The D-Pad's Last Stand
A button-less handheld from Nintendo is in our near future. editorial
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robio (4m)
Oh, interesting
Looking to get a special deal on some of SEGA's classic titles? Well, starting on Dec. 24th and lasting until January 6th, you'll be able to get the titles listed below for 500 Nintendo Points instead of their usual 800 Points.
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Gunstar Heroes
Toe Jame & Earl
Puyo Puyo 2
Shining Force
Golden Axe
Altered Beast
Streets of Rage 2
So I would get one of the sonics. I played 1 and 2, like 2 better. Is it worth getting 3?
Or buy the Genesis collection that has all those games, except Toe Jam and Gunstar.
Did you seriously just ask if it's worth getting Sonic 3?
Brothers, feel my pain.
2000 – Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Eidos (PSOne, Dreamcast, PC)
2001 – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, EA (PSOne, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, PC)
2002 – Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Rockstar (PS2)
2003 – Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, EA (PS2, Xbox, GameCube)
2004 – Need for Speed: Underground 2, EA (PS2, Xbox, PC, GameCube, Game Boy Advance)
2005 – Need for Speed: Most Wanted, EA (PS2, Xbox, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, DS, PC, Xbox 360)
2006 – FIFA 07, EA (PS2, Xbox, PC, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, DS, PSP)
2007 – Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Activision (PS3, Xbox 360, PC, DS)
2008 – FIFA 09, EA (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS, PS2, PC)
2009 – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Activision (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
What system is that on? I have GA2, Gunstar and SOR2 on VC already.
Yes, I never played sonic 3.
Oh wow, Earthbound 64. I forgot about this one.
Why dont they finish it and release it on wiiware?
More pics
Its on 360 and PS3, it has all the sonics.
That is fine that you never played Sonic 3, but you don't have to ask. It's Genesis Sonic...
Posted Dead space 2 pics, also interview in the extraction thread.
Strange those pics, sci fi character on top of medievil cathedral? Must be a unitology church?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSo no good?
One of the greatest Disney Afternoon 'toons got itself one of the Genesis system's finest third-party platformers around. The game featured some fantastic wall climbing action and jump-and-glide platforming that fit the overarching theme of the Disney animated series extremely well. The game was published by Disney proper, and because the franchise is owned by Disney as well, it shouldn't take much effort from Disney Interactive Studios to give this game a revival it so desperately deserves.
Why did no one tell me this?
Because nobody cares. Except you.
Oh shoot
No More Heroes Desperate Struggle English site up - Ball holding yada yada
Holy moly at the other pics.
Animal Crossing City Folk $20

Hold it right there, punk!
What did you do? Huh?
Tell me what you did!
What am I talkin' about? Huh?
Don't you play dumb with me!
Don't you DARE!
You gotta order Animal Crossing City Folk
You gotta!
I KNOW you knew that!
Don't even lie to me!
When you don't you're not following procedure...
Know what happens?
I get lights and sirens playin' and electric mambo at HQ!
Gotta relax. Deep breath. Haaaaaah...
I can see now, you don't listen too well...
Well, clean out your ears, assholes.
Calm... Haah... Happy mole...
You hear me? SERIOUS!
Haaah... Cool, dark tunnel... Release the anger...
You're gonna gimme health problems, punk.
Don't be such a twerp... Haaaaaah...
...OK, listen, everybody, and I mean everybody, makes mistakes.
That's just life.
And maybe you didn't plan to do this.
Maybe this is all a big misunderstandin'.
Yeah, it's possible.
But you know somethin'?
It don't make a clod of difference.
Think about it, will ya?
What, you wanna go through life playing nuthin' but action games?
You wanna snap your fingers and erase your screw-ups?
Sure, who don't?
I mean, pssshh, I wish I hadn't dropped outta dental school.
Good money there.
I REALLY wish I hadn't washed my white boxers with my red sweatshirt...BUT!
Is not buying City Folk gonna change any of that?
...Of course it ain't, punk!
That kinda thing only happens in video games!
In REAL life, in the REAL world, it ain't happenin'.
And that's normal. Hear me?
That's the way it is, right?
It's takin' whatever comes your way, the good AND the bad, that gives life
It's all that stuff rolled together that makes life worth livin'.
Not ordering City Folk?
Or tryin' to Hobo your way out of some kinda sticky situation?
C'mon, chipmunk balls.
Stop playin' like that.
Stop LIVIN' like that!
I mean, grow up, will ya?
You're better than this...
You know anybody who's got a perfect life?
'Course not.
'Cause nothin's perfect.
So I'll say it one more time and hope you REALLY hear me this time...
Mistakes and disappointment make the sweet things in life that much sweeter.
You gotta take everythin' life throws atcha.
Roll with the punches, hear me?
Deal with the consequences of your actions, 'cause life ain't no video game.
You feel that irony, punk?
Aw, for the luvva dirt...
What's with the face, punk?
You think I need that look?
You got that how-long's-this-guy-gonna-keep-yappin'-at-me face. Yeah.
Well, wipe it off, ingrate!
You're lucky I ain't MORE mad, you dirty Hobo scum!
Ah, whatever.
All this tunnelin' and barkin's got me beat.
I'm done with you, kid.
I'm cuttin' you loose.
But you gotta promise me, when you're don playin' Modern Warfare 2...
You'll buy City Folk before I snap you in half! SAAAAAVE your pennies and buy it!
...You got that?
Oh, and before I forget, one last thing...
Wash your hands after you go to the bathroom!
We clear? Good!
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