By including wi-fi in the DS and the Wii Nintendo has shown (on the hardware side) that they are incredibly forward thinking.  But their Friend Code system actively discourages use of their network.

Why do you think Nintendo went this way?  Have they ever publicly stated the reason?  I know the commonly given reason in the community is that they are protecting children from predators but is this really the reason?

I'll refrain from giving my theories until I hear from all y'all.
generic friend code image
Posted by aspro Sat, 19 Sep 2009 00:32:37 (comments: 15)
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Sun, 20 Sep 2009 12:44:04

gamingeek said:

The one system code is fine, but the game specific codes is BS. 

What is weird is that Mario kart installs this channel to your wii and you can see who is playing online even without having the disc in the machine. 

And it allows you to invite people just by clicking an icon, you add people from your system code list. 

They can do this and yet why not just do an online channel so you can see who is online regardless of game?

I once read that the wii isn't powerful enough to have an OS running over the top whilst a game is being played that would allow you to IM someone or check online status. 

It's weird because it can be so easy to add someone, for instance in animal crossing if I'm in a friends town and some of their friends come over who I dont know you can instantly hook up by clicking one icon. No code exchange BS. 

 Can't you do that on xbox games? :/

Sun, 20 Sep 2009 12:56:18
I didn't have my xbox online back then so I wonder. 
Sun, 20 Sep 2009 13:35:51

Foolz said:

gamingeek said:

The one system code is fine, but the game specific codes is BS.

What is weird is that Mario kart installs this channel to your wii and you can see who is playing online even without having the disc in the machine.

And it allows you to invite people just by clicking an icon, you add people from your system code list.

They can do this and yet why not just do an online channel so you can see who is online regardless of game?

I once read that the wii isn't powerful enough to have an OS running over the top whilst a game is being played that would allow you to IM someone or check online status.

It's weird because it can be so easy to add someone, for instance in animal crossing if I'm in a friends town and some of their friends come over who I dont know you can instantly hook up by clicking one icon. No code exchange BS.

Can't you do that on xbox games? :/

You can indeed do that on LIVE.

Sun, 20 Sep 2009 17:25:29

gamingeek said:

I once read that the wii isn't powerful enough to have an OS running over the top whilst a game is being played that would allow you to IM someone or check online status.

I mean...not you, but the place where you read that crap.

Mon, 21 Sep 2009 12:18:48

I hope so. But if its not true its even more BS that nintendo can't sort things out.

Is a hard drive intergral to this sort of thing? Is the internal memory not enough?

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