Platform | OVERALL |
PC | 9.20 |
Overall | 9.20 |
AM2R is hands down the best fan game I have ever played. Most fan games have weird quirks, they don't get the balance right. This though, this fits right in with the GBA Metroid games perfectly. If you told me Nintendo just made a Metroid 2 remake and put this on the store I wouldn't have known the difference. AM2R takes the backbone of Metroid 2 and adds the Zero Mission template over it. Metroid 2 is probably the Metroid game no one played, which is a shame because it was kind of neat, way better than the first game. It had you hunting down a bunch of Metroids, but these guys were evolving into tougher forms than the brain suckers we know. This game keeps the Metroid hunting and adds all the elements from Super Metroid that made that game a masterpiece. I guess I forgot just how perfect the Metroid formula is, the action and exploration flow together in ways all clones just cant match. This game keeps that magic quality of always having something new right in your reach, whether its a new ability or weapon, or access to a new area, I could not stop playing. It took me 6 hours to complete the game finding all secrets, I did it in like two sessions, easily one of the best games of the year. It would have been easy to just copy paste ideas from past Metroids and call it a day but this game has plenty of new ideas. There are all kinds of neat new puzzles dealing with robots. The brand new boss battles are extremely well done, they aren't just a random jumping and shooting fest, some of these have puzzle elements to them too. The main quests difficulty is just right on medium. Nothing is too frustrating but you need to be on your game for the boss battles. This game doesn't rely on advanced or annoying moves to get around, you get the space jump early on so there is never a need to wall jump. The progression of the main quest is damn near perfect and shows amazing restraint in making a game everyone will enjoy. But for those that love exploring every inch AM2R has plenty of great secrets to find. Of course they involve shinesparking, the puzzles down with the boosting is top notch. Plenty of times I was like how the hell am I going to get there.... AHA! There is this entire secret area with an amazing location and an optional boss fight, its there just for exploring, I love that! Now I wouldn't put this on the level of Zero Mission. As fantastic as this game is its a small step down from the intricate maps of the Nintendo made games. The presentation while great is not as good. Its right there but not as good, maybe as good as fusion depending on your thoughts on that game. The graphics are great, there is some screen tearing but it didn't bother me. Its amazing how polished the game is, not a bug in sight for me. The music is fantastic with some great remixes of classic Metroid tunes. Forget that this is a fan game, this is a new 16-bit era Metroid game. If you loved Zero Mission, this is Zero Mission for Metroid 2. It is that good. But the best part is just having Metroid back, it has been far too long. The formula is the best in the industry, many indie devs try to make their own Metroid like game but they can't match the king. |
Posted by Dvader Mon, 08 Aug 2016 05:50:38
Mon, 08 Aug 2016 16:10:06
screen tearing? Isn't this a 2D game?
Mon, 08 Aug 2016 16:13:21
Yeah. I noticed some tearing along the bottom a few times.
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