No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 tranche en images

No More Heroes 2 details

1. What makes Travis' Schpeletiger new is that it is now twice as long (in addition to the better controls).

2. This has already been verified, but there have been doubts and concerns as to how Grasshopper is going to have 50 unique bosses, from their appearance to actual fighting capabilities. Suda explains to EDGE that basically there is nothing to worry about as they incorporated both the original NMH development team and the NMH2 team (many members being of both teams including the character creator) to brainstorm and according to Suda they had no problems shooting out several ideas and characters from that.

3. The name of the "schoolgirl assassin" we all know about is Kimmy. How appropriate. Suda also mentions that Kimmy wants to keep Travis "all to her self." Possible Misery references?

4. At the end of every boss fight, a 2D image of Travis will walk from one end of the screen to the other to hop onto the Schpeletiger and drive off, accompanied by some new piece of midi music.

5. The idea of Travis using other weapons, even projectiles, was considered by Suda, but ultimately canned as Suda says that the sword/beam katana is what Travis should always use. Suda calls Travis the "modern samurai."

6. It was implied that Bishop actually does not die or get killed off, as the article explains that Bishop will have a bigger role to play in the game. At the same time, Suda says that "Travis is fighting for himself" not for anyone else. Travis is fighting for revenge, but perhaps for someone else other than Bishop?

7. Speaking more specifically on the city, Suda explains that Travis had actually left Santa Destroy for those three years, and it wasn't until he came back that he had seen how much it had changed. Where Travis had gone is not said. Only a portion of the original city will be traveled, based on fan responses on the first game. The streets and sidewalks will be much more busier and cars will "get out of the way" of Travis' bike. There are construction signs and lights everywhere. One of the fighting grounds will be a "new school", "construction yard", and a graveyard. Not sure if the school is new in the sense that it is an additional one to the Santa Destroy High School or if it is just a remodeled SDHS.

8. There are still side jobs such as coconut collecting and a new one involving plumbing. Suda explains that he still wants the player to feel like he has to work hard to play the game as that is what it means to be a punk. Otherwise, he says, there is a disconnect between the videogame world and reality. Still, the side jobs are still improved and provide humor as well as entertainment.

9. It is confirmed that Destroyman comes back as a cyborg as wanting revenge against, who else, Travis.

10. Finally, the bosses themselves: it will not be as difficult, time consuming, and at times boring to collect enough money to advance to the next boss fight. In fact, Suda purposely wanted to mix things up to keep it from getting repetitive by having Shinobu and Henry as playable characters and, at times, fighting more than one boss fight, sometimes one right after the other, and sometimes simultaneously.

Posted by gamingeek Mon, 10 Aug 2009 19:27:59 (comments: 243)
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Fri, 25 Sep 2009 07:45:39

SteelAttack said:

Foolz said:
I want my own fluroescent globe lightsabre!

I...have one. Right here. It's not really fluorescent, but it does the work.

 Nah, but I wanted something hard.

Sun, 04 Oct 2009 18:17:18

With a glowing laser blade in each hand, the options afforded in combat have multiplied. Action sequences become a kinetic, technicolour blur with some of the prettiest graphics we've seen on the Wii. Purists can opt to stick with one katana, but with the combat options and potential for carnage offered by two, we think they'll be in the minority. Series creator Suda 51 also promises some tasty new wrestling moves, inspired by Travis' fascination with lucha libre grapplers.

Meanwhile, an upgraded physics system means that Travis is free to hurl his enemies through furniture, into walls and over high ledges. Enemies have apparently been busy taking martial arts classes, with new AI meaning combat will flow better, and foes changing their tactics on the fly to cope with your attacks.

The team thankfully seem to have taken criticisms of the first game's free roaming sections to heart. No More Heroes' hub city of Santa Destroy was a large but rather desolate place, completely bereft of soul or life. The Wii's very own Milton Keynes, if you will.
A handy plot twist means that Santa Destroy has been rebuilt by the Pizza Butt corporation, and though smaller than in the original game, the promise is that the open world sections are now packed with activities and civilians, who will leap out of the way as you speed past, giving the open areas the feel of the Crazy Taxi games, rather than bargain basement GTA.

Other innovations are promised, with Suda 51 claiming that his team now have the experience and technical know-how to push the Wii to its very limits, with motion blur, HDR lighting and depth of field for you techy types to go all dewy eyed over.

Though not nearly finished, we're hugely excited about No More Heroes 2. It's looking loud, brash and offensive, yet funny, charming and really rather beautiful. We expect nothing short of demented genius when Grasshopper unleashes it in early 2010.

Tue, 08 Dec 2009 19:41:48

No More Heroes 2 Combat trailer **** yeah! But why have IGNs videos turned to crap? EditDelete

No More Heroes Desperate Struggle Shinobu Master trailer

Tue, 08 Dec 2009 21:38:50
No More Heroes protagonist Travis Touchdown poses for several postcard moments for the whole family to enjoy.
File Size: 5.83mb
Views: 12,447
Avg Rating: 8.4
Total Votes: 237
Comments: 108
Travis Touchdown may have a haunting on his hands in the sequel to No More Heroes.
File Size: 2.39mb
Views: 12,416
Avg Rating: 9.0
Total Votes: 226
Comments: 98
Ubisoft hopes you love the smell of fresh sequel with No More Heroes 2.
File Size: 2.06mb

All here:
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 17:19:05
Tue, 15 Dec 2009 12:18:03
Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:04:23

Gamespot preview is riddled with spoilers!

Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:11:48
Gamespot sucks then . . . but we already knew that.
Tue, 15 Dec 2009 14:02:16

New world map

Image 1

Image 2
Image 12
Image 13

Image 14

Image 15
Image 17
Image 18
Image 19
Image 22
Image 23
Image 24

Tue, 15 Dec 2009 14:09:01

The new world map looks better than the old overworld. 

NMH2 sounds awesomer by the minute!

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