But in case you have, here are some of my turf wars matches results
7 kills with an aerospray and top scorer, good match.
Factoring out the 1000 point win bonus (used to be 300) I was the highest scoring player
With a Dual Squelcher
Look at that score - Factoring out the 1000 point win bonus (used to be 300) I was highest scoring but more than that, to get 1000 or over while losing is great work. To get 1362 points on the losing team is outstanding.
Look at the joker who scored top here, 9 kills with a dynamo roller, but also top turf wars score with that slow ass roller?
Most awesome Moray Towers match as Seal Team GG took it to the top :)
Recently Spotted:
SupremeAC (9m)
On that last pic, I think the other team went for a smoke break all at once.
Colour (hah!) me impressed.
Is what I was thinking untill you mentionned you get a 1000 point bonus for winning these days. Back in the ole' days when I was playing, you'd be happy with a measily 300 points surpluss. Squids these days... Its all about being fresh and the colour of your ink... *shakes head*
Also Aerosprays are way OP.
If you look at the pics I also did well with a Dual Squelcher. I have also scored highly with a Splat roller. I'm completely useless with sniper rifles and blasters.
Can do great things with the Slosher but I hate playing with it because you have to push the button continuously for a throw.
Me at my best is using one of the Aerosprays. It loses to just about every other weapon in a direct confrontation, its the weakest weapon outside of the Jr, has a short range and even the splash-o-matic beats you close range.
But me at my best is being a marauder, moving quickly all over the map,pushing deep past the frontlines, sneaking past and shooting areas where no one is.
I tried the Dual Squelcher for a while, it's nearly a sniper with the range it has. But I found it to be more difficult to cover a lot of ground with it, and it lacked the oomph I came to love of the .52Gal.
It doesn't quite have that range and the Heaving Splatling and variants are more powerful and have better range. The key to using it is moving horizontally, strafing either left or right, which paints a large box area in front of you.
Other than that the range is so large you can literally fire right over the head of enemies below you, from a distance and still ink territory, whilst still being relatively safe.
I'm glad that you won those matches, GG, but I'm not impressed by your performance.