Forum > Gaming Discussion > Playstation Meeting - NGP (PSP2) Conference
Playstation Meeting - NGP (PSP2) Conference
Revolutionary User Interface, Social Connectivity, Location-based entertainment, converging real and virtual, PS Suite compatible.
Looks like some more wankery before the good stuff. Location based gaming, like Goala and Foursquare (and Facebook Places).
Yeah I guess they're heyping the always on connectivity with 3G with this crap...
Meh, don't care for the 2nd stick since it has touch stuff now. Especially if it's nubs again.
Agnates said:Meh, don't care for the 2nd stick since it has touch stuff now. Especially if it's nubs again.
They say the concave nub on the 3DS is better than the PSP one, easier to control. But i'm not complaining, I'm sure it only added a little to the ENORMOUS price it's going to be.
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Archangel3371 (3m)
This is sony, they will spend an hour on this then end it on 5 minutes of the PSP2.