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The Movie Hype Thread - what films you should be looking forward to, Young Grasshopper
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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 21:48:17
Dvader said:

Really? Ford did awesome, I am not putting him down but I felt Willis fit right back in the same way.

Stallone as well. Rocky Balboa I think is the third best Rocky movie, he was phenomenal in that movie. Rambo was just Rambo, no real need to act much.

Willis was a little heavy set and a lot balder. I thought he was better in Hostage.

Rocky, 1, 2 and 4 are my favourites. Rocky 5 was poop and Rocky 6 was okay.

Rambo, I just thought the new film could be better, as Rambo 2 and 3 got more and more 80s absurd and great. There was something about the 80s action movies that is missing these days. It's all too glossy and sanitised. I haven't seen the expendables yet.

Who are the new action heroes? Nick Cage at one point looked good. Sam Worthington seems to be the everyman rent a hero. He was great in Terminator salvation, I didn't think much of him in Avatar or Clash of the Titans.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 22:23:02

I hate to cry over Die Hard being PG-13, but it changed the tone of the film.  It didn't quite feel like a Die Hard movie, too slick, too sanitized.  Willis was awesome, but McClane was made to be more like a super hero, not his everyday, average guy forced into these situations.  He didn't really seem to fazed by pain. He didn't talk to himself(much) to discuss his predicament.  "What the hell are you doing on top of this plane, John?" "This is a bad idea." "What the hell are you doing on top of this roof?"  I miss that.

BTW, Ford was the best thing about Indy 4.  Why the hell did they have to overrely on computer effects, plus keeping Indy out of the action during the chase was a bad idea.  All he really did was drive a jeep.  It didn't help that they had a crotch joke that never ended.  It was like they were just making a movie to groom Shia as his successor.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 22:47:55

Indy 4 was an awful, awful movie. I still want my money back. Argh!

The VG Press

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 08:51:12

I just saw Denzel on a train, or as they call it Unstoppable. If you have seen the previews and figured you know exactly how the movie is going to be you are probably spot on. It is a by the book action thrill ride movie but its executed perfectly. Tony Scott has a way with the camera that makes even the most boring things epic and exciting. Denzel and Kirk are a good team up.  Its a fun well paced movie but it does not break any new ground.

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 13:04:21
Dvader said:

I just saw Denzel on a train, or as they call it Unstoppable. If you have seen the previews and figured you know exactly how the movie is going to be you are probably spot on. It is a by the book action thrill ride movie but its executed perfectly. Tony Scott has a way with the camera that makes even the most boring things epic and exciting. Denzel and Kirk are a good team up.  Its a fun well paced movie but it does not break any new ground.

How does it compare to Runaway Train or Under Siege 2?

Ravenprose said:

Indy 4 was an awful, awful movie. I still want my money back. Argh!

They got the comedy right and much of the action. But the CGI, ehhhhhhhhhh. Funny that old Indy and Star Wars movies had more believable special effects. CGI is too easy to spot. I prefer LOTR minitures or star wars minatures. And the alien aspect pushed a little hard.

travo said:

I hate to cry over Die Hard being PG-13, but it changed the tone of the film.  It didn't quite feel like a Die Hard movie, too slick, too sanitized.  Willis was awesome, but McClane was made to be more like a super hero, not his everyday, average guy forced into these situations.  He didn't really seem to fazed by pain. He didn't talk to himself(much) to discuss his predicament.  "What the hell are you doing on top of this plane, John?" "This is a bad idea." "What the hell are you doing on top of this roof?"  I miss that.

BTW, Ford was the best thing about Indy 4.  Why the hell did they have to overrely on computer effects, plus keeping Indy out of the action during the chase was a bad idea.  All he really did was drive a jeep.  It didn't help that they had a crotch joke that never ended.  It was like they were just making a movie to groom Shia as his successor.

Oh yeah, Willis having to save his daughter, I just wasn't interested.

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Wed, 17 Nov 2010 11:30:54

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Wed, 17 Nov 2010 17:05:03

Oh lord, Park Chan wook is making his english debut with a script by Wentworth Miller from Prison Break

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Thu, 18 Nov 2010 01:43:39
gamingeek said:

Oh yeah, Willis having to save his daughter, I just wasn't interested.

gamingeek said:

How does it compare to Runaway Train or Under Siege 2?

They got the comedy right and much of the action. But the CGI, ehhhhhhhhhh. Funny that old Indy and Star Wars movies had more believable special effects. CGI is too easy to spot. I prefer LOTR minitures or star wars minatures. And the alien aspect pushed a little hard.

I have not seen either of those movies.

Agreed about the CGI, it killed the Indy 4 but everything else was great. I actually loved the alien take. The old trilogy took place in the 40s, with the nazi's and their search for religious artifiacts. It captured the feel of those times perfectly.

Indy 4 was in the 50s, what  was huge in the 50s, sci-fi, aliens, the space race. It's natural for the Indy series to tackle that subject now that it is in the 50s. The bar fight and the bike chase all captured that 50s feel perfectly.

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Thu, 18 Nov 2010 01:43:59
gamingeek said:

Please be as good as everyone at AICN is gushing it will be.

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Thu, 18 Nov 2010 01:46:49

Cowboys and Aliens teaser.

I knew nothing about the movie until I saw that article and saw the preview, holy shit I am HYPED! The idea itself is totally awesome. What puts it over the top is Harrison Ford, it has Ford playing the most badass cowboy around who fights aliens. GENIUS!

I am so glad to see Ford back to work, he took a long break for many years. Indy 5 is being written so I cant wait for that.

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Thu, 18 Nov 2010 01:52:47

Holy shit!  Harrison Ford is in it?

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Thu, 18 Nov 2010 06:44:05
travo said:

Holy shit!  Harrison Ford is in it?

Watch the teaser. Its James Bond and Indiana Jones as cowboys versus aliens. Its impossible for this movie to be bad.

Edited: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 06:44:52
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Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:19:32

Check this trailer for Your Highness, it looks AMAZING!!!!!

Natalie Portman ass, yum.

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Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:01:13

Just got back from Harry Potter Part 1. Not too bad, but good lord, if you're going to see it - make sure you've caught up with the story, because the films assume you're familiar with the story. Biggest problems were that it felt just a tad too long, and a lot of the supporting cast just seemed wasted - since they're barely in the film. Though that's more of a problem with the book than anything else.

That all being said, I'd love to see how the game turned out - since there's little to no combat, and Harry and crew spend more time talking than anything else.

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Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:23:04
Dvader said:
gamingeek said:

Oh yeah, Willis having to save his daughter, I just wasn't interested.

gamingeek said:

How does it compare to Runaway Train or Under Siege 2?

They got the comedy right and much of the action. But the CGI, ehhhhhhhhhh. Funny that old Indy and Star Wars movies had more believable special effects. CGI is too easy to spot. I prefer LOTR minitures or star wars minatures. And the alien aspect pushed a little hard.

I have not seen either of those movies.

Agreed about the CGI, it killed the Indy 4 but everything else was great. I actually loved the alien take. The old trilogy took place in the 40s, with the nazi's and their search for religious artifiacts. It captured the feel of those times perfectly.

Indy 4 was in the 50s, what  was huge in the 50s, sci-fi, aliens, the space race. It's natural for the Indy series to tackle that subject now that it is in the 50s. The bar fight and the bike chase all captured that 50s feel perfectly.

I don't mind the alien subject matter, just the way it was presented, actually seeing and meeting the alien. Mostly, the previous Indy films had religious overtones but God didn't descend and start having a chat with Indy or anything. In the X-files for instance they had a way of making the utterly ridiculous, somehow..... sort of believable.

And now we are slowly building up a list of movies you must see:

1. The Goonies

2. Under Siege 2

travo said:

Holy shit!  Harrison Ford is in it?

Must watch trailer.

Not sure about this film. Seems sort of like when you team up stuff for the sake of it. Robots vs Ninjas or something.

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Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:31:12
Dvader said:

Check this trailer for Your Highness, it looks AMAZING!!!!!

Natalie Portman ass, yum.

That guy with the puffy hair and moustache is quite funny.

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Fri, 19 Nov 2010 11:50:08

The japanese film that inspired Star Wars has been remade, review here of the Last Princess.

"This glossy remake of Akira Kurosawa’s The Hidden Fortress is chocked full of rollicking adventure, a mostly game cast, some explosive special effects and Star Wars references galore. The resultant film makes for a passably enjoyable cinematic excursion, but comes nowhere near to matching its much esteemed Japanese forefather and its similarly beloved American cousin."

Godamn look at the Green Lantern swag some journos got.

And finally


                         It’s a Trailer! For Family Guy’s Star Wars Parody It’s a Trap!

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Fri, 19 Nov 2010 17:09:52

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Sat, 20 Nov 2010 18:06:44

Blades of Blood review by the director of acclaimed film the King and the Clown (which I own and don't really like)

“Blades of Blood” is definitely one of the best Korean period costume films of the year, and Lee again shows himself to be one of the best in the business when it comes to storytelling and flawed, human characters. Gripping and well acted throughout, the film has more depth and historical detail to lift it beyond the level of popcorn blockbuster, whilst at the same time remaining highly enjoyable and entertaining.

Reign of Assasins review produced by John Woo and starring Michelle Yeoh

I’ll be honest with you: I was very surprised by just how thoroughly I enjoyed the characters and relationships in “Reign of Assassins”. Much of the Chinese swordplay epics I’ve seen in recent years have either been torpedoed by slavish devotion to melodrama or just bad screenwriting. “Assassins” doesn’t have that problem, and the movie perfectly balances drama and swordplay, thanks in no small part to strong performances from its two leads. Michelle Yeoh and Woo-sung Jung are equally as at home in an endearing, convincing love story as they are duking it out with sword-slinging assassins. A good sign that the film has worthwhile characters and an engaging story is the fact that there is hardly any action after the first 15 minutes, and I didn’t mind for one second.

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Sat, 20 Nov 2010 19:18:43

I have netflix which does have some of these weird foreign films you are always talking about. I may watch one.

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