Platform | OVERALL |
Wii U | 9.20 |
Overall | 9.20 |
If you played Rayman origins you basically know what to expect, making this review easy to write. If you never played origins go play it now, or find my old review of it. Legends takes the same near perfect gameplay of origins and mixes it up with new ideas but nothing that really changes the core gameplay. This is more like galaxy 1 to 2 than a major shift. Once again the level design is fantastic offering all sorts of new ideas in almost every level. Some of the best new ideas involve a stealth mission underwater. Levels are longer with less breaks in between areas offering a better flow to each level. The major addition are the Murphy levels which if you have the wii u version you control with the pad. These levels you have to tap, swipe, and drag the stylus to keep obstacles out of the way of an AI controlled Rayman. It may seem a bit shallow at first but they manage to keep these levels fresh with all sorts of twists to what Murphy can control. The absolute best levels with Murphy are the more challenge like levels where it's almost a speed run requiring major reflexes to keep from dying. On the negative side there are too many of these levels, they are great but not at the expense of more traditional levels. For some reason there is no option to play as Rayman and control Murphy like in the other version. I love using the pad but it would have been great to have both options available. The only other negative I have is that there are some levels in the campaign that are basically the online challenge levels, just new versions of these. These levels and the Murphy levels take up a big chunk of the level count leaving less core platforming levels. There is also the removal of the time challenge from origins which allows each level to be played multiple ways. Now you unlock challenges in each level, these are short challenge based levels that seem more like the online challenge mode than a true level. Other than those complaints I would say the game is stellar. New ideas like the musical speed levels are fantastic and I wish there were more of them. The online challenge mode is a great idea, offering new challenges very day and week and satisfies my competition itch. Oh and practically all of Rayman origins is unlockables in the game, great bonus for those who have not played it. The game is packed with content I just wished more of it were traditional new levels. The graphics are like a cartoon come to life. The core game lasts a good 15 hours with loads of incentive to master it. The music is just as great as in origins. Boss battles are simple but fun as hell. This is an excellent 2D platformer from start to finish. It may not leave the same impact as origins because it basically is the same controls but it improves in a few areas. Legends is a worthy but mostly safe sequel to Origins which means it is a must play. |
Posted by Dvader Wed, 02 Oct 2013 20:22:22
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travo (2m)
I would give it around about the same score. I want to unlock that Zombie set of stages before I lay down my final verdict but it's been pretty great already.
I disagree with the amount of touchscreen based levels, I loved them and felt there was a good split, something like 70-30 ratio.
If it was on other platforms it would be 100% normal and too boring.
I also love the unlocked speed runs invasion levels.
You need to mention off tv play in your reviews, even though you probably dont use it, just to say how it looks controls etc.
One thing I would mention in my review is the flow of the levels which feels very different from the Origins levels.