PlayStation 39.50
Overall 9.50
This game deserves a more in depth review but i have put it off for to long, so here is the short version. This game is AMAZING. It's up there with some the most immersive games ever made. Every inch of rapture is so detailed, so memorable. The game oozes with this creepy atmosphere, its dark, you see shadows moving, crazy voices around corners. What a memorable setting.

Hey and the game is awesome to play as well. Bioshock is constantly thrusting the player into new scenarios, always moving you toward something new. It's a FPS so the standard guns are present but the plasmids (they act like spells)adds that unique element to the combat that makes this game stand out from the rest. The gunplay could be a little better, it doesn't feel as solid as a FPS like Halo. Also you can find a certain combination of attacks that work so well that you never really need to use anything else. But even with those few drawbacks the gameplay remains engaging to the very end.

It's a long game, it kind of feels like a FPS RE4. I loved almost every moment of this game. It is one of those one large location games like a Dead Space, so don't expect much variety in the areas you visit. Its not like HL2 where the gameplay variety includes car chases, boat rides, zombie villages, etc. Bioshock mostly sticks to it's core gameplay while putting the player into many memorable situations, most of them being different than the last.

Easily one of the best FPS I have ever played.
Posted by Dvader Tue, 13 Oct 2009 01:26:09
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