Above the grade.
Game Boy Color7.50
Overall 7.50
Matchbox Caterpillar Construction Zone, released in 2000 for the Gameboy Color is what I describe as a "Productivy-Sequence" game.  Based on a real-life work activity you must go through various tasks in a certain sequence in order to complete the level.

There are 26 levels, which take anywhere from a minute to 12 minutes to complete.  In each level you control one of about 8 different pieces of Caterpillar heavy machinary. Your perspective is top-down and, as is typical for the Gameboy Color, the graphics are quite simple, but not distracting from the action.

Your only guide through the game is an NPC foreman who will give you hand signals indicating where you are supposed to go.  Through those simple gestures you do develop a sense of respect and admiration for his leadership, and if you do your job he will often indicate his pleasure though a series of non-verbal cues.

The sound is minimal, there are a couple of repetitive tunes that are appropriate for the settings.  The vehicle sounds don't vary, though when you reverse there is a beep emitted at regular intervals.

The only downside to the game is that it is short -- just over 2 hours of content.  Also, there is no battery save, so for each level you are given a 4 letter password.

It's not a game you should seek out and buy, but if you are trapped in a room with a GBC and this game, you'll at least be able to spend two hours occupied by a game that is entirely enjoyable.
Posted by aspro Sat, 18 Dec 2010 06:42:56
Sat, 18 Dec 2010 23:41:05
Three things I did not mention in the review is that the PC version comes with a Steel Battalion-like controller (so you get no advantage of using mouse and keyboard over the console version).  Also, there is no real use of the Matchbox brand at all, this is a Caterpillar game through and through.

Finally, I bought this used, and the previous owner had crossed out "Matchbox" and replaced it with her name, "Brianna", which makes for a very cute title, "Brianna Caterpillar Construction Zone" (which I hope is an internet first).
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 17:31:40
Are you ok Aspro, do you need some help. We are here for you. Friends dont like friends play Caterpillar Construction Zone.
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 20:05:54
Hey, it was a good game!  I don't need help! Stop looking at me! LEAVE ME ALONE!
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 20:10:21
Fri, 24 Dec 2010 13:43:56
I see you only play the classics, bro.

*gives Dvader raised eyebrow look*
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