PlayStation 45.00
Overall 5.00
How do I score this game? It did not work for over a month, the online was mostly broken and the campaign save file would be randomly deleted. I had so much to play that I never even bothered to try this game until the patch fixed things, so it didnt really effect me but still should that be taken account in my score, thats disgusting.

I actually liked the campaign, they fixed most of this issues I had with BF3. Vehicles are used in certain setpieces, though not as much as they should have been. Larger battlefields were common which allowed for some actual strategy. An arcade like scoring system was included which made getting headshots and quick multiple kills a priority. It was basically a CoD clone but at least this one was on par with CoD. Its still ridiculously short and they could do so much more with the vehicles. A really really good campaign could be made with a game like this but sadly all attention is put on the multiplayer.

So this time I really wanted to give the multiplayer a good try. So I start a match, walk around and bam I'm dead. What who killed me? Ok lets try again, bam dead, WTF. I walk dead. I drive a vehicle dead. I try to hide, dead. I don't understand this game, its insane long distance combat that I am terrible at. Plus there are so many people that you feel like an insignificant ant. In team based games like this I usually go do the objectives. In Killzone I can alone effect a battle and turn the tides to my teams favor. In this game that is impossible, you really need a full squad to do anything and that is usually reserved for clan level play.

This multiplayer is not for me at all. I had no fun, I felt overwhelmed by everything. Its a shame cause it seems extremely robust and the things you can do are insane, but I will never be good enough a player to experience all of that. For some this kind of multiplayer is amazing, not for me.

Posted by Dvader Sun, 02 Feb 2014 02:54:09
Sun, 02 Feb 2014 19:31:24
do u pay 4 thrse gMES?
Sun, 02 Feb 2014 19:35:56
B2 G1 Free, I have since turned it in for $40.
Sun, 02 Feb 2014 23:21:19
About how many hours would you say is the SP campaign is, Vader? I may get the game when it's cheap if the SP is of a decent length.
Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:45:07
About 4-5 hours.

But do not buy this game just for the campaign
Tue, 04 Feb 2014 11:10:37
but didn't u not like the other 2 games too? killzone/nfs
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