PlayStation 27.90
Overall 7.90
Klonoa 2 is a great sequel that improves upon the first in almost every way. Like the original, Klonoa runs around in a 2D plane that moves around a 3D background. His signature grab mechanic is still the major gameplay hook, rather than jump on enemies you must grab them and throw them to either attack other enemies or use them as a double jump.

The sequel has nearly double the amount of levels that the original had and has just as many unlockable bonuses. Clocking in at about 6 hours it still on the short side but it won't go by in a flash like the original did.

Each level in Klonoa 2 manages to introduce some interesting situation that is different from what came before. For instance one level has you being chased across city rooftops by a huge mechanical enemy. Another level has you entering poison filled caverns. Puzzles are still a major component which I found to be better integrated into each level when compared to the first. These puzzles are all designed around the grapple enemies mechanic and usually makes the player figure out how to use each enemy in a certain sequence to move on.

In terms of platforming in the classic sense, there isn't much of it here but it is improved compared to the original. There are more moments where you are leaping off jump pads across bottomless pits and grabbing onto floating grapple points but don't expect these moments to test your platforming skills like the best games in the genre do.

New to Klonoa 2 are these snowboarding like sequences where you are on a board and you race down a level while avoiding traps and trying to stay on the paths. At first I thought each level like this would be the same but as the game goes on the boarding levels get more interesting. It serves as a nice diversion to the normal platforming levels.

Of course there are boss battles but they are similar to the ones in the first game. I actually think the original games bosses were more difficult. You still have hidden objects in every level to collect, most are easy to find but hard to reach. For completionists it adds a small amount of replay value.

The story is not as insane as the first game which means I don't like it as much. This is standard platforming save the cute cartoon world garbage. The plot goes nowhere, you can skip it all together and not miss anything. The game looks great and sounds great, not upper tier but solid production values throughout.

If you want to only play one Klonoa game make sure its this one. It is simply better than the original. I still feel it is too simple a game to be considered as one of the best platformers but it is definitely one fans of the genre should check out.
Posted by Dvader Thu, 21 Oct 2010 21:35:36
Thu, 21 Oct 2010 23:56:12
I love the way the old man under the tree talks in this game "mooshi mooshi"
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