As always a hero for the worthless humans!
Overall 8.60
Castlevania Rebirth is another triumphant game in the rebirth series of Konami games. What we get here is a SNES era style Castlevania game and man is it good. It is also a remake of CV Adventures but no one played that so it's like a brand new Castlevania game, woo! This game has everything that worked for pre-Iga Castlevania, the great action and the platforming filled levels. Crazy awesome boss fights and a game that gave you challenge.

This game is does have the linear stage layout but those stages have multiple paths to discover. There are hidden keys to find that unlock doors to completely different locations, you can play a level twice and see something totally different. The way the whip upgrade is handled is different, one upgrade gets you the long whip and one more upgrade gives your whip a fireball power for a limited time. It reminded me of Link using his sword at full health. Jumping feels fantastic as it allows you to move in air, if you hate yourself you can turn this off and go back to crappy NES CV jumping. Other than that it is classic Castlevania all the way through.

The art style is fresh, finally there are different looking enemy design to the enemies, they have been using the SOTN designs for so long. The music is not as good as most CV games, still decent. The main issue is the length, this game is really short. There are 5 levels, the 6th is just the Dracula fight. Compared to games like CV3 and CV4 this feels like half a game. Also it is a bit on the easy side on normal difficulty, I advise CV vets to play on hard as it feels more true to the old games.

If this game was just a few levels longer I would put it up with CV4 and Dracula X as the two best old school Castlevania games, sadly it just stops way too quickly.
Posted by Dvader Wed, 30 Dec 2009 20:33:35
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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:23:46
LOL I heard Miyamoto wasn't involved at all in Super Mario Land development. If that's the case, then maybe he should take a break from the next one so that we can see what bat-sh*t crazy, yet awesome, stuff his staff will come up with on their own?
Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:25:39

Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:47:35
SML was hella fun. I remember playing that for months, over and over again.
Sat, 02 Jan 2010 23:00:43
The best old-school CV game is CV3. Which I haven't finished.
Sat, 02 Jan 2010 23:12:32
Leo I did play CV Adventures when it came out. My taste never changes with time. CV Adventures sucked then and it sucks now.
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