Forum > Non-Gaming Discussion > October 21st, 2015: BTTF vs. Real life
October 21st, 2015: BTTF vs. Real life
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Sat, 17 Oct 2015 22:35:43

In a few days we will reach the day Marty and Doc went to in the future in BTTF2. I don't know about you but during my childhood no future vision was more real than BTTF2, it is what I envisioned the future to be. Now that future is the present, so how did real life fare, is our future better than the BTTF2 future. Or were we lied to and got a far crappier future than we were promised. Let's do it.


The flying car vs. same shit we have been driving for nearly a century:

This is the big one, the trump card, this is what defined the BTTF2 future. Like an idiot I thought we would have flying cars, why not, it was the main feature of every future in all sci fi stories. Nothing symbolizes the future more than the flying car and it looks like it will be a future that won't happen any time soon. We have regular cars, hell just now are we seeing cars that drive themselves. We failed miserably, huge points for BTTF2.

Hover board vs. the hoverboard? :

The hoverboard is probably the coolest device in the movie and there have been hoaxes that we had Hoverboards for years but finally this year did we get a working hoverboard. And it looks super impractical and unstable. Doesn't come close to the standard usage their future had. We still see plenty of normal boards around. BTTF2 wins again.

Floating Walker thing vs Segway:

Because they couldn't get Crispin Glover back for the sequel they put George on an upside down floating personal transport thing which was malfunctioning. So we can assume when it works it's right side up, and it floats. A Segway drives and around and looks stupid. BTTF2 wins.


General clothes:

I have no clue wtf the people in the future are wearing. Double clear ties? Colorful jackets. Oversized sleeves? It's ugly. We at least look normal. We win.

Auto jacket vs normal jacket:

Their jacket talks to you and auto dries, ours does nothing. BTTF2 wins.

Selflacing Nikes vs. Selflacing Nikes:

Yup Nike made the exact shoe from BTTF2 as a special expensive limited product. It self laces but it doesn't seem as well as in the movie. Seeing how this is not common at all BTTF2 wins.

Random Tech:

Giant TVs vs Giant HDTVs:

Mcfly has a giant TV that can display like 8 channels at once... Why would you want 8 channels at once. Also their tv is square and not HD. Our TVs can connect to the Internet, have super clarity and are widescreen. We win.

Clunky glasses vs Pads:

Marty's son keeps watching tv during dinner by putting on this giant glasses device. It lets him watch tv and he can see who is calling. That is cumbersome, right now we have the entire world on a small pad that you can carry anywhere. We win.

House AI vs Smart home:

Marty's house has an AI that controls mostly everything and talks to Marty quite a bit. We are getting there with smart houses and computer systems that can talk to us and control devices, like the Amazon pill thing. This one is close and I think our tech will be better soon. Tie.

Video games vs video games where you use your hands:

Little Frodo was playing an old game in BTTF2 and commented "you have to use your hands, that's a babies toy". Which means their games are controlled with their mind. Uhh not sure how much I like that. Let's leave this one alone.

Holograms vs stuff projected on glass or smoke:

There was a huge Jaws hologram that went after Marty. We can't make a hologram out of thin air like that yet. We suck. BTTF2 wins.

Robot gas stations vs. self service gas stations:

They have robots giving cars gas, we still need to do it ourselves just like its been since the invention of gas stations. BTTF2 wins.

Hydrator vs microwave:

They have some machine that magically turns a tiny pizza into a full large pizza in like 3 seconds. We have a microwave, same shit from the 80s. BTTF2 wins.


newspapers vs. they have newspapers?!:

They still have newspapers on paper. We can see and watch anything on our phones, we win.

TV phone vs cell phone:

Marty gets a call which he takes on his tv, seemed nice and fluid. We can do the same thing but it takes a bit too much work. That said we don't need that since we have personal TVs in our pockets which allow us to do everything. We win.

Fax machine vs lolololol faxes?!:

when Marty was fired he received a fax that said he was fired! A fax! On paper! Actual paper! Bahahahahahaha. We win.


Cubs winning the World Series versus Hahaha Cubs will never wait what?!:

The Cubs are currently in the NLCS, they could win the World Series for the first time since 1906 or some crap. That would be insane if that prediction happens. Of course in the movie it was against Miami, but we suck.

Accurate weather vs same crappy weather service:

We have a 50% chance of rain, thanks for that crap useless info. In BTTF2 they can tell you the second rain starts and stops. BTTF2 wins.


So in the end it really comes down to communication versus transportation, BTTF2 kills us with transportation as they have mastered hover technology. We have the Internet and smart devices that allow us instant access to all information in the palm of our hands. What is more valuable. BTTF2 also has a ton of cool gadgets but they look clunky compared to our cool devices which are sleek and modern. It's actually kind of close but BTTF2 feels more advanced simply cause of how their world looks different. Take a quick look at our world and it doesn't look much different than 1980, it's only when you pay attention to the devices everyone has on them that our tech becomes apparent.

Edited: Sat, 17 Oct 2015 23:03:30
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Sat, 17 Oct 2015 22:53:17

The Cubs are the best part.  If they win, that will be amazing

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Sun, 18 Oct 2015 10:10:12

Is that Jason Scott Lee?

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Tue, 20 Oct 2015 19:53:48
Edited: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 21:21:56


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Thu, 22 Oct 2015 01:40:10

I remember my mom took me to the movies and I was so excited because I thought this was Teen Wolf.  I was shocked when it wasn't but gave it a chance since Michael J Fox was in it.  Teen Wolf couldn't hold a candle to this.

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Joined: 2008-06-22
Thu, 22 Oct 2015 14:13:30
travo said:

I remember my mom took me to the movies and I was so excited because I thought this was Teen Wolf.  I was shocked when it wasn't but gave it a chance since Michael J Fox was in it.  Teen Wolf couldn't hold a candle to this.


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