PlayStation Vita7.20
Overall 7.20
I never had the chance to play Oddworld Stranger's Wrath back when it was first release. It is interesting to go back and play an action adventure title from the past and compare what is better or worst in today's games. What stood out was the level of freedom given to the player. You are not unindated with tutorials, waypoint markers, highlight objects of heavy scripted moments where you are not in control. This game lets you play and find out how to proceed on your own.

That said the combat and certain scenarios seem really rough. Some boss battles feel more like a fight where you need to find an exploit rather than fight head on. Certain sections were poorly designed with no clear way to get by without almost dying. Rather than mastering those areas I felt like a cheated my way out of them. I noticed many western games from the older generations had these issues.

I love that this is a first person shooter, third person adventure hybrid. The action in first person plays as well as most shooters and the cool animal ammo where capturing and setting traps is more prevalent than killing is a nice change of pace. The game world is rather large and allows for some nice adventure moments though I would have liked more, there are almost no side quests.

The game is split into two halves, first is a sort of mission based boss hunt where you collect bounties on various bad dudes. Each boss has some gang or so to get through to reach.

Then after all the bounties the game become a straight up action adventure game where you go into the heart of an enemy strong hold and complete puzzles and battle armies of enemies. It was a cool change of pace and which kept the action interesting for the whole 10-15 hours or so.

I can see why Stranger's Wrath was well regarded back in the day, it was an ambitious title. It has some design issues that hold it back from being a classic to me.
Posted by Dvader Sun, 21 Dec 2014 00:43:50
Tue, 23 Dec 2014 10:41:54

*clenches fist*
Fri, 26 Dec 2014 07:16:57
Still need to play this one.
Sat, 27 Dec 2014 21:04:41
I tried playing it three times on the original XB (got it at launch and was excited for it).  It looked amazing back then, and that holds up, but the pacing was way off.
Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:54:28
I just realised, the vibe of this game, the setting and all that, it's very Steamworld Dig-ish.
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