard of that before.
[2:05:49 PM] Benjamin says: I posted a thread
[2:05:51 PM] Benjamin says: it didn't post
[2:06:04 PM] Benjamin says: Wait it appears in the "Latest topic"
[2:06:06 PM] Benjamin says: But not on the board:S
[2:06:10 PM] Jamie Galea says: lol
[2:06:37 PM] Benjamin says: It's insulting both The Shawshank Redemption
[2:06:39 PM] Benjamin says: and The Godfather
[2:06:44 PM] Benjamin says: so it's probably better that nobody reads it
[2:07:01 PM] Benjamin says: Now it's not apperaing at all
[2:07:04 PM] Benjamin says: Luckily!
[2:07:04 PM] zurahn says: I don't know what you're talking about
[2:07:05 PM] Jamie Galea says: good.
[2:07:17 PM] Benjamin says: On The VG Press
[2:07:37 PM] Benjamin says: That Bayimg site
[2:07:47 PM] Benjamin says: can you post pictures 3kx2k pixels big or bigger
[2:07:53 PM] Benjamin says: and they'll actualy show them that large?
[2:07:54 PM] zurahn says: Any file under 100MB
[2:08:05 PM] zurahn says: just make sure under "Settings" you choose not to resize
[2:08:10 PM] Benjamin says: Awesome!
[2:08:14 PM] Benjamin says: I'll have to chechk this out
[2:08:21 PM] Benjamin says: been looking for a place to post drawings/photos
[2:08:33 PM] zurahn says: technically I haven't tested anything that large, but it's a site from The Pirate Bay
[2:08:50 PM] Jamie Galea says: tsk tsk
[2:08:51 PM] Benjamin says: OH NO! Disney will still my drawings
[2:09:05 PM] Jamie Galea says: how does one still a drawing
[2:09:15 PM] Benjamin says: By stealing it>_>
[2:09:25 PM] Benjamin says: *Subtle correction*
[2:09:27 PM] *** Jamie Galea added David Katz, SteelAttack to this chat
[2:09:32 PM] Jamie Galea says: lol
[2:09:53 PM] Benjamin says: They're offline!:o
[2:09:56 PM] Benjamin says: I'll write someting quickly
[2:10:02 PM] Benjamin says: hopefully be finished before they get here
[2:10:02 PM] Jamie Galea says: thought I'd add'em anyway
[2:10:23 PM] Benjamin says: So I've got a problem
[2:10:24 PM] Jamie Galea says: Steel has parenting stuff to do apparently
[2:10:29 PM] Benjamin says: I don't really give a shit about anything at E3
[2:10:29 PM] Jamie Galea says: what's your problem
[2:10:32 PM] SteelAttack says: Hai bitches.
[2:10:35 PM] Jamie Galea says: oh hai
[2:10:37 PM] Benjamin says: The only game worth seeign was Endless Ocean, fact:P
[2:10:43 PM] Jamie Galea says: that's ok, just mention that.
[2:10:54 PM] Jamie Galea says: the plan is to do a news story each, then do E3 stuff. That cool with you Steel?
[2:10:59 PM] SteelAttack says: Just came from the hospital.
[2:11:02 PM] Jamie Galea says: shit
[2:11:03 PM] SteelAttack says: What news story?
[2:11:03 PM] Jamie Galea says: you ok?
[2:11:10 PM] SteelAttack says: What am I going to talk about?
[2:11:10 PM] Benjamin says: He works there?
[2:11:19 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[2:11:21 PM] Benjamin says: Internally scratching his medicine balls
[2:11:21 PM] Jamie Galea says: find something worth talking about?
[2:11:28 PM] SteelAttack says: Yeah, I went to see a patient.
[2:11:29 PM] zurahn says: And he wasn't OK before, anyway
[2:11:34 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL
[2:11:46 PM] Jamie Galea says: wait, what is it you do, exactly?
[2:11:51 PM] Jamie Galea says: you a Doctor?
[2:11:55 PM] Benjamin says: I'll get the picture
[2:11:58 PM] SteelAttack says: Yeah, Internal Medicine.
[2:12:02 PM] Jamie Galea says: shit
[2:12:06 PM] Benjamin says: http://gonintendo.com/wp-content/photos/tt3.jpg
[2:12:10 PM] Benjamin says: I'm onto you STeel
[2:12:14 PM] Benjamin says: and the real reason you became a doctor
[2:12:18 PM] SteelAttack says: I work at an outpatient clinic specializing in HIV/AIDS.
[2:12:24 PM] Jamie Galea says: oh wow
[2:12:51 PM] SteelAttack says: And when I work at nights I work at an ICU in another hospital here.
[2:12:56 PM] Benjamin says: Dammit, there goes my list of aids jokes I was planning to use on the podcast;9
[2:12:57 PM] SteelAttack says: Very tiring.
[2:12:57 PM] Benjamin says: :(
[2:13:01 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[2:13:09 PM] Jamie Galea says: ah
[2:13:17 PM] Jamie Galea says: that would explain the Doctor Steel thing.
[2:13:25 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol, yeah.
[2:13:29 PM] Jamie Galea says: oh, there you go Foolz, talk Trauma Center
[2:13:33 PM] SteelAttack says: I specialize in BALLS.
[2:13:38 PM] SteelAttack says: And ass.
[2:13:54 PM] Benjamin says: You should say scrota on the podcast
[2:13:56 PM] SteelAttack says: Wait, let me pick a non shitty news story.
[2:13:58 PM] SteelAttack says: Scrotum.
[2:13:59 PM] Jamie Galea says: go nuts
[2:14:01 PM] Benjamin says: then you don't have to say balls, balls, balls, etsticles
[2:14:03 PM] Jamie Galea says: I call the Sega Racing
[2:14:04 PM] SteelAttack says: Yeah, I can say that.
[2:14:04 PM] Benjamin says: jsut sue the plural
[2:14:06 PM] Benjamin says: Scrota!
[2:14:23 PM] Jamie Galea says: brb, we'll see if Vader is on his triple
[2:15:46 PM] SteelAttack says: Hmm, I could talk about FNR4 demo, or Squenix new orientation.
[2:16:03 PM] SteelAttack says: Or new GTA4 DLC.
[2:16:07 PM] Jamie Galea says: that you could
[2:16:12 PM] SteelAttack says: Ballad of Gay Jamie.
[2:16:19 PM] SteelAttack says: Tony. I mean.
[2:16:20 PM] Jamie Galea says: fuck you.
[2:16:25 PM] SteelAttack says: Heheheh.
[2:16:38 PM] Jamie Galea says: Yoda, has Vader been online at all recently?
[2:16:45 PM] Jamie Galea says: he's not on his PS3. Was on 3hrs ago
[2:16:46 PM] Benjamin says: You just said fuck you to a man, in response to being called gay.
[2:16:52 PM] Jamie Galea says: shut up
[2:16:59 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL
[2:17:03 PM] Jamie Galea says: do not point out the flaws in my argument.
[2:17:25 PM] Benjamin says: So I record, normalise, and if there'
[2:17:30 PM] Benjamin says: s no difference, buy a new mic?
[2:17:36 PM] zurahn says: no since I've been on
[2:17:37 PM] Jamie Galea says: yeah, pretty much.
[2:17:41 PM] Jamie Galea says: hmm...
[2:17:50 PM] SteelAttack says: Yup. But Skitch told me that the mics we should be getting are on the 200 bucks range.
[2:17:52 PM] SteelAttack says: Shiiit.
[2:17:55 PM] zurahn says: record and see if you get decent volume
[2:17:57 PM] Jamie Galea says: fuck that.
[2:18:02 PM] SteelAttack says: I'd rather sound like a fart.
[2:18:08 PM] Jamie Galea says: you do.
[2:18:18 PM] Benjamin says: You'd need an accurate mic to sound like one, though
[2:18:21 PM] SteelAttack says: Should we aim for an even DB level among us all?
[2:18:32 PM] zurahn says: no, just audio that doesn't suck
[2:18:36 PM] SteelAttack says: Or dB?
[2:18:43 PM] SteelAttack says: How is it spelt, Mr. Anal?
[2:18:45 PM] SteelAttack says: :lol:
[2:19:24 PM] zurahn says: *deciBel; dB
[2:20:00 PM] SteelAttack says: I can even give you guys a real time review of EA Sports Active. My wife is playing it right now.
[2:20:05 PM] Jamie Galea says: really?
[2:20:06 PM] SteelAttack says: As in...in front of me.
[2:20:07 PM] Jamie Galea says: not a bad idea.
[2:20:09 PM] Jamie Galea says: sexy.
[2:20:12 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[2:20:31 PM] Jamie Galea says: that's actually a good idea though. If Vader doesn't come on, we'll do it.
[2:21:48 PM] zurahn says: brb, readd me to chat when I log back in
[2:22:00 PM] Jamie Galea says: kay
[2:22:12 PM] Jamie Galea says: ...he's already added
[2:22:21 PM] SteelAttack says: :/
[2:23:51 PM] Jamie Galea says: bloody hell Vader...
[2:24:34 PM] Benjamin says: Any sign of him?
[2:25:54 PM] Jamie Galea says: nope.
[2:26:11 PM] *** Jamie Galea ejected zurahn from this chat
[2:26:17 PM] Jamie Galea says: I KILLED YODA!
[2:26:20 PM] Benjamin says: Take thta
[2:26:27 PM] SteelAttack says: OMG
[2:26:29 PM] Jamie Galea says: he asked to be readded, and so he shall be readded.
[2:26:34 PM] Jamie Galea says: when he hopes on, of course.
[2:26:36 PM] Benjamin says: don't do it
[2:26:37 PM] Jamie Galea says: *hops
[2:26:45 PM] *** Jamie Galea added zurahn to this chat
[2:26:47 PM] Jamie Galea says: TOO LATE!
[2:27:07 PM] Benjamin says: Nooo!
[2:27:39 PM] Jamie Galea says: you guys want to go on without him?
[2:27:46 PM] Benjamin says: I can wait longer
[2:27:53 PM] Jamie Galea says: Steel/Yoda?
[2:28:08 PM] zurahn says: I kind of have to wait longer
[2:28:13 PM] SteelAttack says: I guess I can wait as well.
[2:28:16 PM] Jamie Galea says: agh
[2:28:22 PM] SteelAttack says: You can't wait?
[2:28:31 PM] Jamie Galea says: I kinda need to be places.
[2:28:34 PM] SteelAttack says: If you can't wait we go on.
[2:28:47 PM] SteelAttack says: Vader is known for showing rather late.
[2:28:53 PM] Jamie Galea says: that's true.
[2:28:57 PM] Benjamin says: Fashionably*
[2:29:01 PM] Jamie Galea says: I mean, we waited a fucking HOUR while he was playing RE5
[2:29:05 PM] Benjamin says: Or as he would say epically
[2:29:05 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[2:29:36 PM] SteelAttack says: He's interested in the E3 podcast. This one is just foreplay for him, and I know that he likes to go to the point. Lol.
[2:29:39 PM] SteelAttack says: That sounded wrong.
[2:29:52 PM] Benjamin says: Sounds like something Jamie would do---err I mean say.
[2:30:00 PM] SteelAttack says: Yeah, I know.
[2:30:05 PM] SteelAttack says: I was kind of trying to arouse him.
[2:30:17 PM] Jamie Galea says: you have failed miserable.
[2:30:18 PM] Benjamin says: AHe's not hard to arouse
[2:30:21 PM] Benjamin says: believe you me
[2:30:24 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[2:30:47 PM] SteelAttack says: That should be our main story this podcast.
[2:30:57 PM] SteelAttack says: Jamie: What gets you hard?
[2:31:06 PM] Benjamin says: what doesn't?*
[2:31:08 PM] Benjamin says: Women.
[2:31:12 PM] Benjamin says: For one
[2:31:16 PM] Jamie Galea says: go. to. hell.
[2:31:21 PM] SteelAttack says: (inlove)
[2:31:36 PM] Benjamin says: But Christianity is homophobic, so we'll be fine:P
[2:31:42 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL.
[2:31:53 PM] Benjamin says: He might not, though
[2:32:05 PM] Jamie Galea says: nah, gays are cool in my book.
[2:32:14 PM] Benjamin says: Which is why you're going to hell
[2:32:15 PM] Benjamin says: :D
[2:32:20 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL.
[2:32:21 PM] Jamie Galea says: ALLLLL THE WAYYYYY
[2:32:27 PM] SteelAttack says: Naked.
[2:32:28 PM] SteelAttack says: And lubed.
[2:32:30 PM] Jamie Galea says: FUCK
[2:32:44 PM] Jamie Galea says: anyway, we doing this thing or what?
[2:32:45 PM] Benjamin says: Hey, Satan's gotta use the pitchfork for something!
[2:32:57 PM] SteelAttack says: Good thing Jamie likes ir rough.
[2:33:07 PM] SteelAttack says: Yoda is logged off.
[2:33:12 PM] Jamie Galea says: again!?
[2:33:16 PM] zurahn says: I'm out, Skype must have had an update, because its audio is outright broken
[2:33:18 PM] Jamie Galea says: good call, I didn't see that.
[2:33:23 PM] Jamie Galea says: shit, really?
[2:33:23 PM] SteelAttack says: She disconnected because of your flamboyant ways, Jamie.
[2:33:26 PM] Benjamin says: :S
[2:33:33 PM] SteelAttack says: She. Lol.
[2:33:36 PM] Benjamin says: It!
[2:33:57 PM] Jamie Galea says: how quick would it take you to update?
[2:34:10 PM] zurahn says: well, backdate, as it were
[2:34:16 PM] SteelAttack says: Backdate?
[2:34:17 PM] Jamie Galea says: how long though?
[2:34:19 PM] SteelAttack says: Sounds kinky.
[2:34:31 PM] zurahn says: I'm going to see if I can get an older version to downgrade to, hopefully quick. It's finding the older version that could take time
[2:34:39 PM] zurahn says: hopefully only a few minutes, and hopefully that fixes it.
[2:34:53 PM] zurahn says: You may as well start, and if it works, I'll update you here
[2:35:02 PM] Benjamin says: So we're not waiting for Vader?
[2:35:17 PM] SteelAttack says: Jamie has to go, and he's a far more capable host than any of us.
[2:35:24 PM] Benjamin says: Ah yes
[2:35:28 PM] Jamie Galea says: it's not somewhere urgent
[2:35:28 PM] SteelAttack says: Besides, his voice turns me on.
[2:35:34 PM] zurahn says: I'll be offline while I'm doing this (uninstalling and such), so I'm off for now
[2:35:36 PM] SteelAttack says: k
[2:35:42 PM] Jamie Galea says: kay
[2:35:52 PM] Benjamin says: Just 1 sec
[2:35:54 PM] Benjamin says: gotta save something
[2:35:57 PM] Jamie Galea says: go nuts
[2:35:57 PM] Benjamin says: and open auddacity
[2:36:04 PM] SteelAttack says: Save your wang.
[2:36:07 PM] SteelAttack says: For Jamie.
[2:36:13 PM] SteelAttack says: (chuckle)
[2:36:16 PM] Jamie Galea says: .....
[2:36:47 PM] Benjamin says: He can be a bit of a biter, though
[2:37:03 PM] Jamie Galea says: I want to murder you all.
[2:37:07 PM] SteelAttack says: Once I told GG that my dream would be travelling to Australia, to run with both Jamie and Benjamin on the beach, naked and holding hands.
[2:37:12 PM] Benjamin says: With sex?
[2:37:13 PM] SteelAttack says: Or wangs.
[2:37:29 PM] Benjamin says: We wouldn't be holding wangs as they'd be other wise disposed;)
[2:37:35 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL.
[2:37:42 PM] Jamie Galea says: so are we going to do this thing with, or without Yoda?
[2:37:50 PM] SteelAttack says: We start without Yoda.
[2:37:58 PM] Benjamin says: Just closing shit now and opening audacity
[2:38:02 PM] SteelAttack says: We'll have to be extra loud to compensate for the lack of more members.
[2:38:06 PM] SteelAttack says: hehehe. Members.
[2:38:19 PM] Benjamin says: Jamie can just make sucking and biting noises and we'll be fine
[2:38:23 PM] Jamie Galea says: cunt
[2:38:39 PM] Benjamin says: You wish we were, then your God wouldn't disagree with it!:P
[2:39:00 PM] SteelAttack says: Where is your God now?
[2:39:23 PM] Benjamin says: He's off impregnating married women
[2:39:30 PM] Jamie Galea says: Foolz, are you still closing stuff?
[2:39:32 PM] SteelAttack says: He kind of does that.
[2:39:40 PM] SteelAttack says: Closing everything except his buttocks.
[2:40:00 PM] Jamie Galea says: ....
[2:40:12 PM] Benjamin says: Just pluggin in headphones
[2:40:17 PM] SteelAttack says: In the buttocks?
[2:40:24 PM] SteelAttack says: How risque.
[2:40:38 PM] Benjamin says: No, in the rectum
[2:42:00 PM] Jamie Galea says: we're going to end this convo
[2:42:07 PM] Jamie Galea says: we need start a new
[2:42:11 PM] SteelAttack says: Ok.
[2:42:13 PM] Benjamin says: This convo should be the podcast
[2:44:27 PM] Benjamin says: I hope you didn't mean start recordin gagain
[3:09:36 PM] zurahn says: OK, I think I've got it
[3:09:52 PM] SteelAttack says: ok
[3:09:54 PM] SteelAttack says: hop in
[3:09:56 PM] Jamie Galea says: lol, you want in?
[3:10:01 PM] David Katz says: sure
[3:10:02 PM] zurahn says: I can't do that by myself
[3:14:08 PM] Jamie Galea says: http://kotaku.com/5273208/qore-lets-slip-the-first-look-at-psp-go
[3:14:18 PM] Benjamin says: Chaos!
[3:14:20 PM] SteelAttack says: I'm having horrible audio issues right now.
[3:14:57 PM] SteelAttack says: I can't hear anyone.
[3:15:15 PM] Jamie Galea says: shit
[3:15:24 PM] Jamie Galea says: AH
[3:15:33 PM] zurahn says: alright stop
[3:15:39 PM] zurahn says: I'll host, hopefully we get better connections
[3:15:52 PM] Jamie Galea says: kay
[3:15:53 PM] Jamie Galea says: FUCK
[3:15:56 PM] zurahn says: you're puny Australian connection will be the bane of us all!
[3:16:00 PM] zurahn says: crap, YOUR
[3:16:01 PM] Jamie Galea says: QUIET YOU
[3:16:04 PM] SteelAttack says: LOL.
[3:16:09 PM] David Katz says: crap, YOUR?
[3:16:22 PM] Jamie Galea says: at least we know how to spell in Australia
[3:16:24 PM] SteelAttack says: In soviet russia, crap shits you.
[3:23:35 PM] Benjamin says: I need to piss, where are you Jamie?
[3:23:49 PM] SteelAttack says: Lol.
[3:23:55 PM] David Katz says: lol
[3:35:57 PM] *** zurahn added Bobovic to this chat
[4:00:33 PM] Benjamin says: I'm posting this convo
Recently Spotted:
And that post-podcast I think ended up lasting longer than the actual podcast.
Wait till you hear the post podcast.