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The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 21:00:02
Yeah but their engine and art content doesn't seem up to par with how it should be based on everything else. Not yet at least. If they added nice lighting and cleaned up some weapon and environment textures it would look much better, currently it's very COD-ish, and that wasn't exactly the best visuals on Wii. This should look better given it's exclusive instead of down-sized HD assets like the COD games. Activision is treating it good but the actual devs or their time constraints may simply not be up to the task. We'll have to wait and see how it turns out. But yeah, promising.
Edited: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 21:03:16
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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 21:11:12

Agnates said:
Yeah but their engine and art content doesn't seem up to par with how it should be based on everything else. Not yet at least. If they added nice lighting and cleaned up some weapon and environment textures it would look much better, currently it's very COD-ish, and that wasn't exactly the best visuals on Wii. This should look better given it's exclusive instead of down-sized HD assets like the COD games. Activision is treating it good but the actual devs or their time constraints may simply not be up to the task. We'll have to wait and see how it turns out. But yeah, promising.

I know some of the screens aren't the greatest, hell some of the video isn't the greatest. But going by all the previews the game is suppossed to look pretty darn good. I want to see some HQ single player footage.

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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 23:08:40
For those of you looking forward to this game what exactly are you expecting from it?

As good as the original was back in the day with Conduit-like controls?

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 06:52:31
I'm expecting/hoping for cod reflex controls, great music and voice acting, decent dialogue, fun and strategic stealth gameplay, well structured and varied levels, AI that isn't brain dead.
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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 08:47:39
I just don't know if it will meet expectations.  I hope it does.  Nostalgia is a hard thing to replicate.

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 11:53:50

aspro said:
For those of you looking forward to this game what exactly are you expecting from it?

As good as the original was back in the day with Conduit-like controls?

I'm not expecting am amazing game. Crysis 2 looks several times better, it's sad to say but the nostalgia factor is huge here. My inner fanboy wants to play this because I have to go hands on and see how this works out. All I want is a polished game with addictive gameplay and great controls. I think I will get 2 out of 3 on that front.

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 12:01:12

Just bring you some graphics/presentation quotes below this line, cause the screens aren't great.


GoldenEye 007 retains the polished scripted storytelling of Extraction with extremely well acted and animated in-game cutscenes.

GoldenEye 007 looks pretty darn excellent, with a solid and smooth framerate and some slick environment effects. The game has full voice acting.

GoldenEye 007 retains the polished scripted storytelling of Extraction with extremely well acted and animated in-game cutscenes.

The dialogue we witness is spiky and impressive - especially for a Wii game - and it probably should be, considering Bond writers are on board. The background music, too, is reminiscent of a slick movie production - we have modern-day Bond composer David Arnold to thank for that.

GoldenEye certainly looks good for a Wii game - with only the cardboard destructible environments letting the side down in the visual stakes.

Sound, too, is top notch, especially in terms of demarking different weapons in your possession.

Environments, meanwhile, are noticeably next-gen - with some clever rain and steam effects giving our brief battle a nice sheen.

Destructible environments are a blessing and a curse, providing realistic-looking structures that crumble as they take damage.

It looks great for a Wii game. It has a bit of that full body awareness thing going on, and the fluid first-person camera movement really sells the idea of physically sneaking around the stormy environments. The rain effects are very believeable and the atmosphere is appropriately tense. The developers are aiming for high production values, and look to be well on their way to achieving them."

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 12:17:32

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 12:27:28

"How to sum up such a brief demo? Simply: I want to play more. The new GoldenEye 007 is a fast-paced, technically-sound shooter that could bring back the glory days of split-screen Bond -- if only I can lure my old friends over to play. (The game will also have 8-player online multiplayer with XP progression and unlockables.) If you're bummed that this game isn't a true Bond port, don't be -- unless you buy it thinking it is."

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 12:45:23


I had to bot translate the revogamers preview, this is about all I got out of it.

The presentation of the game is more solid and showy than we hoped. The surroundings well are defined and Bond moves with smoothness, although as much he as its companions and green enemies are something still.

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 14:14:42

Ah, I forgot to post this one.

1up preview

Have you ever wondered if Goldeneye would have been better if it had QTEs? If so, I have really good news for all three of you really weird people.

Alright, it's not as bad as that, but in the first level I saw, a reprise of the original's 'dam' mission, there were a couple "OH SHI-- PRESS A!" moments, as well as a short bit of bullet time. No, neither that nor the absence of Pierce Brosnan and Sean Bean as 007 and 006, respectively, impress me. It's easy enough to explain that they've aged a bit over the last decade or so and probably wouldn't be quite right for facial capture, but it's still a bit weird seeing Daniel Craig in place of Brosnan.

And there ends my bitchery -- for the most part. Maybe this is all just an instinctive response to complain about changes to a game that a lot of us memorized every pixel of. I have a Pavlovian impulse to snipe the guards out of the dam's watch towers in a very specific order, and it's maybe just a little weird when Alec and James jack a truck and blast past that whole segment instead.

Some of the additions are actually welcome. Goldeneye's destructible cover impressed me from both the technical and practical perspectives. Overhearing guard chatter adds to the atmosphere and plot, and though the first stage came off as a little cut-scene heavy, said cut-scenes all played out in first person with excellent animation and voice work. The original music is gone, but the new soundtrack by composer David Arnold has the potential to grow on me.

Goldeneye's four-player split-screen multiplayer, however, is probably going to be the biggest draw here. Much like the single player dam level's mixing of old and new, the multiplayer arenas look like they'll be echoing what came before with a few changes. Old friends like slappers only and paintball mode return, joined by new features like grenades (which can be shut off if that bugs you). All together there appear to be something like 200 combinations of settings.

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 16:28:59

Pocketlint preview

I'm sure I'm not the only one to have met the announcement of GoldenEye 007 at Nintendo's E3 conference with a mixture of fanboy enthusiasm, skepticism and confusion. On the one hand, it's a new version of the game that - before Halo - proved that first-person shooters could work on a console, and work damn well to boot.

On the other hand, the GoldenEye brand has been appropriated before, and used to flog a second-rate shooter that really had no business with the name. Plus, on a mysterious third hand I've suddenly developed, it's not immediately obvious what this GoldenEye wants to be. Is it a remake? A reworking? A totally new game? Why does it star Daniel Craig and not Pierce Brosnan? Why not just kick-off with a brand new Bond game.

A few hours later, at an Activision briefing, it all becomes clear. Activision, working with UK devs Eurocom, wants to create a GoldenEye that builds on our nostalgia for the N64 classic, but also works as a contemporary FPS for Wii. The environments have been re-imagined, the story has been reworked, and the game now reflects the persona of Craig's bond, but Activision is trying to do all this the classy way, working with writers from the original film, set-designers associated with the Bond franchise, and featuring an all-new score from David Arnold, who has worked on the Bond films since Tomorrow Never Dies.

Locations have been added and expanded; Zukovsky's club, for example, will now be a playable level. However, effort has been made to keep it all in the spirit of the original game and the movies. When it comes down to it, Activision wants to make you feel like James Bond.

Part of this is giving you choices. At all times in the new GoldenEye you can choose to play it straight, blasting guards left and right with sniper rifle and AK-47, or take the covert approach, picking enemies off one-by-one, sneaking up and using hand-to-hand moves to silence them, and thinking your way through the locations. Blast away and there will be repercussions - you'll only have a limited period in which to blast away at your foes before they call in reinforcements - but it's perfectly possible to play the game either way.

Our quick look at the game took us through the first part of the initial Arkangelsk Dam mission, and right from the start you can see how the game appeals to the nostalgia of older gamers. The basic geography at the opening level is much the same, and after a brief cinematic you're out in the complex, shooting guards with a silenced pistol, grabbing the sniper rifle from the tower and letting loose. However, we also get a chance to see some new moves, with Bond throttling unwary Ruskies from behind, and some new mission elements that spring up additional objectives as you play.

The more you go on, the more the action deviates from the original, and the clearer it becomes that this is - in the end - its own game. Purists may react badly to some of the more Call of Duty-esque, all-out action elements, but the action looks compelling, and the visuals are amongst the most striking we've seen from a shooter on the Wii.

With the demo over, it's time to get hands-on with the bit that everyone is curious about: multiplayer. Here's the good news: it feels like GoldenEye used to. You can play as eight characters, including Bond, Jaws, Odd-Job and Scaramanga, and - played on the Classic Controller Pro - the action is fast, frenetic and ever so slightly silly, with Odd-Job chucking razor-sharp hats around the place, and Jaws placed at an unfair disadvantage because of his sheer, impossible to miss size. It's a lot of fun, but I can't help wondering if the GoldenEye feel could also be a negative.

A range of competitive modes is promised, but after years of Halo, Call of Duty and Battlefield, do we really want to go back to playing GoldenEye? On the plus side, it's not as if Wii owners are spoilt for decent alternatives.

Some doubts remain about the style and direction the new GoldenEye has taken, but at worst it looks like a decent Wii shooter, and at best it could be the best Bond game for some time. The graphics are decent by Wii standards, and Activision promises that we've far from seen the best that the game has to offer. What's more, the team has obviously thought long and hard about how to bring the game and the story up to date, and it's good to see a remake that isn't just a nostalgia exercise. For these reasons, we're feeling reasonably positive about this one. We'll see how it all works out when the game launches in November.

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Sun, 20 Jun 2010 16:40:55
Meh, if they say nothing new and are from people nobody cares about why post? For their witty Wii remarks presenting COD as an advanced FPS and forgetting Wii also has those games and is getting the next one too?
Edited: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 16:43:00
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Mon, 21 Jun 2010 15:55:53

Agnates said:
Meh, if they say nothing new and are from people nobody cares about why post?

Just to annoy you.

GoldenEye: 'Daniel Craig won't stand for rubbish Craig knows his Bond games inside out, and wouldn't stand for any "rubbish".

'GoldenEye Wii has to be groundbreaking'

Bond franchise insider David G Wilson has told ONM the he knows the pressure is on to make GoldenEye 007 as good as the N64 classic.

GoldenEye 007 is one of the most highly rated N64 games so it's up to Eurocom to make sure they deliver on one of the most eagerly anticipated games of 2010.

In an exclusive interview with Official Nintendo Magazine, Wilson said "There are massive expectations which are both worrying and exciting for us, and we know that this game has to be as innovative and ground-breaking as that first title was."

The Wii version of GoldenEye 007 will feature one major difference. It will star Daniel Craig rather than Pierce Brosnan and according to a Bond franchise insider, this will result in a more physical game.

In an exclusive interview with Official Nintendo Magazine Wilson said that Craig knows his Bond games inside out, and wouldn't stand for any "rubbish".

"When we first pitched the game to him, he was really excited about it,"
said the Vice President of Global Business Strategy, Bond Marketing Inc. "He thought the original game was great. Daniel plays a lot of games and he has a lot to say about them. He gives us a lot of good criticism. We'll show him what the plan is and he'll suggest changes and get very hands-on."

Wilson, who has worked on Bond films such as GoldenEye and Casino Royale, says Craig was aware of the original game's impact, and was keen to add his input. "He makes a lot of comments about what we should and shouldn't do with this game. He plays all the Bond games so he doesn't want them to be rubbish. He's a real taskmaster!"

Craig's influence doesn't end there. His rough and ready interpretation of 007 has had an impact on the gameplay, too.

"What I like about the Daniel Craig Bond is that he is very physical," continued Wilson. "That means that we're dealing with a lot more hand-to-hand combat and non-lethal takedowns. You walk into a situation as Bond and you can either shoot things or deal with them in a much more intelligent, skillful way."

You can read more from David G Wilson in the new issue of Official Nintendo Magazine. The mag's GoldenEye 007 exclusive also features an interview with Eurocom's Studio Development Manager Tom Coupe, plus first impressions on the game and exclusive screenshots

Edited: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 15:59:38

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Mon, 21 Jun 2010 22:35:46
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Tue, 22 Jun 2010 11:33:12
Considering that's split screen on wii those are pretty great graphics.

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Wed, 23 Jun 2010 17:29:53
Yep, great stuff.

Agnates said:
Meh, if they say nothing new and are from people nobody cares about why post?


Edited: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 17:31:18
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Wed, 23 Jun 2010 22:34:00
Gerstmann crapped all over this after his hands on at E3. Among his points:
+ The original was only cool if you didn't have access to a PC.
+ This is not by Rare, not by Nintendo.
+ This has nothing to do with the original, and the parts of it that are are such rip-offs that Activision can expect to be sued by Rare and Nintendo.
+ It's just Call of Duty with the Bond license applied.

Don't shoot the messenger!

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Wed, 23 Jun 2010 23:14:05
So, all that bashing but nothing about it not being fun to play then? Yep, sounds like good ol Jeff.

And lol @ Nintendo suing them, yeah, that's why they included them in their E3 conference, der.

Although, I must ask, what article did you read, because this one is surprisingly positive actually.

Visually the game looks pretty good, and the action Activision showed off looked pretty intense, with some good melee kill animations. When you marry that to a proper, modern control scheme, you get a game that manages to recall the original game just enough to remind you that it was a popular N64 game without making you ignore all of the things that console shooter developers have learned over the last 13 years.

Edited: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 23:22:03
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Wed, 23 Jun 2010 23:30:50

Agnates said:
So, all that bashing but nothing about it not being fun to play then? Yep, sounds like good ol Jeff.

And lol @ Nintendo suing them, yeah, that's why they included them in their E3 conference, der.

Although, I must ask, what article did you read, because this one is surprisingly positive actually.

Giantbomb podcast. The one from Jun 22.

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