PlayStation 47.80
Overall 7.80
Infamous First Light is a stand alone expansion to the disappointing Second Son. In terms of campaign none of the issues from the main game are fixed; mostly the lack of compelling main quests, side quests, and a boring world. A challenge mode basically saves the game from being more of the same and finally allows the quality combat to shine.

First Light takes place in the first section of Seattle only, it stars Fetch and explores her backstory about her brother Brent. It is a compelling story with a quality villain and a good climax. The story will take you 3 to 4 hours to complete, there are about 12 main missions and they are as basic as ever. They even begin to repeat, seriously... for a small expansion Sucker Punch couldn't create enough new missions. One mission has you do this terrible shooting gallery kind of battle, it repeats three times and is not fun to begin with. Just like Second Son the campaign never gives you a good scenario to allow you to really let loose and the city doesn't provide good design to actually have a decent action sequence. The same boring enemies populate the expansion, no new boss battles either.

Seattle is now filled with glowing orbs to find which allow you to earn upgrades. Fetch has the neon power exclusively with some new tricks. There are now speed boosts littered around seattle, Fetch has better mobility which allows her to dart forward even in the air. Moving around has never been more fun. As you upgrade you gain static blast which freezes enemies in the air and neon missiles. The move set is a like a greatest hits of all powers and they all go together very well but you won't really get to appreciate them until the challenge mode.

The challenge mode takes place within a conduit detention center where you do battle against "holograms" of the enemies you face. There are three different room layouts, all have a large space with multiple platforms and boosts allowing for vertical gameplay. There are two modes per room, survival and rescue. Rescue has civilians summoned who will be shot if you don't rescue them quick enough. Survival is a straight up survival mode or horde mode. Both have a scoring system, the more you kill the more a multiplier rises, stronger enemies give more points. There are bonuses that can be absorbed giving you super lasers or invulnerability. The waves get harder and harder making you use every single skill you got, battles become ridiculous.

When you unlock the final room new kinds of enemies appear, virtual demons. These fly, some have super strength, one summons a bunch of robot spiders. These are the kinds of enemies the game desperately needed. At the higher waves the super soldiers get mixed with demons to create the most chaotic action ever put in an infamous game and man is it a blast. The combat can be so good; this challenge mode only reinforces how poorly the campaigns were designed. Delsin is playable as well but I found it far harder to fight the hordes with him, the multiple powers don't mesh well in an arena like setting. This is what Second Son needed, even this game can even use more challenges and modes.

First Light has the same mindblowing graphics as Second Son, by far the best showcase of graphics on the PS4. It is free on Plus right now so it is definitely worth a play. I think First Light is better game for the challenge mode alone, it is easily the most fun I had with either game.
Posted by Dvader Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:30:09
Mon, 26 Jan 2015 11:16:55
Why did you buy an expansion for a game you said was boring?
Mon, 26 Jan 2015 12:06:51
He didn't....its free for the month on PS Plus.

I downloaded it but who knows when I will play it. AlphaOmegaSin says he likes it more than Second Son, and the character is really cool.
Mon, 26 Jan 2015 16:17:46
As usual alphaomegasin proves he is awesome
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