
  • I was not a NES kid.  Not by choice, just lack of exposure given where I grew up.
  • I loved and beat Mario Bros on the Game&Watch. No easy feat.
  • I loved and beat Super Mario Land 1 and 2 several times.
  • The first time I played any NES or SNES Mario game with my girlfriend, now wife.  She remains an absolute top-tier Mario platformer.
  • Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 have both been GOTY game for me. I think they are among the most perfect games ever made.

So the first few hundred times I have tried to beat a 2D Mario game on a home console have not been pleasant.  In fact, they still are not pleasant -- at least for anyone who could observe me hopelessly crawling my way through a game.  I am very, very poor at controlling Mario.  I routinely, seemingly for no reason, jump into a hole killing myself.  I will jump on a koopa, then jump on his shell, then land on the shell.  I will catch projectiles that kill me, but miss 1UP's and mushrooms. EDIT: VIdeo provided below at Foolz request.

But, I figured.  What the fuck.  I am a grown man, I am capable of beating games, therefore, I will beat Mario Bros for the NES.

Today, after several hundred attempts in the last 2 weeks, I made it past 3-4 and started level 4.  Now I get it.  When I hit 3-3 for the 60th or so time, something stuck me -- this is what it felt like when I'm playing Super Mario Galaxy.  I'm dieing a lot, but I'm not frustrated.  I'm the problem, not the game.  And as I replayed level 3-1 through 3-3 endlessly I was getting better.  Not mastering, but not dieing either.  Then I turned it off.  Then a few seconds later I'd turn it back on and give it "one more go".  Just as I did with Super Mario Galaxy.

Then it occurred to me that Mrs. Aspro didn't come out of the womb mastering Mario.  She probably, at the age of 5 or 6 or whatever, was going through what I was going through now, to the point where today when she picks up the controller it's all muscle memory.

Onto world 4!

Posted by aspro Fri, 29 Apr 2011 03:41:42 (comments: 31)
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Sat, 07 May 2011 20:10:33

I don't remember the last time I didn't use warp pipes, and I'm not good enough to go through the entire game without losing a few lives or with only small Mario. Last time I played (last month, I believe), I got to 8-1 and started trying to get more lives by doing the shell + pipe trick. Died every time, and I just decided to end Mario's life there, as I didn't think I had enough lives to go through the world and face the real Bowser. Nyaa But I do remember that once, as a little kid, I beat the game twice in a row (without shutting the system off) and almost beat it a third time. All the goombas turn into buzzy beetles after you beat it once, so the subsequent times were harder.

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