You will want to drop dead.
Overall 4.50
I am angry that I even have to write about this crap fest. Some genious at Capcom thought it would be a good idea to port over a game to the wiithat actually used the power of the 360 to make its gameplay work. I understand that some games have much nicer graphics but other than that it can be replicated on the wii, NOT THIS GAME. What makes Dead Rising work is that it has so many zombies on screen that you have to plow your way through them to get to your objective, once you take that element out of it you have such a crappy game. On the wii you may get 20 zombies on screen at once, at any given time three or four maybeclose enough to you to attack. They are almost always spaced out enough that you can run past the majority of them without getting touched. To try to adjust to the small amount of zombies the game blocks off many paths, removes the ability to jump over objects allin an effort to steer you down small paths so you have to go through the few zombies it has. Still doesn't work, it just makes moving around the mall more annoying.

Also for some reason they couldn't make their own engine for this game, this game is basically RE4 with DR dressed over it. When I mean its RE4 I mean IT IS RE4. It has the exact same controls, yes it has tank controls, you cant move and shoot. It has the same exact guns as RE4, the same exact shooting animations, the same reloading animations, the same aiming cursor, the same button promts, the same sniper zoom in screen, and a merchant. Because its like RE4 the focus of the game has gone from melee weapons to shooting weapons. Most of the melee weapons are still there and yeah you can do a few wiimote motions to use them but for the most part you have so much ammo you never run out.Sadly unlike RE4 the enemies dont fit,shooting slow moving zombies is boring. You almost have to go out of your way to kill enemies which kills any of the fun of the combat. This version adds a few extra enemies like zombie poodles and parrorts... yeah it still sucks. I though boss fights would be better cause of the better shooting controls, nope, they all suck. Nothing was done to adjust this game to the new controls, it just feels bad.

But that is not the worst of it, Dead Rising 360 had a whole real time aspect to it. i know for some that was a negative, but it added a much needed pressure to the gameplay. It forced the player to decide whether to save a hostage or leave them to die cause there was not enough time. The time mixed with the huge crowds of zombies is what made the gameplay work on the 360. Without those aspects what you are left with is a series of escort missions, which is exactly what the entire Wii version is. The game is totally linear, you have to complete the current mission to get to the next one. Each civilian is a mission, you go to a screen and choose from about two or three different missions that require you to go to a certain section of the mall to rescue a person and bring them back. You cant do two missions at once you have to do one at a time. Run out of the office, run through the mall, get the civilian, run back. Over and over and over and over again. In between boring rescuing of people you get the story missions, which are ok at times. Luckily you get a shortcut system to make the trips easier, doesn't fix how boring it is.

This version is a total waste of time for anyone that played the real version, not one thing was done to make this better or make it fit on the wii. If you never played Dead Rising I recommend to still avoid it as its boring. At least it isnt broken, and it has a lot of content. Also when you beat the game you unlock missions that are actually fun, maybe the whole game should have been these crazy missions, like fight giant zombies. Other than that, the game is totally forgettable.
Posted by Dvader Tue, 14 Apr 2009 01:39:28
Tue, 14 Apr 2009 06:56:24
Vader did you play Spartan: Total Warrior on the Gamecube or PS2? That game had tons and tons of enemies. I think porting Ded Rising might or might not be a bad idea, but this point is moot. Capcom hardly tried, so we will never know what they could do if they really pushed it. 
Tue, 14 Apr 2009 09:12:24

"Also for some reason they couldn't make their own engine for this game, this game is basically RE4 with DR dressed over it."

How is it that no one else has pointed this out to date?  Good review Dvade.

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 22:02:02
Nope never played it Iga.  We know Capcom is lazy when it comes to the wii.
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