Forum > Gaming Discussion > What direction do you see yourself going as a gamer next-gen?
What direction do you see yourself going as a gamer next-gen?
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Tue, 05 Mar 2013 12:52:44
aspro said:

I cannot ever see you buying a Sony console at this point.  S3 had some killer exclusives and you held off.

I assume you meant PS3?

Actually I was all in with Sony, ready and wiling to buy a PS3 at launch. Then they changed the controller from what looked like a comfy design back to the hated Dualshock. Then they removed backwards compatibility for Europe and over priced the console. It didn't help that they had the e3 2005 with fake trailers and then the disastrous following years E3.

MS had the cheaper core 360 and it had a price drop here and by then Gears and Oblivion was out and I was just ready to jump into it, right time, right price. I don't think I will ever own all 3 consoles at once, to me it's a waste, I have not the time or money, or patience for it. I would prefer one system that got every game, end this exclusives bullshit. But then you have less choice in terms of hardware innovation.

As for killer PS3 exclusives the only thing that interested me was Uncharted 1 and 2. LBP to a lesser extent - till I played it at a friends.

edgecrusher said:

Agreed...the HDD trend of keeping high prices for a bigger drive is foolish IMO. The hardcore fans are gonna buy the console right away...they're not going to be swayed by a bigger HDD into buying for the same price years later. Casual fans could care less about HDD size, so dropping the price would seem more important than packing in bigger HDD's.

I think you should go with the PS4 GG, over the Xbox. Unless Rare pull their heads out of their asses, I know for a fact you would find more to your liking on the Playstation for the types of games you like.

I want to see what MS do with the interface and services more than games. I know people are down on Wii U because of the lack of new games, spring has certainly been a washout, no Rayman Legends, Aliens bombed, no Pikmin 3 and even Scribblenauts was delayed even further here. But I've been using it almost constantly for Miiverse, Netflix, the internet browser and Wii Street U.

If Durango has some cool services and an improved Kinect that is as accurate as PC's Leap device I think it will appeal to me more than just a straight up hardcore gamer machine. For instance, whilst the graphics of Deep Down was all kinds of awesome I have no actual desire to play that game. I don't really like combat games that aren't simple and instinctive like an old school beat em up so all thse DMC style games do nothing for me. Racing games are a once every few years purchase aside from Mario Kart. If I get NFS Wii U (because there is nothing else to buy at the moment on U) the only racing game I will buy till 2017 will be Mario Kart U.

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