It hurts so bloody much. For two weeks to be made to feel like Fred Astaire. To have hopes, even dreams for a life less lonely ... for an existence less futile.
Then to be told in no uncertain terms that you can never be more than "just friends".
It hurts so much, to want something so bad, something you can never have.
PS Sorry to be heavy.
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Té_Rojo (5m)
Here is some advice Bugs, introduce her to Iga. After 5 minutes she will come crying to you.
Thanks, you guys are priceless. Between time-proven pearls of wisdom, psychotic revenge advice and man-ass, you cheer me up...
I'm smiling, though my heart is still bleeding.
So today I agreed to meet, as friends, after a 10 day break from all communication. So we spent the day together, as friends. Went walking, had lunch, went walking some more, had a coffee, chilled and played backgammon ... as friends. And then we parted, as friends. The way I feel right now I might as well have picked off the scabs of my wounds with my nails and rubbed salt and alcohol in them.
I know i'm a pathetic idiot and it's all my fault for going along. But this is how desperate I am.
Please don't feel you have to reply. I realise i'm being a sad bastard and please don't feel you have to indulge me. You've all been extremely helpful and supportive and I appreciate it more than my words can say. It's my fault i'm not able to get over this and move on and i take full responsibility
Welcome to the Friend zone.
It's is like the Phantom Zone in Superman, but in the Friend zone not even the mighty Zod can escape.
The How to Serve Man episode of The Twilight Zone would be quite apt; or at least the short story's angst that inspired it.
Yep. She's sending mixed messages for sure.