Overall 4.20
Ryse is that launch game that is all flash and no substance, its simply there to show off the new consoles graphics.  Crytek decided to make an action game where you have a few attacks and a million QTEs, this is as basic as action games get. It does look nice though as the graphics put you right in the action, action that will bore you.

Here is the combat; you have light and strong attacks, a block and a dodge. hit enemies with light until they block then hit with the shield bash strong then back to light and that is how you combo. Eventually they will hit a finisher state where you can enter the QTE mode where the game slows down and you press the button that the color the enemy blinks corresponds to so you can get max points, if you hit the wrong button you just don't get bonus points the QTE ends with the enemy dying anyway. You will see the same finishers over and over and over. There is some variety to it and its cool a few times but not 500 times! As you do the QTE finishers you can choose where the bonus goes, either to health to damage out put or your special meter. So if you are low on health you can QTE yourself back to health.

It plays like a hobo version of batman's combat, there is not much there. All skill upgrades just make QTE combos last longer. There are no new attacks to learn. The super meter makes things even easier as you slow everything down and can run around bashing enemies like a mad man. The only time the combat shines is with some of the major bosses, of which there are only three. This is a nice balance of attacking, dodging and countering with an element of danger as the boss is tough.

Outside of combat there is nothing to do except run forward and engage in stupid events which come in two kinds, the formation march where they all line up and make a shield wall. You slowly move forward and press a button to pull shields when arrows come, then throw your own arrows by pressing a button. That's it, that's the extent of that gameplay segment that is repeated a ton of times. Somehow they managed to make another gameplay situation that is even worse. When you have to battle armies at a distance using a mounted cross bow or throwing spears. You don't even get to aim, just hover the cursor near an enemy, hold the throw button and it locks on to the enemy and you release. Its garbage, these segments suck major ass. You will be wishing for the boring combat.

Luckily the game is like 5 hours long so it doesn't overstay its welcome. The shallow nature of the gameplay is so apparent when you see the exact same gameplay segments repeated ten or so times each in a five hour game, its pathetic.  There is a story about Rome and overthrowing an emperor which could have been cool but for some inexplicable reason gods are thrown into the mix with no examination. This is mostly a realistic setting, the gods don't fit at all.

The best thing I can say about Ryse is that the combat is harmless. It is boring not bad, I think that is an important distinction to make. Bad combat is a pain in the ass, doesn't work well and is no fun at all. This works, you will get into a good flow and killing stuff is always mindless fun. The problem is that all the ideas the game has is shown in the first thirty minutes, the rest of the game you are just repeating that in different locations.  Only play this if you are interested in failed action games or if you want to play a graphically impressive game that you can finish quickly. Or if you are in a gameathon, easy completion.
Posted by Dvader Sun, 24 Apr 2016 02:00:47
Mon, 25 Apr 2016 16:01:36
I was thinking, wouldn't this kind of game work well in VR if its so automated?
Mon, 25 Apr 2016 19:19:55
In first person yeah
Mon, 25 Apr 2016 19:36:32
4.20? That's so blazin' bro!
Mon, 25 Apr 2016 22:23:58
Wed, 27 Apr 2016 12:41:48
Better than Tomb Raider, confirmed.
Sat, 14 May 2016 04:29:23
420 chuckle.

I have for PC, likely wont; play until I get it for XB1.

"there is nothing to do except run forward" sad face for marathoners.
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