No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 details

1. What makes Travis' Schpeletiger new is that it is now twice as long (in addition to the better controls).

2. This has already been verified, but there have been doubts and concerns as to how Grasshopper is going to have 50 unique bosses, from their appearance to actual fighting capabilities. Suda explains to EDGE that basically there is nothing to worry about as they incorporated both the original NMH development team and the NMH2 team (many members being of both teams including the character creator) to brainstorm and according to Suda they had no problems shooting out several ideas and characters from that.

3. The name of the "schoolgirl assassin" we all know about is Kimmy. How appropriate. Suda also mentions that Kimmy wants to keep Travis "all to her self." Possible Misery references?

4. At the end of every boss fight, a 2D image of Travis will walk from one end of the screen to the other to hop onto the Schpeletiger and drive off, accompanied by some new piece of midi music.

5. The idea of Travis using other weapons, even projectiles, was considered by Suda, but ultimately canned as Suda says that the sword/beam katana is what Travis should always use. Suda calls Travis the "modern samurai."

6. It was implied that Bishop actually does not die or get killed off, as the article explains that Bishop will have a bigger role to play in the game. At the same time, Suda says that "Travis is fighting for himself" not for anyone else. Travis is fighting for revenge, but perhaps for someone else other than Bishop?

7. Speaking more specifically on the city, Suda explains that Travis had actually left Santa Destroy for those three years, and it wasn't until he came back that he had seen how much it had changed. Where Travis had gone is not said. Only a portion of the original city will be traveled, based on fan responses on the first game. The streets and sidewalks will be much more busier and cars will "get out of the way" of Travis' bike. There are construction signs and lights everywhere. One of the fighting grounds will be a "new school", "construction yard", and a graveyard. Not sure if the school is new in the sense that it is an additional one to the Santa Destroy High School or if it is just a remodeled SDHS.

8. There are still side jobs such as coconut collecting and a new one involving plumbing. Suda explains that he still wants the player to feel like he has to work hard to play the game as that is what it means to be a punk. Otherwise, he says, there is a disconnect between the videogame world and reality. Still, the side jobs are still improved and provide humor as well as entertainment.

9. It is confirmed that Destroyman comes back as a cyborg as wanting revenge against, who else, Travis.

10. Finally, the bosses themselves: it will not be as difficult, time consuming, and at times boring to collect enough money to advance to the next boss fight. In fact, Suda purposely wanted to mix things up to keep it from getting repetitive by having Shinobu and Henry as playable characters and, at times, fighting more than one boss fight, sometimes one right after the other, and sometimes simultaneously.

Posted by gamingeek Mon, 10 Aug 2009 19:27:59 (comments: 243)
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Fri, 04 Jun 2010 10:30:45

angrymonkey said:
You've convinced me to get the game gg!

I'm sure I'll unwrap it at some point....


Sat, 05 Jun 2010 09:47:04

game has been unwrapped.  monkey i've gone and ruined it.

some quick first impressions from moi after playing for just less than two hours.  Did two bosses (3 if you count the opening fight) and 4 side-job 8bit games.

so far the game hasn't grabbed me like the first one did which (if you read my impressions in the relevant thread) was by the balls from the beginning and didn't let up until the end.  in fact i got a good way in with my second playthrough before i stopped to try and play some other games.

the 8 bit games are a nice touch but let's face it, NES games are boring, and having to play four levels of them for very little game currency in return is not so nice.  i think i preferred side-jobs in 3D like in the first game.  Also, where are the assassination missions?  they were almost always interesting and fun and it's how i made my money in the original.  have they done away with them completely?

the two bosses so far were pretty bad compared to almost all of the ones in the original.  50 cent had no real fight moves so to speak and the only challenge was avoiding the gadgetry in his level.  the robot fight was just a gimmick and not a very fun one.

must say i'm slightly disappointed even though i expect the game to pick up.  i'm also probably the only person who enjoyed hovering around santa destroy in the first game and i miss it in this game

Sat, 05 Jun 2010 11:24:12

bugsonglass said:

so far the game hasn't grabbed me like the first one did which (if you read my impressions in the relevant thread) was by the balls from the beginning and didn't let up until the end.  

 Sin and Punishment 2 impressions NOW.

Sat, 05 Jun 2010 11:33:17

Iga_Bobovic said:

bugsonglass said:

so far the game hasn't grabbed me like the first one did which (if you read my impressions in the relevant thread) was by the balls from the beginning and didn't let up until the end.  

 Sin and Punishment 2 impressions NOW.

 i will try to finish this first.  sin and punishment is too punishing for a sinner like me.

NMH2 is seriously starting to piss me off.  Why are there no assassination jobs?  How am I supposed to make money to buy clothes and naomi's katana upgrades?  I don't even get money from the ranked fights.  game is broken i tell you,

Sat, 05 Jun 2010 11:39:50

bugsonglass said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

bugsonglass said:

so far the game hasn't grabbed me like the first one did which (if you read my impressions in the relevant thread) was by the balls from the beginning and didn't let up until the end.  

 Sin and Punishment 2 impressions NOW.

 i will try to finish this first.  sin and punishment is too punishing for a sinner like me.

NMH2 is seriously starting to piss me off.  Why are there no assassination jobs?  How am I supposed to make money to buy clothes and naomi's katana upgrades?  I don't even get money from the ranked fights.  game is broken i tell you,

 Use the damn continues.

About NMH2, I will wait until it drops in price. Galaxy 2 is releasing next week and I am still playing sin and punishment 2. I do not want to play too many games after each other while I still am playing the ones I have.

Should have released the game in January of February in Europe. 

Sat, 05 Jun 2010 12:44:30

Iga_Bobovic said:

 Use the damn continues.

About NMH2, I will wait until it drops in price. Galaxy 2 is releasing next week and I am still playing sin and punishment 2. I do not want to play too many games after each other while I still am playing the ones I have.

Should have released the game in January of February in Europe. 

 it won't be long, the game even released at a reduced price, about £25.  it will be down to £18 in a week.

i still can't understand how they screwed up the european release

Sat, 05 Jun 2010 13:30:13

bugsonglass said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

 Use the damn continues.

About NMH2, I will wait until it drops in price. Galaxy 2 is releasing next week and I am still playing sin and punishment 2. I do not want to play too many games after each other while I still am playing the ones I have.

Should have released the game in January of February in Europe. 

 it won't be long, the game even released at a reduced price, about £25.  it will be down to £18 in a week.

i still can't understand how they screwed up the european release

 Well their logic is:

Our game are selling bad in the States and doing somewhat better in Europe. 

You know what?! Let's close the European publishing branch.

They deserve to get bankrupt!

Sat, 05 Jun 2010 14:25:55

Iga_Bobovic said:

 Well their logic is:

Our game are selling bad in the States and doing somewhat better in Europe. 

You know what?! Let's close the European publishing branch.

They deserve to get bankrupt!

 that's hilarious, because it's the truth.

ok, now the game is starting to get better.  the next couple of fights have been pretty good.  especially the one in the haunted graveyard. that was awesome and pretty tough as well.  had to try it two or three times.

instead of assassination missions the game seems to have "revenge missions" which play very similarly except you don't make any money from them.  this really annoys me, how am i supposed to get enough money to buy all the clothes, weapon and stats upgrades?  i don't want to have to play the stupid NES games day and night for petty change

Sat, 05 Jun 2010 18:04:37

Played about six hours today...  a mini marathon and I feel like playing some more.  The game is really hitting its stride as far as the main plot and the ranking missions are concerned.  I have just done my first mission as shinobu, it was great.  The best thing was seeing her in the shower when you save.  That has got to be the finest digital ass crack ever.  so much better than the much publicised sylvia digital ass crack which came earlier in the game and even better than the digital ass crack from the first episode of the animatrix (which held first place until now).

I'm still not pleased about not being able to make any money in this game and miss buying all that stuff from the shop like i did in the original.  seems such a waste as there is so much stuff to get.  i can't even afford the sword upgrades from naomi.  very annoyed by this

Sun, 06 Jun 2010 03:37:55

Iga_Bobovic said:

Well their logic is:

Our game are selling bad in the States and doing somewhat better in Europe.

You know what?! Let's close the European publishing branch.

They deserve to get bankrupt!


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