I wonder why that is. Perhaps this all derives from the frustration and anger that E.T. brought to my life. Well, I do finish some games, every now and then, but the finished/unfinished ratio is always unfavorable because I keep getting them at a rate that far exceeds my ability to finish them. This is, in short, the origin of a procrastinator's backlog.

At any rate, I should be finishing my first game of the year this week with Assassin's Creed II.

I have never seen snow either. I'd love to roll around naked in a snowy field. I've never thrown a snowball, or made a snowman with a carrot wang. I've never written anything with pee in the snow. I'll try to plan a vacation to a snowy place in a couple of years. When I do, I'll do all those things at the same time, and will have pics for you guys.

I know a lot of people that get sad with bad weather, like clouds or rain. I'm quite the opposite, actually. I hate the sun with the same rage that it burns nitrogen, so whenever it's not around, I'm a little bit happier than the day before.

We should all die in a gamma-ray burst.

Posted by SteelAttack Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:51:17 (comments: 28)
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Thu, 14 Jan 2010 00:30:26
Celcius to Fahrenheit conversion formula I teach 13 year olds:

TinF = 32 + 1.8*TinC

so freezing point of pure water in F is 32.

also steel please for the love of whatever you hold holy ... the sun burns hydrogen!  actually it doesn't even burn it, 2 hydrogen nuclei fuse to form one helium nucleus.  Nyaa

and for the record.  i live in a "holiday paradise" ... and i loath it.  i want cold and snow and schools closing down!
Thu, 14 Jan 2010 07:33:46

^^No one in their right mind would use the Fahrenheit scale. So that formula should not even exist

And nice catch Bugsy, Steel sucks hard in physics, don't you think? First Iron molecules, now this. We need to educate this boy.

Thu, 14 Jan 2010 08:03:04
well in truth, the centigrade scale is also pretty random.  the absolute scale (Kelvin) is a little less arbitrary but temperature is a funny concept.   it only exists because some materials have certain properties which have a linear relation to the amount of heat they are given.

and i think Steel knows his stuff very well.  he may pretend he doesn't to fool me so i let my guard down ... but i'm onto him
Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:20:47
Ah bugs, living in holiday paradise. You must love it surely? The night clubs, the drunken british tourists...
Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:33:25

Well, Bugsy the Celcius scale actually makes sense. Water is by far the most important thing we have on this planet. It is important in starting and sustaining life and it covers 2/3rd of the planet's surface.

So picking water actually makes sense. Celcius wisely used pure water to get rid of any random factors and simple measured the temperature of melting ice and boiling water. Again this makes sense. Boiling is to transform water from liquid state to gaseous state. And melting is to transform water from solid to liquid state. 

In practical life it makes sense too. When the temperature is below zero it s snowing above and it is raining. The Kelvin scale is based of the Celcius scale, but then they took the absolute zero temperature. So for scientific things this make sense also, while in day to day Celsius scale makes sense. In many scientific calculations that work with temperature differences you can use both Celsius and Kelvin scale.

And from Fahrenheit, well let Wiki speak for me

According to a journal article Fahrenheit wrote in 1724,[3] he based his scale on three reference points of temperature. The zero point is determined by placing the thermometer in brine: he used a mixture of ice, water, and ammonium chloride, a salt. This is a frigorific mixture which automatically stabilizes its temperature at 0 °F. A mixture of water and ice stabilizes at 32 F. But Fahrenheit did not use this point in defining his temperature scale. The third point, 96 degrees, was the level of the liquid in the thermometer when held in the mouth or under the armpit of his wife. Fahrenheit noted that, using this scale, mercury boils at around 600 degrees.

How Random can you get?

Sure there are some random things in the Celsius scale, but still so much better than the Fahrenheit scale which is designed in idiocy. 

Thu, 14 Jan 2010 18:35:32
LOL Fuck nitrogen, what was I thinking?

Fuck Fahrenheit. You a common man? Use celsius. You a scientist? Use Kelvin.
Fri, 15 Jan 2010 01:59:28
Here it's 15-35C. Nyaa
Fri, 15 Jan 2010 22:17:31
Don't mind me making sure I can comment
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