Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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The Ultimate WiiMotion Plus FAQ
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
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robio (2m)
Wii Music will probably sell 10 million copies.
Worst conference ever!!!!!!!!!
i honestly didn't think it could be any worse than MS's, if Nintendo's wasn't they came mighty close. You gotta admit they know how to market though, I'm predicting at this point that Sony is going to hit it out of the ballpark, because they have no choice.
Let the excuses begin!
I can understand why nintendo are showing all this casual crap now. E3 is their main outlet to the mainstream media. A major newspaper isn't going to slap a fallout 3 article on the front page, but that wii motion plus thing or wii sports 2 could be based on this shitfest conference.
They should have just put the emphasis on the games we already know about, Monster Hunter 3, Final Fantasy The Crystal Bearers, Fragile, The Conduit, Rune Factory, Tenchu, MySims etc etc. and had demos and trailers and whateve of each game.
Apart from animal crossing this conference was complete BS. But there are still some games I'm interested in outside of this POS conference.
I hate this psycho woman though. She looks like a crazed sitcom character, only not funny.
MS conference was like two perfect women having lesbian sex compared to this conference.
Well that sucked. And they mangled the Mario theme to boot.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileClose? They absolutely just dropped a steaming turd on us. What a crap conference, where is this hardcore game that is suppossed to be coming this holiday?
Sony should easily have the best conference.
Why can't nintendo just have two conferences? One casual one for DS and all the other stuff and another to highlight actual games?
Why don't we know what Retro, Nintendo EAD, HAL Labs or Intelligent Systems are working on? There's this giant portion of internal development that has virtually nothing announced that they've even started.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI'd give this conference a C+.
I like a lot of what I saw here. I'm definately buying Animal Crossing, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Motion PLus (did they say if it comes with Wii Sports? I don't remember). That Snowboarding game and Call of Duty look nice; I may get those as well.
It sucks that they didn't show off any real big core games like Kid Icarus, though.
I knew it, I had a feeling this conference will be a disappointment.
What the hell am I going to buy on the Wii now. I guess AC, should be good. I dont play Wii Sports much, I dont care for Wii Music. There is nothing.
Not even a mention of the VC or Wii Ware... WTF.
A C+ wtf, this gets an F-, there is no grade low enough for this conference.
Remember guys, E3 isn't over yet; in fact it's just starting. There may be mores stuff announced/shown in the next couple days.
C+, and you gave MS's a C-....I'd give MS a C- (FFXIII annoucement), and Nintendo a D. weren't blown away by all that amazing software?
I never rated Microsofts' conference. I think that was dvader.
I give Nintendo's a D-, only because it's still better than Sony's 2006 conference in that they didn't self-destruct. I only caught the end of the Microsoft conference, but they get a D for shamelessly aping Miis.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileMy thoughts:
The Conference: I mean really I don't understand how this is any worse (actually I should say not better) then Microsoft's. What did Microsoft show? Mii Clones, A multiplat form game, and a new dashboard interface. If you were expecting all these new titles and what not then you clearly overhyped remember this is the NEW E3, now things are spread out throughout the event season (we learned this last year), this isn't the old bonanza-fest. Welcome to the new E3 guys.
Anyway I pretty much only found a few notable things:
Grand Theft Auto DS - I loved how they just skimmed over this because this is really badass. I just hope that it is in 3D though.
Shaun White - Looks better then I expected.
Wii Motion Plus - Couldn't they have demostrated this with something better then frisbee? I mean come on now.
Animal Crossing Wii - *Yawn* Let me guess I can't talk to random people right?
Wii Speaker - I could see a lot of developers utilizing this for "talking" to the NPC's.
Wii Sports Resort - I like the Mini Wave Race game but that's it
Wii Music - *Yawn*
Overall mostly a snoozefest though I found it notably better then Microsoft, but that isn't saying much at all.
One of the site's forefathers.
AC will be great, I have to try this motionplus thing and COD5 yeah. Still a crap conference.
All I can think of is that games take a long time to make and galaxy and brawl and kart and metroid all came out not years ago but months ago. Still doesn't excuse the total lack of focus on 3rd party games. Where was little kings story? Or Fragile?
Reggie on G4, they are asking about core gamers.
His answer "how can you feel left out, Animal Crossing, you get what you wanted. GTA DS! How can you feel left out!"
Kevein: "What about the guy wanting Kid Icarus"
Reggie " We never said he was coming. All our teams Mario, Zelda are working on new games. Our classic franchise will continue to come out for Wii and DS."