Best Ratchet ever.
Platform | OVERALL |
PlayStation 3 | 9.40 |
Overall | 9.40 |
Disappointing sequels happen from time to time, for whatever reason some games doesn't fit with the others in the franchise. They are good but not to the level of quality you come to expect, the last Ratchet game was like that. It was a great game but it didn't really introduce much new. Tools of Destruction was like old Ratchet games glued together and presented in HD. A Crack in Time does not have this problem, this is the Ratchet sequel I expected to have this gen. The reason why this game stands out as a worthy new entry is cause it introduces many new gameplay ideas. The different planets are now presented in mini galaxies which you may fly around freely in your space craft. This space exploration only takes place on a 2D plane so but there is still plenty to find and combat to be had. Each galaxy has a few main planets where you land it plays out like a normal Ratchet game, then there are many mini planets. These are spherical worlds, think Mario Galaxy, which include some challenge to obtain an upgrade or one of the many zoni scattered around the universe. Some of these mini-plantets are action focused and some have heavy platforming, the latter being my favorite by far. Ratchet games slowly went away from platforming, the first Future started to bring it back, this game fully embraces it. The mini-planets and some of the main levels provide the best platforming this series has ever seen. The space segments add so much to the game, it shakes up the usual formula enough to make it feel fresh. On top of the mini planets you will have a few missions to do which involve space combat, which is simple but a fun diversion. Exploring around is a joy, it also helps that you have a radio to listen to with different stations a la GTA, those are filled with hilarious commercials and DJs. That isn't the only major new addition, this game features Clank having his own adventure in which a brand new time mechanic makes it's debut. Clank will have to solve various puzzles that require you to manipulate time and make copies of yourself and record, fastfoward and rewind them as if it were a movie. They never get so hard that they frustrate you (and if you do you can simply skip it for a fee) but they are never so easy that it insults your intelligence. They found that perfect balance for a puzzle, I just wish there were more of them. These Clank segments always come up at the moment where the Ratchet segments may start to get repetitive, the end result is a game with excellent pacing. All the classic Ratchet gameplay is here, there is as much shooting as ever. There are bigger worlds to explore than ever before. Ratchet gains hover boots which allow him to dash around these worlds at fast speeds, often times the world has a hover boot track which you can compete in for prizes. The guns are still the star of the show and sadly Insomniac is running out of interesting ideas. I feel this is the weakest collection of new weapons, in fact it is mostly new versions of old guns. There is nothing as inventive as the disco ball from the last game, which does return. It is still as addictive as ever to upgrade all your weapons. Overall the combat is still fun but it is reaching that point where there needs to be a change. It has played the same since the first game, I don't know what they can do but it is time for something new. Yes everything around the combat has been improved, usually the new weapons is what keeps things interesting but I think this game reached that point of getting stale. The next game will need some new tweaks to the combat system. If you have enjoyed Ratchet games before you will love the gameplay of this one as everything is so well done and all aspects around the gunplay have improved. Other than that, this is simply one of the best games I played all of last year. I believe it is the best Ratchet and Clank game and that is saying a lot cause I believe this is one of the best new franchises of last gen and every game has been stellar. It has the best boss fights, the best mix of platforming, action, puzzles and exploration. The story is taken to another level, they have always been light hearted and fun but this game adds actual excitement and drama. By the end of it I was totally into the story and the epic finale. Everything that was ever great about this franchise is here with some new tricks. It should be no shock that this game is beautiful. It has a sort of cell shaded look to it, it was off-putting to me at first but the overall effect makes for one beautiful game. The voice acting once again is top notch, these guys can voice a full Ratchet movie and it would be as good as the stuff Disney and Dreamworks put out. The music stands out more than ever cause of the different radio stations which range from classical to rock and techno. Anyone worried about replay value should know that the main games takes a good 15-20 hours and as always it is FILLED with extras and reasons to play again. When you beat the game you unlike this museum which serves as a sort of making of feature where you literally play the deleted scenes. Every game must do this from now on. If you have a PS3 and don't have this game you suck. Yeah I know Uncharted 2 is awesome, it has a near perfect campaign, blah blah blah; don't overlook this game. I believe this is the best Ratchet game, this is the best game Insomniac has ever done. If it were not for that feeling that the core shooting gameplay is getting old and repetitive this would probably be second to Uncharted 2 as my favorite game of the year. Even with that it is one of the best games of last year. |
Posted by Dvader Thu, 18 Feb 2010 19:07:21
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robio (2m)
How have these games been selling on PS3? Compared with PS2?
The game has a semi cel shaded look? Can you hook me up with some pics?