Nintendo DS6.70
Overall 6.70
The Four Swords Anniversary Edition is a free game for all DSi/3DS owners. It's an updated version of the game included with GBA LTTP, which no one could play cause of its idiotic requirements. Now the game has single player and allows for multiplayer play without stupid gimmicks but sadly its not online.

The game allows for up to four players to play at once. Levels are small areas that have easy puzzles to solve and enemies to fight. As you play you have to cooperate to solve some puzzles and defeat some enemies but you are also competing by trying to get the most rupees. It makes for a fun multiplayer experience. But odds are you will be playing alone so the competing means nothing.

As a single player game its basic at best. You control two links together and all coop actions occur automatically. The levels are all very simple and take about 15 minutes to complete at max. I found the puzzles to be very simple. Enemies only come out in "locked" rooms which doesn't feel very Zelda at all. There are bosses at the end of each stage which are fun at least. This version includes some retro stages which are cool to look at but are more of the same.

I really enjoyed Four Swords Adventure as it felt like an action packed Zelda game. It still had a Zelda like structure where you go from outdoor areas, to towns and into dungeons filled with decent puzzles and enemy encounters. This game just feels all too compartmentalized and simplistic in comparison.

But its free.
Posted by Dvader Sun, 23 Oct 2011 04:03:45
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