This is an actual email I received...
Behold The Snuggie in all it's glory!
I thought I didn't have any good entrepreneurial ideas, but I guess you don't need one. If THESE GUYS are making money during an economic depression, I have plenty of half-baked ideas that are better than this.
Recently Spotted:
robio (7m)
Behold the Cult of Snuggie.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Yarcofin! I just ordered four of these! Wow, what a super awesome product this is!
They look like those crazy monks in RE4!
"Well, now you have to deliver on this."
I would much prefer to start a business this summer if I could, instead of sitting in an office for 40 hours per week, especially if I knew I had a decent chance at making a few thousand dollars at least.
I thought about buying vegetable seeds and re-selling at a higher price online (especially rare heirloom seeds), but I don't think you could make a lot of money at that.
For inventions, attach anything to a pen. Attach USB to anything or inside anything.
Plenty of good ideas that I don't have the technological knowledge to do, like a flat LCD touch-screen wall calendar where you can adjust the view to daily, weekly, monthly. Import dates from Outlook and other computer calendars, as well as write or type directly on it. "Tired of paying $15 every year for a new calendar? Never buy another calendar again! (Just pay $99.99 for the Yarcofin Date-o-matic)." Downloadable/customizable backgrounds, change your calendar on a whim.
How much would you pay for a calendar that's good until the year 2099? $2,000? $1,500? $1,000? Well now you can get one for just $99.99! Plan YEARS into the future with convenience and ease.
[Patent pending, patent pending, patent pending.]
I know you could write the code for it, but how the heck would you go about developing the hardware? Great... now I want to seriously pursue this