Best 25 of 2010 - Game #17
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Angry_Beaver (9m)
Game #17 – Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft
Platforms: PSN/XBLA
In the middle of the year, everyone was caught up with Scott Pilgrim fever – the movie was coming out, the books were just about to end, and it was a great time to all. While the movie didn't turn out as well financially as people would've liked, the game is an example of a movie tie-in working really well and fitting perfectly.
Scott Pilgrim pits itself as a River City Ransom-esque brawler, featuring the RPG elements of that game, mixing itself in with elements of more evolved brawlers such as Castle Crashers – such as blocking, more advanced combos and the like. Once you get four players going in the local co-op option, it's a blast – because singleplayer feels a little unbalanced.
But what makes Scott Pilgrim work best is that it feels just right. Anyone who's read the books or seen the film will tell you that it's a loving homage to the video games of yore, and River City Ransom is a clear inspiration. The love and attention giving to the way the game looks and plays is fantastic – made even better by the amazing soundtrack by chiptune band Anamanaguichi.
If you're after a brawler that's a a loving homage to video games of yore with a kickin' soundtrack and awesome visuals, Scott Pilgrim is right up your alley. Now go buy the Blu-Ray/DVD...that movie needs its money!