Two days ago I was offered a new part-time job by a very small, very local record company.  I wasn't given a specific role, other than they would like me to work for them and offer my lights and work on various projects as they arise etc.  A bit of A&R management and talent scouting, help with in-studio production, help with marketing and promotion etc.  Basically, I am only the third employ in the company (and that's even counting the owner) and all three are part-time so it's natural than there can't yet be very clear division of labour and that everybody is expected to help with everything to the best of their ability.

I'm kinda nervous but also excited because I think I can be very useful in this kind of set-up and that I have a lot to offer given the opportunity, and while this is not perfect or ideal (hardly anything ever is), I think it's a good opportunity.

This blog is not though just to announce this or to express my excitement.  It's because I want and need your help.  My first project for the company, is to basically help with the promotion of a recently released CD (was released late last year).  It's by a local metal band.  Anyway what I need, at least for starters, is basically feedback.  I know a good number of you here are metal-heads.  Archie, Edge, Steel, Robio and probably others I'm forgeting.

I will upload the album on some server in a short while and put a link here and I'm asking you guys to please listen, and give me honest and constructive feedback.  Firstly what you think of the music, whether it's good or bad.  What it reminds you of, what you think it sounds like.  Whether you think it's marketable and at what target audience etc.

Thanks, will post again in a bit with the download link

Posted by bugsonglass Mon, 11 Apr 2011 18:00:51 (comments: 18)
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Mon, 11 Apr 2011 18:56:07

Metal is not my speciality. Good luck buddy.

Mon, 11 Apr 2011 19:11:56

Thank you bro.  It's not my specialty either.  Far from it, even though I did listen to an unhealthy amount of it during my misguided childhood and wasted youth periods.

Mon, 11 Apr 2011 19:15:03

Right, I thought it may be easier to use youtube links (especially since it's taken me the entire afternoon to upload these) so you don't need to download anything.  If you would like to have the mp3s to listen to on your mp3 players etc let me know.  I will post all the tracks of the album in order, so this is the first one, which is also the album title track.

Mon, 11 Apr 2011 19:43:57
bugsonglass said:

Thank you bro.  It's not my specialty either.  Far from it, even though I did listen to an unhealthy amount of it during my misguided childhood and wasted youth periods.

Are the other employees hip music type people? Would you consider a nose ring?

Mon, 11 Apr 2011 19:54:32

I wouldn't say that.  One works as a courier, the other runs a pub and I'm a teacher.  They often accuse me of being a hipster but I'm definitely not hip.

And, no most certainly no to a nose ring.  I have no piercings and don't find them appealing at all.

Mon, 11 Apr 2011 20:00:38

Get a testicle ring.


Steel has one.

Mon, 11 Apr 2011 20:07:37

No, man stop it.  Imagine trying to go through airport security with that ...

Steel how do you do it?

Mon, 11 Apr 2011 22:22:30
Okay I've got feedback for you, but honestly none of it is good. These guys sound like the group you hear at 4 AM at a Thursday night battle of the bads contest at a local bar.

That singer is pretty cliche...generic... sounds like 3,000 other death/scream/growl metal out there. Just sounds like the dude is vomiting. Tough to tell if he has any vocal talent, but after listening to that I'm not inclined to think so.  Plus he overpowers the music instead of going along with it.

The bass riff is too redundant. Little too simplistic.  The guitar isn't bad though.

The mix isn't great though. If a better job were done with that maybe the vocals and music can balance each other out a bit.
Mon, 11 Apr 2011 22:35:11

The singer reminds me of a very young Max Cavalera (Sepultura).

They're not bad, from a technical standpoint. However, the song drags on for much too long, riff structure is monotonous and overall production is raw, not too polished. Considering they're an aspiring band, I can overlook the last point, but not the first couple. They sound like a late 80s-early 90s metal act (pre-Pantera). There were dozens, maybe hundreds of bands at the time that sounded exactly like that and failed to achieve something meaningful. And that was back then when metal was the next big thing as acts such as Metallica, Megadeth and Pantera gained popularity and record sales for the genre. Right now, with the kind of stuff emerging on a daily basis and readily available everywhere, I just don't know man. This band sounds like something of a time gone by.

Mon, 11 Apr 2011 23:00:40

Guys, thanks so much.  This is exactly what I'm looking for.  Honest opinion and impressions, doesn't matter if good or bad.  I will tell you what I think, a few posts down the line.  Will post a few more tunes from the album if you would be so kind as to listen.

Track 2 - I wont break

Track 3 - (Rage) Mindgames

Track 4 - Bloodline

Track 5 - Human Touch

Track 9 - Circle of Life

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