Nintendo Entertainment System8.00
Overall 8.00
Castlevania 3 is easily the best of the three NES CV games. In this title you begin to see glipses of what the franchise would become as its a game that offers branching paths and multiple characters to play as. It keeps the great action of the original but with those aformentioned additions adds a bit of that adventure quality to it that the second had, without the suckyness.

But NES Castlevania wasn't that great, it does not hold up as well as a game like Mega Man or Mario. The jumping is as stiff as it comes, what is worse is that this game expects you to do a lot of jumping. I think the boss fights in the original were better to be honest. The stairs are still a nightmare to use. My favorite, the get hit from one direction and get knocked the opposite way that natural physics intend, will cause you to die many times. It is hard as balls which will turn many away.  

It's a great NES game but this series has been so much better as time went on. If you crave an old school non Metroidvania game then this one is a good choice, but I would recommend the 16-bit ones first.

Posted by Dvader Tue, 13 Oct 2009 06:22:56
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