PlayStation 38.50
Overall 8.50
I am copy pasting these impressions into my review so that is why its structured so weird.

The ending had to be one of the most colossal failures in gaming history, and that includes the final "boss" or whatever that was.That aside its a great game, really unique combat style that kept me entertained to the very end. Grin nailed the swinging mechanics because of that the game works. Could it have been better sure, I read GSs review in which it states that the levels are to empty at times, that the game teases you with possibilities. I guess it's accurate, it sort of stays in it's own comfort zone but I felt it had plenty of big set pieces and cool action moments. While the levels are linear in nature the game provides maps with plenty of room to play around with. The gunplay is simple, I feel with some tweaks this game could easily be one of the best of the year and it starts with the gunplay. Maybe they should have added a sort of slow motion trigger, that way you can actually shoot decently while swinging. The guns definetely need more pop to them it feels like you got pea shooters. Perhaps some more variety to them. I did like that every single gun was useful in its own way, so many games give you a bunch of weapons you never use, this game makes sure to have a clear advantage for each.

I felt the game had a good length withplenty of side items and challenges to discover as well. The story is terrible, i dont understand what happened especially considering how simple a concept the original had. It worked for that game I dont get what they were trying to do with this one. Eh who cares about that anyway. There are some good boss fights but sadly they get progressively worse as the game goes on. Graphically I feel its on of the more beautiful games to look at not cause of graphical power but because of asthetics, it's very green with some beautiful vistas to look at. Some areas seem like an homage to areas from the original. The music is superb, think classical music mixed with the NES soundtrack. I hardly tried multiplayer, to be fair it was almost impossible to find a game but from what I played it seemed ok, nothing great.

Overall one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I have had this year. Sure the game could use a bit more polish, maybe some more enemy variety. They could improve the combat signficantly with a sequel (which will never happen with those sales...  ) but a very enjoyable first effort. So glad I got to play it.

Posted by Dvader Sat, 17 Oct 2009 00:11:14
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