Nikkei: Wii U Price 30,000 ¥
That's 10,000 ¥ more than the PS3, for comparison. news
The Press Room Episode #117
50 minutes of analysis of Nintendo's E3 conference. editorial impressions news
Harvest Moon Creator Details Project Happiness
It doesn't involve hookers OR coke. news
The Press Room Episode #116
E3 coverage, every game, every conference with Vader, Yoda and Aspro. editorial impressions news
Tunnelers Preview
"an online tank shooter with plenty of potential ". impressions
The Media Guardian goes hands on Wii U
'It's weird, but touched by genius' impressions
Yoichi Wada Discusses Square's Next Gen Engine
'A target of Direct X 11 level'
Emerging Tech: How Flatscreens Can Have Buttons
Has implications for gaming. news
Tokyo Jungle is Topping Itself
Will now have Ape Escape, Loco Roco, and Patapon content. news
Epic: UE4 full feature set requies 1 TFLOP GPU
But also includes a mainstream renderer targeting mass-market devices with a feature set that is appropriate there.
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robio (1m)
I was actually thinking this after the Nintendo event. Kind of fucking sad.
So I guess Project HAMMER didn't get resurrected?
Nobody knows the price range of the Wii U? Games?
What an odd E3 its been. Maybe Wii U is just too ahead of the curve and things will pick up later in the year as next-gen development really takes off?
FUCK whoever made that for giving me such a beautiful vision of what nintendo should be making.
Too ahead of the curve? Or too late? Games are too late in development to flip over for Wii U development so you get year old ports or special editions?
Well that theory doesn't hold true if you believe what Vigil said about porting over 360 code in like a week or two. Basically as I see it, apart from Ubisoft who will support U like it did Wii 1 (a few hardcore games and a lot of casual) third parties just don't want to support this thing.
Crytek sort of laugh off development even though Wii U is more powerful than the other consoles. It's the demographics and 3rd party sales of the past just coming back to bite them on the ass. What happened to EA? Wasn't there supossed to be BF3, MOHWarfighter and possibly Dead Space 3? Instead their 1 game is an old port of Mass Effect 3? I cannot believe it has been a year since the unveiling and 3rd party support hasn't picked up one lick.
Ubisoft said all 8 of their games are launching within 6 months so they must have a second round already in the works. Everyone else is just jerking around and without decent Nintendo first party games the Wii U is looking fairly unappealing at this point. If it weren't for Ubisofts 3 games + Pikmin + NSMB I would probably just ignore it for at least another year.
Players can use the Wii U GamePad's touch screen to command heroes such as Bonzai Man, Vending Machine Man and even Toilet Bowl Man. Heroes can also morph into gelatin to guard themselves from enemy attacks.
Toilet Bowl man.
Wii U Gamepad only stays charged for 3 to 5 hours?
I guess you're better off just leaving it plugged in then. They better ship it with a long chord.
I don't want to spoil anything but a notable game from late last year featured a toilet bowl man.
If Nintendo DOESN't manage to get more support and start cranking up their own more hardcore development, I think the Wii U is going to be fucked.
They seem to think casuals are going to want this system just because it has Wii Fit U. Sorry no...casuals are not going to dish out the cost of this console.
I cannot wait for this movie. Click for bigger version. See how many characters you can spot!
All I wanted was new Retro game, new Monolithsoft game and new Endless Ocean, it's hardly a stretch to ask for that.
Where was the new mario kart, smash, F-Zero, Starfox, metroid, mario, zelda, animal crossing etc?
WTF is with Iwata?
Honestly, the thing I just cannot believe above all, is that they chose to end the event on fucking NINTENDOLAND...for all intends & purposes, a pretty casual game. Don't they remember 2004 when people felt they overwhelmingly WON the show, that they closed out the event on what, Zelda or Resident Evil 4? That's how you do E3...Big AAA major game that people will go nuts for. Not fucking NINTENDOLAND.
You have a new console you have been trying to convince people caters to the hardcore gamer more than your last machine. You're at the E3 show which is THE place to prove it. And you finish off with...NINTENDOLAND! Not a new incredible looking Retro Studios game. Not a new Zelda that makes Twlight Princess look basic. Not some major exclusive 3rd-party game....
After wasting how much time talking about some Pacman ripoff mode in a Luigi game for...oh yeah, the 3DS. Oh wait, its part of NINTENDOLAND.
I don't know what it is with this company, but they either hit it out of the park, or just completely bomb these shows. No in between.
What is this shit.
Watched a live play of ZombieU. Graphics are decent but not AAA. Gameplay is very promising, but mostly from the features they've revealed so far (all survival, when you die you start as a different survivor and may find your old character zombified to get your gear back etc, like a zombie roguelike, and the multiplayer sounds cool too), as the demonstration was too short. It could be great, or shit.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
So you never played Viewitful Joe either huh? I heard it was pretty cool though.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
What do you mean not AAA? I just watched the HQ video and it looked on par with what I've seen on PS3/360.
Didn't like it. I found it kind of boring.
Do you remember that one year Nintendo had a shit conference then Iwata felt bad and they did a presentation a few weeks later where they showed off more hardcore games? I think they showed off like Another Code R, Sin and Punishment 2, Hotel Dusk 2 and more.
Hopefully Iwata sees the negative reactions and does something about it.