Platform | OVERALL |
PlayStation 3 | 9.00 |
Overall | 9.00 |
Modern Warfare 2 does what good sequels should do which is improve on the foundation started with the first game. Everything that was great about the first game is back. The exciting roller coaster single player and the massively addicting multiplayer. Some issues remain, for one the campaign is still as basic as FPS get, you basically just shoot everything as it comes at you, it is almost on rails. The campaign is also short like the first but for a campaign like this that may be a good thing. I did enjoy the campaign more than the first cause this one went an extra step into crazy Micheal Bay action land which I kind of like. The story is ridiculous but in a good game, the stuff you will see in this campaign will make blow you away. Like a great action movie it is a rush by the end of it I was yelling at my TV cheering on the hero as he finally killed that bastard villain. The gameplay scenarios are constantly changing, the core gameplay may not offer much but at least there is variety. The multiplayer builds one first game offering more perks to unlock. It is hard to get started because you start off with nothing but that RPG like level up system is as addicting as any online mode. There a multitude of levels and modes to play, it is the premier online game for a reason. My favorite addition is spec ops mode which is basically objective based missions to complete alone or in co-op mode. These missions cover a variety of situations like one is simply a survive mode, one is a stealth mission, one is a sniper focused mission. The gameplay truly shines in these modes, more so than the campaign. There are rankings to every mission, some are decided by difficulty modes other by time. This mode gives the single player the depth the first game lacked. Graphically the game is stunning. The musical score is one of the best I have heard all year. It has a great voice cast. It is very polished, it has tons of replay value, it is simply one of the best games of the year. |
Posted by Dvader Mon, 28 Dec 2009 23:35:42
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travo (39s)
Been waiting to read this. Nice review, I will pick it up either at hobo price on 360 or when it gets ported with IR to wii. The spec ops sounds great. I love sniper missions, but not like ones where you have to crawl or wait about for ages, which makes repeat play restrictive.
What about grenades falling at your feet? Still there?
This is another one of those games where I just can't understand haters. Some of the comments by these morons are ridiculous and bias.
The truth is that it is a great game and one of the best this year.
And @GG...I hope you can find it at hobo prices. The first one is still sold at full price! I say just get it now. It's worth it...but only if you get the full multiplayer experience.
And are you talking about martyr grenades or the CPU spamming grenades at you during the single player game?
CPU spam.
I dont play the multiplayer in FPS mostly, not online anyway. I prefer co-op to competitive in shooters.
I wont get it full price because I will get like a 5 hour single player.
ASK what do you mean by this?
"Some of the comments by these morons are ridiculous and bias."
What kind of comments?