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The Official Animal Crossing GOTY Hype Thread
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Mon, 08 Dec 2008 11:40:37

I haven't figured out the auction house yet. I only went there once, and as you said, there's nothing in there. I tried to put up an item, but that little wiggling penis said I couldn't. 

I only been to Gracies once as well. It was a snooty place, and I don't like snooty places. Nyaa

I don't know about money, but I heard that if you throw an axe into the fountain, you *might* get a silver axe. It can take a lot of tries, I guess.

Have you tried planting a money tree yet, GG? I planted a 1000 bells yesterday, and I'm going to wait and see if I can grow one.

Edited: Mon, 08 Dec 2008 12:28:16

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Mon, 08 Dec 2008 20:54:31

How do you throw anything in the fountain?

I got a letter that said that if I plant a money tree in your town and you do the same in mine, we get good stuff? I've never done it before in wild world? You just bury cash? How much? What if I bury 100 bells?

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Mon, 08 Dec 2008 21:03:58

gamingeek said:

How do you throw anything in the fountain?

I got a letter that said that if I plant a money tree in your town and you do the same in mine, we get good stuff? I've never done it before in wild world? You just bury cash? How much? What if I bury 100 bells?

I have no idea. I just heard about it on an Animal Crossing forum, and they didn't go into specifics. My Nook's upgraded today, and still no axe. Sad

I never heard about the planting in different towns thing, but we can sure try it!

I believe it has to be at least 1000 bells, but I could be wrong. I do know that the more money you bury, the more money the tree will give you if it sprouts. It's a gamble, though. I planted a money tree yesterday, and it sprouted this morning. Hopefully, I'll make TONs of money.

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Mon, 08 Dec 2008 21:11:38

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Still no axe? I need to chop down a honking tree that is right in front of my house.

Do you water the money tree?

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Mon, 08 Dec 2008 21:16:54

No, you don't have to water money trees. At least I never have, and they've still grown.

I'm out of school now for the rest of the year. I'm available to play AC online from 12pm noon (my time) till 4pm Monday-Saturday. Let me know when you want to link up, GG.

Edited: Tue, 09 Dec 2008 08:01:36

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Tue, 09 Dec 2008 11:34:42

LOL I was trawling the NeoGAF thread. Look at this guy:

And this:

BTW you can store gyroids with Brewster.

There was a thanksgiving?

This coul be us! We need 2 more Raven!

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Tue, 09 Dec 2008 19:54:55

Those are cool pics, GG. Whoa, I had no idea you could fish off of a cliff! GASP

Edited: Tue, 09 Dec 2008 20:07:08

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Tue, 09 Dec 2008 20:19:42

I tricked Alice the "guvnor" into a pitfall seed trap. I actually planted it and pushed her into it. She cried and was sad afterwards. I felt guilty Sad

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Tue, 09 Dec 2008 20:28:24

gamingeek said:

I tricked Alice the "guvnor" into a pitfall seed trap. I actually planted it and pushed her into it. She cried and was sad afterwards. I felt guilty Sad


I like pushing them until they get mad, and yell at me. I should do that pitfall trick to the animals I don't like so they'll move to your town. Nyaa

Edited: Tue, 09 Dec 2008 20:29:26

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Tue, 09 Dec 2008 20:54:41
Do they get mad when you push them? I try boxing them in with holes, but they never go into them and you cannot push them in. It has to be pitfall seeds. I was hoping for a reaction like the one in the pic above.

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Tue, 09 Dec 2008 21:06:17

gamingeek said:
Do they get mad when you push them? I try boxing them in with holes, but they never go into them and you cannot push them in. It has to be pitfall seeds. I was hoping for a reaction like the one in the pic above.

Oh, yeah. Pushing them definately makes them mad. I did this to my grape ape today, and she's  steaming mad now. Literally. LOL


Edited: Tue, 09 Dec 2008 21:18:22

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Tue, 09 Dec 2008 21:17:55

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Tue, 09 Dec 2008 22:12:37

Is it weird that I'm still playing the Gamecube Animal Crossing despite now owning the much more advanced Wii version? I swear, when I get my DS Lite back, I'll be playing all three Animal Crossing games daily.  I may not have time to play anything else! LOL 

Hmm, come to think of it, I wonder how many weeds are in my ACWW town now? I haven't been able to play it since last May. I bet it'll take me a week to remove all of them. Sad

Out of curiosity, I looked up on ebay how much it would cost to start collecting the Animal Crossing eReader trading cards that came out with the Gamecube version. Some cards are going for $3 and up each! There are a few auctions that sell the cards in bundles too, though. Near as I can tell, to collect all 70+ cards for each of the four series would cost me considerable amount of time and money. Not to mention I'd have to buy an eReader and a GBA too. My Animal Crossing addiction must be getting really bad because I'm actually considering doing it!  I've got to collect them all! LOL

I read on the Animal Crossing Community Forums that there was one guy there who had collected every single item in the GC Animal Crossing. It only took him 5 years of daily play! LOL

Edited: Tue, 09 Dec 2008 22:29:52

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Wed, 10 Dec 2008 02:23:46

Animal Crossing Hijinks

I didn't know where my hand was, I swear!

Ah, just the pussy . . . cat I've been looking for.


Yeah, but you like it that way.

Yeah, mrowrr to you too, Kitty. WinkWink

Time for a nice long nap . . .

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Wed, 10 Dec 2008 11:55:07

So much innuendo in this game, the writers know what they are doing.

I searched gamespot and couldn't find one animal crossing city folk thread. Not one where people can exchange codes or talk about the game. Either I'm missing something or that is just sad Sad

Edited: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 11:56:28

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Wed, 10 Dec 2008 18:11:18

gamingeek said:

So much innuendo in this game, the writers know what they are doing.

I searched gamespot and couldn't find one animal crossing city folk thread. Not one where people can exchange codes or talk about the game. Either I'm missing something or that is just sad Sad

 Are you talking about all of Gamespot Forums or just the GGD? There's a thread like that in the Wii Forum. I haven't participated in it yet, though.

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Wed, 10 Dec 2008 18:42:44

I caught a Coelacanth last night! It's a very hard to find fossil fish. You can only find them when it's raining or snowing in the winter.



And a lobster too! I didn't even know they were in season.

Edited: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 18:45:03

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Wed, 10 Dec 2008 18:43:04

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

So much innuendo in this game, the writers know what they are doing.

I searched gamespot and couldn't find one animal crossing city folk thread. Not one where people can exchange codes or talk about the game. Either I'm missing something or that is just sad Sad

Are you talking about all of Gamespot Forums or just the GGD? There's a thread like that in the Wii Forum. I haven't participated in it yet, though.

GGD. I never really fraternized with the Wii forum, aside from a brief 4 month period when GGD was PO-ing me off.

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Wed, 10 Dec 2008 18:47:37
I found the prehistoric fish in endless ocean in the abyss behind the volcanic vents. Did you see that one? GASP Love that level.

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Wed, 10 Dec 2008 18:53:55

gamingeek said:

GGD. I never really fraternized with the Wii forum, aside from a brief 4 month period when GGD was PO-ing me off.

I get the impression that the GGD mostly only likes "testosterone games." Animal Crossing is usually dismissed as a kids game when in reality it appeals to a much larger audiance. Nintendo's girls-only commercials are not helping either.

Edited: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:06:12

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