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Dvaders summer gaming pass thread.
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Fri, 24 Jul 2009 02:27:10

I have a few posts I needed to make here that I made on GS, this was a few days ago:

I have played Wanted for 2 hours, I am almost done. Grin had a part in making this game, they also had a part in making Terminator and it shows. I think its the same engine, its the same cover system. At least Wanted isnt a game that isnt trying, it actually has cool gameplay elements, there is a hook to the combat (curving bullets). The action is ok and like the movie you see some cool stuff. I think all the voice actors are from the movie which is nice. But holy crap why is it so short, are you kidding me with this. Yeah there is some replayablility, a few new characters to play as, a hard mode, hidden objects to find and actual trophies unlike that pathetic excuse of a trophy list that was Terminator. Still its a simple game, it does only one thing and its not that great, its slightly better than average shooter mechanics.

This is today,

Here is my review for Wanted:

Size does matter.

Overall Score: 5.0

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Fri, 24 Jul 2009 02:27:34
I have Transformers on the PS3 now. Someone said this game had good multiplayer, they lied. Its ok, very repetitive with simple combat. It's broken up into missions, each take place in a piece of a city that feels like a small arena rather than a game world. Then you fight enemies while protecting something or activating satellites or something. Thats about it. Different bots have different skills but it's never so drastic that it changes up the game (well only the flying ones, changing into a jet is pretty cool). It's not bad, not great, definetely better than Terminator and Wanted.
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Fri, 24 Jul 2009 11:40:21
Wasn't Bionic commando a grin game too? You have a grin hard on recentely Nyaa

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Sun, 26 Jul 2009 04:58:12

Transformers was ok, the arena like combat and missions just didnt do much for me. Combat is decent enough but you would think a game with giant robots that can transform can make for a much better game. It plays like a really simple mech game I guess. If you play both sides and do all missions it takes about 8 hours or so, not that long a game. But there is a full online mode and plenty of unlockables (including episodes of the G1 cartoon series), leaderboards and such. It actually has the voices of the actors from the film which is better than most games these days.

Overall Score 6.3

After this game I rented Tenchu Stealth Assassin's for the Wii, what a piece of shit. I could not play it, screw it, I dont want my last game to end like that. The game puts you into these tiny rooms, usually with a path or two to take. You need to hide in shadows or bushes and slowly make your way to the enemy and take them out when they are turned around by pressing A and then doing some stupid motion on the wiimote. The guards just move back and forth, if they spot you your character vanishes in a puff of smoke and you start from the entrance of the room, there is no real penalty. It is so trial and error. You get a few items, like a bamboo stick that you use to shoot water to take out torches. Doesn't make it anymore fun, its's all so linear, so point A to point B. There is no combat at all, once I had a sword and I went into this sword fight minigame, it was just me following promts on the screen. Who the hell decided that the RE4 control scheme should become the standard for Wii games, WTF?!?!? It works for RE, it doesn't work when you are supposed to be a fucking agile NINJA!

I played three full stages, I couldnt take it anymore, I was bored to tears. Maybe someone likes this type of game, I dont. This is not the Tenchu I remember. I remember a huge open area, usually so big that you can hop on rooftops of multiple buildings, take out guards from afar. There is none of that here.

I rented Afro Samurai instead, so much better.

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Sun, 26 Jul 2009 12:53:24

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Mon, 27 Jul 2009 23:37:05

It is finally over, my pass has ended and the final game is returned. I ended the pass with Afro Samurai which is a very solid action game. It uses the dial a combo type combat, it's got giant strings of button presses to make combos, it never works the way it should. To do an advanced move it takes like 10 button presses with good timing, and the moves doesnt do much of anything special. Button mashing can get you by in terms of regular combat. The hook of the combat is the focus move which slows down time and allows you to charge up a slash while targeting a specific area of the body. This results in a fountain of blood as the person gets cut in pieces. I found the game mechanic to be fun as hell and it fits well with some boss fights.

The game is rather basic action game stuff, it throws waves and waves of enemies at you. Most of the enemies are the same, the strategy never really changes. Just slash at everything and you will be fine. There are a few switches to pull, a platforming section or two and boss fights but other than that there is not much variety to the gameplay. The game is short as well, took me 6 hours to finish, not much of a challenge either.  

I loved the art style, I think the game is beautiful to look it. The music is fantastic it's mostly hip-hop in nature so I was right at home (way better than that rock crap in DMC Nyaa ). Samuel L. Jackson should in voice actor of the year, it's vintange SLJ. When he curses it is like poetry. He is down right hilarious at times as well. I liked the whole theme and style to the game but sadly the story was a mess, it felt like random pieces of a story stuck together. Half the time I felt like I was skipping chapters in the tale.

Its a good action game, it's on the higher tiers of the action game spectrum in terms of combat systems. But you need a challenge and you need enemies that will force you to alter your strategy, missing those two aspects bring the game down.

Overall Score: 7.5

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Mon, 27 Jul 2009 23:51:47

Time to sum up this thread. I rented and beat all these games, in order of the score I gave them:

Prototype - 8.9

Red Faction Guerrilla - 8.8

Call of Duty World at War - 8.7

Bionic Commando - 8.5

Overlord 2 - 7.5

Afro Samurai - 7.5

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 6.3

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings - 6.2

Legends of Wrestlemania - 6.0

Wanted - 5.0

Terminator Salvation - 4.5

Good stuff, I played a lot of the games I wanted to play  and played some that I would never want to play ever again.

Edited: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 23:52:24
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Tue, 28 Jul 2009 02:24:26
^You missed Tenchu Nyaa


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 28 Jul 2009 05:13:10

Yodariquo said:
^You missed Tenchu Nyaa

Don't speak of the game that shall not be spoken about.

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Tue, 28 Jul 2009 10:23:47

Oh noes. Now what will I read this summer? Sad

It's been fun. Buy another pass.

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Tue, 28 Jul 2009 16:03:58

gamingeek said:

Oh noes. Now what will I read this summer? Sad

It's been fun. Buy another pass.

Have you seen how many games I have on my backlog. Time to knock those down. Go to that thread now.

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Tue, 28 Jul 2009 17:13:50

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