Platform | OVERALL |
Wii U | 7.40 |
Overall | 7.40 |
Star Fox Zero has been a controversial game from the start due to the strange control scheme implemented in what otherwise would have been a safe fan favorite sequel. Instead of playing star fox like normal you have to pay attention to two screens and aim using sticks certain time or motion aiming with the pad (it's customizable but might as well pick motion as motion control is unavoidable). Like anything with practice you can get better at it but at no point does it feels as solid as the standard method. If this two screen process actually added something new to the game then it would be welcome. Flying one way and shooting another isn't as beneficial or easy as it sounds. Aiming traditionally on the main screen is made awkward on purpose when trying to hit things at an angle as your target and where you actually shoot don't match, but they match if you focus on the pad for more precise aiming. During normal on rails star fox levels I did ok with playing it like normal but during any of the free flight and boss battles starring at the pad is essential but not all that fun. It's not terrible but it's not good either, it seems like it's there for no reason. It sucks because the actual game is really fun. At first it feels like a super short simple star fox 64 clone that can be finished in an hour (which it can) but soon you start to unlock new paths as the game goes on. It's not like the other star fox games with a linear path, this map allows you to replay levels and as you play events open up in the map which reminded me of stuff happening in the SMB3 map. All of a sudden new bosses show up, new levels, new challenges, really good ones appear. At its core it's still the fast paced flying combat action we loved from the series. They mixed in a bunch of new vehicle upgrades where you can transform on the fly, like the arwing to a bipedal robot, this is so awesome in free flying levels where you can transform in and out on the fly. There is one hovercraft that is used in a stealth mission which is kind of crappy, it releases a tiny robot that you use to hack lights and computers, brings the games action to a halt. Other than that the action is mostly great, platinum games finger prints are all over it. The final levels in particular have you doing all sorts of advanced piloting and have great pattern bosses. After you beat all levels you can replay them to get all 5 medals in each stage. These are hidden objectives, one of which is to kill a certain amount of enemies. The others needed some kind of hint, that would have helped to find them. Instead just go online and read how to get them, some are too obscure. This is a huge challenge as some of these take crazy skill, it's exactly what an action game needs. There are more challenge levels to unlock by gaining medals. After finishing the main game you unlock arcade mode which is like traditional star fox where you choose your path to the end in one go with limited lives. All in all there is plenty of replay value here. Graphically the game looks pretty bad, it's the most basic of HD, it runs smooth but sometime looks like the n64 game. Music is ok, the voice acting is traditional which is fun. Star Fox Zero could have been the traditional star fox sequel everyone wanted if not for the forced pad use. Even then it's still really good, it just could have been better. It is a simple game, if you never cared for star fox there isn't anything here for you, this is a safe star fox sequel with a weird control scheme. |
Posted by Dvader Sun, 14 Aug 2016 15:35:21
Sun, 14 Aug 2016 17:34:09
Can you invert the sticks?
Sun, 14 Aug 2016 17:38:55
in what way, it's a flight game, up is down and down is up like its supposed to be.
Sun, 14 Aug 2016 17:41:16
In the other way. Down is down.
Sun, 14 Aug 2016 18:00:52
I prefer setting right to up, up to down, down to right, left to left. This makes for a truly harrowing experience.
Sun, 14 Aug 2016 18:10:58
You are crazy GG you don't deserve invert controls
Tue, 16 Aug 2016 15:55:42
Answer the question. Jerk.
Tue, 16 Aug 2016 17:19:11
Yeah sure. I don't know but of course it has to have it.
Tue, 16 Aug 2016 17:58:59
Check, General Pig Man. Wait. I JUST GOT THE PORKINS CONNECTION. Miyamoto you sly bastard.
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