Image result for top 100 video games of all time

(Totally random stock image of top games that has nothing to do with my list. But it looks cool.)

Welcome to my much more than top 100 games of all time list. Why is it not 100 because I found a way for my list to not be all Zelda, MGS or Mario games. I also hate the idea of only putting one or two per franchise, this is about individual games and some franchises are so good all their games are in the top. But that makes for a boring list so I wanted more games in.

The compromise I came up with is to bunch similar quality games together as one entry (example Galaxy 1 and 2). There could be two, three, maybe six games in one number. The idea being they are very close in quality so no reason to break them into separate ranks. I will order them from least favorite to favorite within that rank.

This is also a favorites list meaning if one game is ahead of another it does not necessarily mean I think its a better game, I just might have a deeper history with that game. Now toward the top of the list my favorites and what I believe to be the best games ever made are one and the same. It was not easy to pick the games I did, I constantly removed some games, put others in, rearranged the ranks many times. Ive always known my top 25 or so but the rest has been fun to explore and figure out which games have been my favorites over all these years.

Its actually kind of late so I will start officially tomorrow. But before I go I'll leave you with a few games that just missed the list.

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So funky and fresh but didn't make it.

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The splatoon games, one of the best online competitive "shooters" I've played. Slightly out of the splat zone.

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FTL, such an addicting simple yet extremely deep game. A classic but just missses the mark.

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The Longest Journey, Incredible story and the best traditional point and click adventure game I have ever played. Excellent game but lets be real, adventure games aren't my thing.


  • 100. Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil Outbreak
  • 99. Rogue Squadron 2
  • 98. Nights
  • 97. Destiny
  • 96. Astro Bot
  • 95. Pixeljunk Eden
  • 94. Tomb Raider 2
  • 93. Sim CIty 2000
  • 92. Splinter Cell Blacklist
  • 91. Panzer Dragoon 2 and Panzer Dragoon Saga
  • 90. Shenmue 1 and 2
  • 89. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and 3
  • 88. Nioh
  • 87. Tetris
  • 86. Darksiders
  • 85. Assassin's Creed 2
  • 84. Portal 1 and 2
  • 83. Dragon Quest 8
  • 82. BloodBorne
  • 81. Ecco the Dolphin 1 and 2
  • 80. Dead Space 1 and 2
  • 79. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
  • 78. Kingdom Hearts 2
  • 77. Mortal Kombat 1, 2 and 9
  • 76. Uncharted 3, 4 and Lost Legacy
  • 75. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
  • 74. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • 73. Rayman Origins and Legends
  • 72. Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow
  • 71. Crash Bandicoot 2
  • 70. Silent Hill
  • 69. Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite
  • 68. Bayonetta 1 and 2
  • 67. Donkey Kong Country Returns
  • 66. AM2R, Metroid Prime 2 and Metroid Zero Mission
  • 65. Final Fantasy 6 and 12
  • 64. The World Ends With You
  • 63. Hollow Knight
  • 62. Chrono Trigger
  • 61. Metal Gear Solid Ghost Babel
  • 60. Dragon Age: Origins
  • 59. Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors and Sonic Adventure 2
  • 58. Mega Man 2
  • 57. Halo 1 and 2
  • 56. Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga and Paper Mario 2
  • 55. Devil May Cry 1 and 4
  • 54. Horizon Zero Dawn
  • 53. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
  • 52. Tie Fighter and X-Wing Alliance
  • 51. Gran Turismo 1 and 3
  • 50. Tekken 3
  • 49. Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds and Oracle of Ages/Seasons
  • 48. Sonic 1, 3 and Knuckles
  • 47.  God of War 3
  • 46. Super Smash Bros. Melee, Brawl, Wii U and Ultimate
  • 45. Metroid Prime 3
  • 44. Ratchet and Clank Going Commando and A Crack in Time
  • 43. GTA 3, 4, 5 and Red Dead Redemption
  • 42. Mass Effect 3
  • 41. Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 3D World
  • 40. NFL2k1 and ESPN NFL 2K5
  • 39. Ninja Gaiden
  • 38. Deus Ex
  • 37. Shadow of the Colossus
  • 36. The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion and TES5 Skyrim
  • 35. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution and Virtua Fighter 5
  • 34. Okami
  • 33. The Last of Us
  • 32. X-Com UFO Defense
  • 31. Fallout 3 and New Vegas
  • 30. Resident Evil, Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil 5
  • 29. God of War 2 and God of War 4
  • 28. Red Dead Redemption 2
  • 27. Metal Gear Solid 2
  • 26. Devil May Cry 3
  • 25. Batman Arkham Asylum, City and Knight
  • 24. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker and Skyward Sword
  • 23. Final Fantasy 7 and 8
  • 22. The Witness
  • 21. Phantasy Star Online
  • 20. Half-Life 2
  • 19. LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2
  • 18. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • 17. Doom
  • 16. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • 15. Super Metroid
  • 14. Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3
  • 13. Uncharted 2
  • 12. Castlevania SOTN
  • 11. Resident Evil 2, Code Veronica and Remake 2
  • 10. Metal Gear Solid V
  • 9. GTA Vice City and San Andreas
  • 8. Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World
  • 7. The Legend of Zelda,  A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening
  • 6. Mass Effect 2
  • 5. Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
  • 4. Metroid Prime
Posted by Dvader Wed, 16 Jan 2019 06:47:24 (comments: 456)
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Tue, 19 Mar 2019 04:51:21

72. Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow

Image result for castlevania aria of sorrow

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Following SOTN 2D Castlevania found it's home on Nintendo portables. They could not reach the visual fidelity of SOTN but they more than made up for it with addictive gameplay systems that went deeper than SOTN. All the portable CV games are excellent but the standout games are the Sorrow duo. Taking place in modern day, this is the most up to date story in the CV timeline starring Soma Cruz and his soul absorbing powers. The souls become a sort of meta pokemon collectathon game within a game as you collect enemies powers throughout the castle. So not only is it a fantastic metroidvania with all the great bosses and battles you expect but this layer makes every encounter mean something as maybe the enemy will drop a cool new power. With so many skills at your disposal the combat does not get old.

Image result for castlevania dawn of sorrow

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Aria ends on a cliffhanger that is picked up on with its sequel Dawn of Sorrow which is the first CV game on the DS. Finally the graphics can live up to SOTN, better music and the nifty two screens allows to view the map as you play. Being an early DS game Iga tried some neat touch screen abilities that are used in creative ways throughout the game. The soul system was back and deeper than ever. Dawn is the complete package and second only to SOTN as the best Castlevania game.

Tue, 19 Mar 2019 20:59:29

Origins would have been my only platinum if my PS3 hadn't died.

Such a shitshow of a generation for hardware quality.

Tue, 19 Mar 2019 22:38:54
I enjoyed both games, but after playing Legends I found it very hard to go back to Origins. Origins had too much exploration and searching for collectibles in each levels which slow down the pace of the platforming and action. Legends was much better designed, and you could really tell there was a "right" way to play through each level.
Tue, 19 Mar 2019 22:45:39
The Soul system was great and really elevated Aria and Dawn of Sorrow. There was great level design too. SotN will always get the nod from me is the better game though. The soundtrack and surprise twist of the upside down Castle make it almost untouchable.

On a related note, I think Portrait of Ruin often gets overlooked. The dual combat modes really worked well and the portraits finally allowed them to take the series outside of the castle, which it was in dire need of at this point.
Wed, 20 Mar 2019 04:46:55

71. Crash Bandicoot 2

Image result for crash bandicoot 2

Image result for crash bandicoot 2

So I became a PS owner shortly after RE and I was all in on the PS library. But something was missing, that mascot flagship platformer, then Crash Bandicoot came out and it was a huge hit. Crash became the de facto mascot for the PS1 era. The 2.5d gameplay was unqiue enough to make the gameplay feel fresh and not just some old school platformer, it embraced enough 3D to feel like a 3D game. The first game was a challenging fun platformer but it was the second game that really allowd Crash to expand and become the classic franchise it is now.

The levels were more vaired with new locations that included something other than jungle! They realy expanded the secrets and side content which is one of the pillars of platforming. Yeah just beating the level was fun but the real mastery comes in breaking every box, finding the hidden gems and completing the challenges that come from those gems. The gem system is brillaint as earning gems in later levels allows you to go back to past levels where that gem activates the hidden path to earn a new gem and so on. These are so well hidden and have some great requirments to unlcok them, this is where I spent most of my time, mastering the levels to achieve 100%. And 100% I did get, one of my favorite platforming achievements, I loved this game. The third game was fantastic as well but lacked the innnovative secrets of the second, they sort of just through everything in the third game so it lost focus. Crash 2 though is a beautifully balanced, meaty platformer, one of the best ever made.

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 05:03:05

70. Silent Hill

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It's 1999 and survival horror mania is in full bloom. Capcom has the flagship franchise but Konami wanted to make a rival in the survival horror space, a more psychological horror game. Silent Hill was a massive production for them, ads were all over and I was super excited to jump into this freaky town. It took all of 2 minutes to make me realize this is a whole different level of scary. Right away you lose your daughter, you search though the fog and see her run into an alley, you go deeper and deeper, it gets darker and darker. The alley begins to change, the chain fences have bodies now, guts and blood cover the floor, the music starts to pound and screech. Still you dont know where you are going and then darkness, and when you see light a dead body ripped open on a fence, demonic children coming at you with knives, you die.  RE is baby stuff, SH will haunt you to the core, I was mortified after the start.

This game had me spooked in a way almost nothing had done before. I forced myself to play with the lights off, I admit sometimes I just turned them back on cause wtf. The school when you are in the patio and you just hear horrific growling of some creature that is who knows where, ahhhhh. And then after solving puzzles and exploring this abandoned school a pathway down into the basement opens up, the source of that noise... fuck you game. But down I went and I activated a generator or something, no monster, ok cool, lets go back out AHHH WHAT THE FUCKKKKK!!! The entire school is now a demonic hell version, all the halls and rooms morphed into nightmare fuel. My favorite moment in the school is remembring a creepy painting of a door (picture above) in the prinicpals office. Well when you go to the hell version the prinicpals office is now that painting, genius.

That's what Silent Hill does, play with your head, with your expectations. The gameplay was clunky, combat a step back from RE. The inventory management is not really a focus, this game is about exploring and surviving. It did have some good boss battles but what stands out are the locations and moments of fear. Like when you are in the hospital and you search all three floors, so where to next, you enter the elevator and magically a 4th floor button that was not there before is there. So you go to the 4th floor that doesn't exist and enter the hell version of the hospital, that sticks in my mind. Oh and the alternate endings and awesome secret UFO ending were so much fun to unlock. I played this game so many times, got every hidden weapon and ending. I don't care what people say, the sequel was a huge step back in level design, in moments as I described above. I would say the series never reached the heights of the first game. This is the scariest game I have ever played in my life.

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 21:18:01

I wondered if a Crash Bandicoot would make it. Glad one did!

Silent Hill should be much, much higher, though. Nyaa

Thu, 21 Mar 2019 04:51:38

69. Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite

Image result for bioshock

Image result for bioshock

Following in the footsteps of system shock 2 which I feel is a bad game with good ideas taken from Deus Ex, Bioshock modernized the Deus Ex formula into a story driven classic. Rapture is easily one of the most iconic video game locations, a fully realized underwater city turned house of horrors. Exploring rapture sort of unfolds a little like a Metroid game, levels open up when you gain a new ability, parts of the map connect to each other, but its done so seamlessly. From the botany area, to the theater district, every inch of this game has a personality. I was hooked from the gripping intro and engaged all the way through, especially when the big twist came which is an all time twist.

The gameplay was fantastic too taking elements of Deus Ex and mixing it with some cool powers. The biotics allow you to manipulate foces like electricty, fire, and ice and the game world has all kinds of systems in place to use these as environmental attacks against enemies. Or you can hack drones, sneak around and bash people in the head or just use guns. Battles could be planned out with mines and traps, it was not just a mindless shooter. All your best laid plans go to shit if you anger a Big Daddy which were like roaming bosses. The whole big daddy and little sister system was unique and a good way to make players have a moral choice with gameplay consequences. Bioshock is briliant game, oozing with atmosphere and is a meaty large adventure we don't see much from the FPS genre now.

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I feel everyone lost their mind with this game, gets praised as a highly rated epic and then people decided to shit on it, they are wrong. Infinite is a classic, the story, setting and yes even gameplay is top notch. I am a sucker for time travel stories and sci fi and this was right up my alley with one hell of a time travel story. I loved the characters, Booker was excellent and this game made Troy Baker a star, Elizabeth is like a Disney princesss in a nightmare, the twins are the quirjy scientists. This game is a lot more linear than Bioshock but it works because the story has so many highs, its fast paced and goes to amazing places by the end. The alternate realities, the damn pinky, and the ultimate reveal at the end, so brilliant. All the action is highlighted by moments of peace and character building between Booker and Elizabeth, they feel like a true team and they form an emotional connection to the player.

Once again the setting is fully realized in ways most games do not achieve. The sky city of colombia is like an alternate segregated America, you see the inner workings of the politics and the class structure. You notice the weird issues with time, like how do they have covers of famous 80s music. Loved the mystery and being absorbed in the world. Then came the gameplay which is far more liberating and free than the first with the addiction of the railing skyhooks which allow you to swing through the air on a roller coaster of death. I love fast paced action and this game delivers it with all kinds of awesome powers. Most of the biotics from the first are here but now there is a whole layer of augments you can attach to your character which can create all kinds of crazy builds. You can become a cannonball of death that can dash through the battlefield colliding with enemies in a giant flame attack. you can become a jedi and hurl enemies off the blimps. I used the move controller with this game, one of the few major titles to support it so I was able to flick enemies around with my hand, play this wii style, I loved it. Infinite is a classic

Fri, 22 Mar 2019 02:56:38

This must mean the best Bioshock game is higher up? WinkWink

Fri, 22 Mar 2019 03:07:19

Bill and Ted "69, dudes!"

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