To begin with, rumors of my untimely demise and adventures hunting down and/or making love to Aspro are all incorrect. Though to be perfectly honest those ideas are far more entertaining than the real reason I've been gone. The main reason is quite a bit more dull and mundane. Basically just a little depression and frustration with life in general. There's not one major thing, but over the last year it seems like everything in my life - marriage, family, job, home, etc. has been taking steps backwards rather than moving forward or even just standing still.  It was getting to the point where I wasn't interested in much and I wasn't getting a lot of joy out of life anymore.

My original intent was to just take a couple weeks off of social media and any kind of internet stuff for a few weeks, and get my head together to refocus my priorities and such. Plus anything I was going to write about would just come off and bitter and angry and while  "Angry Robio" is entertaining I suspect he'd get annoying as fuck after a while. So my little break snowballed into a couple months and I'm not sure things improved much in that time. I tried playing Dragon Quest Builders a few weeks ago thinking that would be a sure slam dunk for me and I've found it only slightly more enjoyable than watching slugs race, and now I'm trying to figure out if that's because I'm in a funk or if the game is just a boring piece of crap.  That said I'm leaning towards "boring crap" as it brings new meaning to the word repetition.

Okay so all that said, I was really happy to get a text from Travo checking in on me and seeing that everyone seemed concerned or at least was enjoying speculating what was going on. So I'm going to try to get back into the habit of coming in here. If nothing else this place is always good for a laugh, and might even kickstart the gaming interest again. I'm actually strongly debating going to Gamestop to pick up Monster Hunter or God of War, but I'm a little weary if I'm interested enough to start something. Day is early though, and I've only had one cup of coffee, so time will tell. But seriously, thanks a lot for giving a a shit guys. Means a lot.

Posted by robio Sat, 14 Apr 2018 14:25:29 (comments: 12)
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Mon, 23 Apr 2018 09:44:37
Robio, wish I could share a drink with you to add to your depression.

from the first time I read your online presence, and from the times we've talked on shows etc... you have struck me as a shining light, a force for good and positivity and I hope whatever is passing passes.

Having just read Slaughterhouse 5... just kidding.

If you ever need to talk to someone please reach out, just as I have to you in the past.

The last time I followed your advice it resulted in a wedding and a beautiful baby, so that all this internet shit can be a very positive impact in other's lives.

Now Travo, if you could please text Rob to let him know I posted Nyaa
Tue, 24 Apr 2018 02:36:11
aspro said:
Robio, wish I could share a drink with you to add to your depression.

from the first time I read your online presence, and from the times we've talked on shows etc... you have struck me as a shining light, a force for good and positivity and I hope whatever is passing passes.

Having just read Slaughterhouse 5... just kidding.

If you ever need to talk to someone please reach out, just as I have to you in the past.

The last time I followed your advice it resulted in a wedding and a beautiful baby, so that all this internet shit can be a very positive impact in other's lives.

Now Travo, if you could please text Rob to let him know I posted Nyaa

Woah!!! Well you have been busy. Congrats on all of it. And for the record, life is getting a bit better.

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