Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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I have never played a Tomb Raider game 0_o
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSimCity Creator (Wii) is looking fantastic! Maybe not PC level graphics, but its definately great! This is the console version of SimCity I've been wanting for years now. Thanks to the Wii remote's IR pointer, it'll have mouse-like controls too. I liked SimCity DS, but it felt to constricted and lifeless (there's very little city animations in it). I can't wait to try this new one out.
"Bioshock Lead Programmer talks Explains why the game should have failed "
Those reasons aren't why the game should have failed.
"Crytek: Europe see Shooters as Evil"
Umm....what? I mean I know they don't like shooters as much as Americans do but "evil"? Where the fuck did they get that from?
"The developer was cited in an article addressing the differences between American and European gamer habits."
Oh good Lord, not another "Cultural Gaming Difference" BS. I thought Japan vs America ones were more then enough.
One of the site's forefathers.
Send in the ninjas to sort them out!
Yeah it's one hell of a niche game. TBH I'm suprised it even got made for a modern day audience. It's like a gift to NIGHTS fans as it's not the greatest or most commercial game out there. Probably why it was so cheap.
After an 11 year wait, I was extremely surprised that it was made. I doubt it made much money, but I'm still thankfull to Sonic Team for taking another chance on it. The original NiGHTS has been very popular over in Japan, so I hopeful that Sega did make some money on NiGHTS Journey over there at least. I'm still crossing my fingers that Sonic Team will someday release the original NiGHTS on WiiWare, VC, or XBL Arcade, but I don't it'll ever happen.
OKAMI still blurry, still fighting dogs
Do you see how great post titles are?
Jesus man, why do they make you fight all these dogs? So sick of it. I have three weapons, this reflector shield, these beads and this slayer thing. The only thing which seems to actually work decentely are the beads with the reflector as a shield. I've put in about 11 hours so far, how big is this game?
I'm getting sick of not getting any response on 1up Bug Reports.
Please everyone visit the page and comment that this is a grave concern. Seriously, WTF 1up, I posted that on Friday. I'm sorry, but people's signatures can wait -- it's not much good without an account.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileViva Pinata looks amazing, the water looks ten times better, and the different areas that have been shown are extremely intriguing (especially that artic place, didn't know you could build an ice garden).
I think Infinite Discovery is going to be the best of all the 360 rpgs (with Star Ocean coming in a close second), that are going to be released in the next two years, unless Cry On just turns out to be amazing.
Pure looks like Motorstorm, pure and simple, but hey thats a good thing (even though I can't see the game doing very well as far as sales go)
I don't care what anyone says, Dead Space looks a guaranteed sleeper hit to me, despite of all its generic-ness.
I never thought I would say this (maybe its the inner fanboy in me coming out) although Killzone 2 is technically impressive, when it comes to aesthetics (this is coming from a guy that thinks Gears of War 2 looks amazing) it looks like garbage. I think Resistance 2 is going to blow the game out of the water, and I much prefer the graphics of that game to that of the Killzone 2. The character models that everyone thought were so impressive, looked generic and Haze-like to me.
I think Tomb Raider sucks, as in I've never liked the series, with the only game I found even decent being Legend
5 Battlefied games in development, that will change once Bad Company sales start to fall off. I predict the game will only do well for about two months, as their just isn't much of a market for the game, and its vastly inferior to the PC games in the series that came before it.
Is SimCity Creator a full retail Wii game or a WiiWare game? I don't think I would be too interested in a full game, but something on WiiWare both in price and the ability to quickly load it without a disc would make title like that much more appealing.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI don't think they've ever clearly said how it'll be released, but since there's no mention of WiiWare in IGN's preview, I'd have to say it'll probably be a retail release. I agree that it would make a great WiiWare title, though.
Nothing is worse then Shinobi PS2's dog fights. I mean the game is in a 3rd Person viewpoint and the only way to defeat the dogs is to jump up and down directly and exactly at the middle of the dogs weakpoint (the ass) and turn around and strike it immediately.
Tell me what is wrong with this?
Oh yeah and there are usualy 5 to 9 dogs in the same area...with all of them constantly moving and jumping at you.
HiResDes on Killzone 2 - Pretty much my thoughts. Is the game great technically and graphically? Very much so. Gameplay? It seems very similar to Killzone 1. I just don't understand this for SONY fans to hype this game is like Nintendo fans hyping Red Steel 2.
One of the site's forefathers.
I commented. You should hack Garnetts account and mess with him.
It's retail as far as I know.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. I don't like GOW graphics at all. It just seems like a shinefest to me, too plastic. I like Killzone 2's visuals more because they almost have a painted quality to them. Those 4 screens aren't very good to be fair to the game.
Hey! I will hype Red Steel 2. It was a few months and some extra work away from being a great game. A sequel that fixes the problems would be great and it still stands as one of the few traditional big budget 3rd party games on the system.
Nintendo Channel Has a good Wii Balance board video
It actually shows the tech boffins explaining how the tech works. I'm liking this channel now. There is some good stuff on it.
I played the tetris demo too. 
Tetris DS isn't that great, all things considered. I have the full game and the broken Tetris infinite spinning block creates a problem that ruins the whole game. Since you can spin it at the bottom forever, it makes it easier. This then means the game has to get harder so you don't play forever (or hours for that matter) on a single game. So it gets lightning fast so the game isn't Tetris anymore, it's spin the block at the bottom of the screen and shift it game.
@ the security comment GG. Add a looping audio clip of Garnett on his profile of him going "It's my god damn show!"
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileDo, Do, Do!
Hello everyone, what are we inserting coins into?
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
I agree. I'm the biggest Sony fan(boy?) I know, and I don't see the excitement over KZ2 other than to see it as a technical showcase. I suppose it is too early to say, but it seems like it will be gorgeous but boring. My days of being excited over FPS games that aren't called Half-Life are pretty well over.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
Your ass.
There are 43 updates today: A statistic interesting to no one but myself.
I thought that tetris DS would use the touch screen? But the demo only had d-pad use and it had this indicator at the bottom of the screen which showed where my block would land. I think you should hack garnetts blog and insert a ton of Jeff Gertsmann pics
Right into your.............
WTF Rags is here! WTF?!