PlayStation 37.50
Overall 7.50
Afro Samurai is a very solid action game. It uses the dial a combo type combat, it's got giant strings of button presses to make combos, it never works the way it should. To do an advanced move it takes like 10 button presses with good timing, and the moves doesnt do much of anything special. Button mashing can get you by in terms of regular combat. The hook of the combat is the focus move which slows down time and allows you to charge up a slash while targeting a specific area of the body. This results in a fountain of blood as the person gets cut in pieces. I found the game mechanic to be fun as hell and it fits well with some boss fights.

The game is rather basic action game stuff, it throws waves and waves of enemies at you. Most of the enemies are the same, the strategy never really changes. Just slash at everything and you will be fine. There are a few switches to pull, a platforming section or two and boss fights but other than that there is not much variety to the gameplay. The game is short as well, took me 6 hours to finish, not much of a challenge either.

I loved the art style, I think the game is beautiful to look it. The music is fantastic it's mostly hip-hop in nature so I was right at home. Samuel L. Jackson should in voice actor of the year, it's vintange SLJ. When he curses it is like poetry. He is down right hilarious at times as well. I liked the whole theme and stylleof the game but sadly the story was a mess, it felt like random pieces of a story stuck together. Half the time I felt like I was skipping chapters in the tale.

Its a good action game, it's on the higher tiers of the action game spectrum in terms of combat systems. But you need a challenge and you need enemies that will force you to alter your strategy, missing those two aspects bring the game down.

Posted by Dvader Sat, 17 Oct 2009 00:21:51
Sun, 18 Oct 2009 02:29:46
I've been waiting for this one to drop to hobo-level pricing. How long is it? 10 hours?
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