PlayStation 39.10
Overall 9.10
This is the Castlevania console game fans have been waiting for since SOTN, or is it? Everything you heard about this game not feeling like a CV game is true. It has some enemies, some locations and some names of the series but it never feels like a 3D version of the classic sidescroller we love. Instead think of it as a spin off or a stand alone action adventure game using the property. The good news is that it is one of the best action games you will find this gen and probably the best alternative to playing GoW.

LoS follows the template created by GoW but doesn't feel like a complete ripoff like Dante's Inferno. The way the camera follows you and the epic scale of the game is definitely GoW like but the structure of the game follows a more classic stage after stage setup. The games biggest strength is its great mix of action, puzzles and platforming. Real platforming that you control, no auto-jumping nonsense though its never really pushed until the end. Those expecting the usual lever pulling puzzles will be surprised to see real mind bending puzzles that are more traditional. Some stop the entire game and take you to a puzzle screen, at one point you play a simplistic form of chess against a vampire. I loved it,it maybe didn't flow with the game all that well but at least it wasn't the same kind of crap we see all the time. The puzzles were challenging and numerous, it really puts all other action games to shame.

For the action only fans the game has plenty for you as well. Don't expect DMC non stop insanity. This game has a more relaxed pacing, slower than that of even GoW. In some chapters you maybe fight one or two hordes of enemies but solve many puzzles, in others you battle a ton of foes. The pacing is handled well where you will switch up the gameplay at the right moments or get introduced to a new enemy or boss right as you were getting bored of the current ones. There are two kinds of boss fights, one is a titan battle which is a SotC ripoff (and not as good). These guys are more moving platforming challenges. There are the more traditional boss battles which are hit and miss but mostly of high quality.

The combat system is where most of my issues come from. It is a decent one that makes the player pay attention and not simply button mash. There is a magic system which imbues the player with either healing powers or more destructive powers. As you attack enemies you build up a combo meter, as long as you dont get hurt that combo meter grows and eventually reaches its max at which point every hit you perfrom on an enemy will release magic. You get to choose how to use that magic, for light or dark. Basically what the game wants you to do is play smart using blocks and dodges to not get hurt so that you may grow more powerful. Problem is to absorb the magic you have to stand still and hold down either L3 or R3, the worst possible buttons to press in a battle. Normally you are going to get smacked as you stand absorbing magic like an idiot, losing your combo which takes forever to start up again. Say you do manage to absorb the power and turn on a magic power in the middle of the fight now your attacks don't generate magic so soon your powers will stop and you will need to resume pounding on enemies and absorb all over again. It is hard to keep a good flow with the combat when the combat system itself starts adding restrictions when you use your powers. You have to use it, it becomes essential as the battles can be brutal I just wished it was handled better.

Other than the magic system the combat is very basic. Gabriel only has one weapon the entire game and it has the usual light and strong attacks you expect. There are sub weapons, only two are classic CV items, they can be very useful against specific types of enemies. At the start of the game the combat is hard and keeps the player on its toes even on medium difficulty. By the end of the game you are superpowered badass that rains down death on all those in your path. There are two final magic powers that might as well be cheat codes, one refills your life almost instantly and the other kills everything on the screen. My super hard playthrough was way easier than my first playthrough, once you get these powers nothing can stand in your way, it screams of balancing issues. Also aren't enemies supposed to get stronger and smarter on harder difficulties, instead they just have a larger life bar.

As a one playthrough experience the game is phenomenal. It is nearly a 20 hour massive journey that takes you to a load of varied locations and manages to stay fresh for those 20 hours. It has a good story with great voice acting and production values through the roof. The game is a feast for your eyes as it is one of the more beautiful games visually this generation. It has a ton of missions to perform on each level after you complete the game to add plenty of replayablity. The main issue is that when looked at as an action game it can't hold up to the best. Games like DMC and God of War have a certain swagger to them, as if every moment it wants to tell the player "you thought that last part was insane, hold on to your ass cause the next part will blow you away". LoS doesn't have that, the highs and lows stay even keeled throughout.

One of the finest action adventure games you will play this gen, not a great action game though.

(On a side note I want a real Castlevania game. This game was great but its CV only in name. I see they are setting up for sequels, honestly I don't want them. I will take a slightly more crappy game if it means capturing the essence of Castlevania in 3D.)
Posted by Dvader Sat, 04 Jun 2011 17:26:43
Tue, 07 Jun 2011 06:30:29
It's a long game. Did you get sick of it at any point? If not how did they keep your attention.

I also wonder if it would have sold better or worse if it lacked the CV brand.  The other 3D games have such a bad reputation I wonder if that warded off as many or more than were drawn in by the addition of the brand.
Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:23:57
I am a sick action game junkie, that is how it kept my attention. Remember I played it twice, and some levels 3 or 4 times to get platinum. I can totally see players get burned out mid game. The locations keep changing, the game does a good job of keeping things fresh but the combat stays kind of even for most of the game.
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