1. Sweet Tooth - Cop out? Maybe, but he's the face of a pretty damned big franchise. It's the classic mean fucked up clown and Sweet Tooth does it as well as anyone else ever had and probably just a little better than most.
2. Mr. Do - Old school gaming and old school clowns represent yo!! Also his games are some of the most addicting arcade classics out there.
3. Bonker - Too obscure for you? Tough shit. He's the clown in Clay Fighter and he fights with pies. Fuck the hadoken, that's an ability a true fighter uses.
4. Dhoulmagus - He's a clown. Technically he's a jester but he's got make-up on so that makes him a clown. Plus he's possessed by a powerful demonic entity. That's pretty impressive if you ask me.
5. Ronald McDonald - How many other clowns are featured in 2 video games huh? How many?? Ronald gets a spot on here.... and my love of his coffee has nothing to do with it.
Best clowns in gaming. Period.
Stop making better lists than me dammit!
1. Sweet Tooth ( obviously)
2. That fucker in the mall in Heavy Rain
3. Yo Noid ( He counts, right?)
4. That fucker in the NARC game
5. The Circus of Values vending machine clown.
Stop making better lists than Robio, dammit!
Yeah! .... hey wait a minute...
That clown muthafucka in Mario wins.